Day 17 of 40

When You Can’t Pray

“I have had enough LORD…take my life…I’m no better than my ancestors.” | 1 KINGS 19:4

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain:

“The enemy knows right when to move in and attack after a great work of God. In our minds, we think that after such a great move of the Spirit, hearts will soften and turn to the Lord. A revival will flood the church, and powerful transformation will take place! But then random things begin to happen; unexpected events occur in the form of emails, phone calls, job losses, sickness, or depression. Discouragements like these can over when the soul… When all you are able to do is groan in pain, your Father gives you great prayer warriors, the Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus, to pray on your behalf.”

Be reminded that, like Elijah, everyone faces their dark night of the soul. Perhaps you have already faced a season like this or you are one right now. Remember, even in your discouragement, God will not give up on you.

Today’s prayer: God, give me the strength needed to continue in prayer during the good times and bad.