Day 28 of 40

One of the Greatest Prayers

“I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” | JOHN 17:26

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain:

“Consequently, when the Holy Spirit unleashed the truth of Jesus’ prayer into my heart, I began to constantly pray the words of Jesus: ‘Father, show me the love you have for your Son is the same love you have for me.’ This prayer started to become the focal part of my prayer life. It infused my mind and heart with a healing love, which brought me into a new identity as a loved son whose Father will never let him go.”

If Jesus now reigns in your life and you believe in the forgiveness of your sins by trusting Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, how does the Heavenly Father look at you?

Today’s prayer: Father, show me the love You have for Your Son is the same love You have for me.