Slice of Life: Laundry and Lives Changed
Written by Patty Spykstra
After several days of battling the stomach flu, and eating crackers I was happy to be mostly back to normal. With students on campus during the week, Saturday was laundry day. I found myself singing as I carried the basket of wet clothes to the laundry line, always finding pleasure in pinning the clean items to dry in the bright sunshine!
In the afternoon Tim attended his first professional rugby game, the Stormers versus the Bulls which included a half time competition of racing dinosaur mascots!! I met friend Thobeka to cheer on her grandson playing in a grade 9 cricket match. It was a great change of pace day!
On Sunday the wind and sunshine that made the blankets I had washed so fresh and clean returned. Tim and I walked to Fish Hoek beach with a bowl of fruit to join Pastor Raymond and Pamela. This was a special day with OceanView and Jim se Bos churches witnessing over 15 baptisms. Transportation was arranged for people from the townships to spend the morning at the beach. The excitement was tangible. The Holy Spirit was ever present. The singing, the joy, the kids playing in the sand, the beach goers walking by, from babies and 84 year old “Ma” we all gathered together!
I’m not sure if it was because I was recovering from being sick or because I knew the names and stories of a few being baptized, but my senses were acutely aware and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as if in a dream. Tim, Pastor Raymond and Mandy shared some words and Scripture directed to those being baptized. Then the group proceeded into the rhythmic crashing waves. Present were several Muslim gangsters, a young adult who had lost sight in one eye, and people of all ages seeking to be found and loved by THE heavenly Father. Each going under the water with their sin and shortcomings and then emerging from the Atlantic Ocean with arms raised up to Jesus, the ONE who makes all things new.
As sandwiches, fruit and drinks were handed out two moms asked Pastor Raymond about dedicating their children to the Lord. It was a beautiful spontaneous moment as Pastor Raymond motioned for Pamela, Tim and myself to pray. The 19 year old mom held her toddler daughter up to the Lord with quiet tears. The other child dedicated, a boy about 5 years old, looked up and saw birds flying in formation. With great excitement he pointed it out for all to see. It was a holy moment. Pamela defined it well, “It was as if a circle, a whirlpool of His love was surrounding us all on this very beach.”
Time stood still. No one wanted to leave. However it was now time for children to shower off. It was time to return to shacks. To return to the clamor and return to those waking up from hangovers. Yet each person returned with a full stomach and full heart!
As the bus departed and we returned to the safety of our flat with water, electricity, and ample provision-I prayed for the woman who had hoped to be baptized, but instead was beaten by her boyfriend and too badly bruised to come. I believe in my heart The Father saw her and the loving arms of Jesus wrapped her in a fresh blanket blown by the One who created the wind and sun, by the One who makes all things new.
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord: yes, I will remember the miracles of long ago. I will consider all Your works and meditate on all Your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77: 11,12
Perhaps take a moment to pause, to meditate, to take a deep breath. Then take a moment to recall the Lord’s works in the ordinary and in the supernatural.