Day 18 of 40

Find God in a Cave

“And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” | 1 KINGS 19:12-13

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain

“Our Father’s heart is filled with overwhelming love and compassion, and He longs for us to hear this. Many times, it is in prayer that we are in tune to His gentle whisper; a whisper of love that brings deep healing to our hurting soul… He is waiting for you to come to His Holy Mountain and find a quiet place where you can hear the whisper of His voice.”

How has God spoken to you in a time of difficulty that got your attention? What did His voice sound like to you?

Today’s prayer: God, thank you for carrying me through the difficult seasons in life with your unfailing love and compassion.