Day 36 of 40

The Throwing Prayer

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” | 1 PETER 5:7

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain:

“The word cast means to throw. So Peter is literally giving permission to throw all fear, distractions, worries, and sins to Jesus. You know where Jesus puts all that stuff? The cross! The cross is the place where all our burdens, sin, and junk are hung. He carries the load, and you are free to run with His perfect heart of righteousness into the arms of a loving Father who cares for you.”

As you journey up Prayer Mountain, why is it important to “travel light?” What does it look like to “throw” your “anxiety” on God?

Today’s prayer: Jesus, I give you my burdens and worries that are hindering my climb up prayer mountain.