What a Glorious Bride!

Recently my wife and I had the joy of being in four different churches in four weeks. I can truly say “JOY” because of how the Spirit used each worship experience to paint a glorious picture of what He is up to. There may be many challenges facing the church today, as we hear or know of scandals and failures. Yet, in spite of this, the Spirit is busy behind the scenes dressing up the glorious bride, the church to be made ready for the return of Jesus, the Bridegroom.

We saw this beauty in multicolored ways in gatherings which represented every tribe and nation in the Southern most part of Africa. The services varied in length from 4 hours to a hour and the worship expressed the different cultures represented. One was filled with exuberant dancing and movement and another with reflective songs on a screen led by piano.  There was a choir of kids and teenagers with angelic voices, testimonies of praise for God’s faithfulness that went on for over an hour, baptisms, communion, food given out to needy families, celebrations members joining the church, altars filled with broken people needing prayer and salvation, and always the Word of God preached pointing to Christ.

Even though none of these churches can boast in their buildings, budgets, or being a mega church, they each are transforming the community around them. One church had the a large group of young children who came on their own seeking a place of love and safety from their difficult home environments. Another church which was built on a former dump was filled with single moms, drug dealers, gang members, abused children, Muslims, all looking for hope in the midst of extreme poverty.

At another service we talked to a man named John, who has been the head boss of one of the gangs in our city. He was invited to an 10 week Alpha course at church and at the end of the course gave his life to Christ and was one of the people being baptized that day. I could fill up several blogs telling story after story of how the Holy Spirit is using each of these bodies to bring the message of a new Kingdom that has broken into the world through the resurrected Christ.

These four very diverse and culturally different worship experiences gave us so much hope and joy for what the Holy Spirit is doing in our world. Over 2000 years ago Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead and placed on the throne as The Sovereign ruler over the earth until He comes again. At His ascension the Holy Spirit was released and the gates of hell simply cannot stop the Bride of Christ. This powerful Gospel message transforms the darkest of souls.

We as followers of Christ should be the most hopeful people living on the planet. Our God is busy dressing us and making us glorious to glow before the nations with His love and He extends an invitation to the wedding celebration that is soon to come.  We are thankful for what He showed us those four weeks and hopeful that the best is yet to come!

“Come’, says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears the duet join them in saying, “Come” and let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink freely. Come!” (Rev. 22:17)