Mount Trust – Yada

A few Sundays ago our family heard a challenging sermon on one of the greatest mountain hikes of all time. It was Moses’ accent up Mount Hebron for the second time after the children of Israel rejected the LORD and chose a golden calf. In Exodus 33 we read the passionate dialogue between God and Moses. In this conversation God states that He has had enough of these stiff-necked people and will not personally lead them to the Promised Land, He will send an angel instead.

Moses replies boldly and earnestly says to the LORD, “if Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us from here,” (vs. 15). Moses doesn’t want an angel to lead them; he desires only the glorious presence of God. He would rather be stuck in the barren wilderness than journey on without the intimate presence of the LORD. Moses knew a deep friendship with the Father; he talked face to face with Him, “as a man speaks to a friend,” (vs. 11). Moses would not leave with out His Presence.

Proverbs 3:5-6 makes the same point, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your way acknowledge Him…” At the heart of these verses is the little Hebrew word, yada, translated acknowledge. Yada is an experiential and intimate knowledge of another person. I would translate verse 6 like this: “in all your ways make it your passion to intimately know Him…” This describes Moses’ deep personal friendship with the LORD. Yada is the objective of Mount Trust; everything flows out of an intimate trust relationship with Father God. The goal of climbing Mount Trust is Yada, to be drenched by the river of God’s glorious presence. Moses refused to move on unless he knew God’s presence accompanied him, we should do the same in our lives.

Our family, challenged by the sermon, ended 2015 by praying Moses’ prayer on the mountain, “Now shows me your glory,” (vs. 18). Moses wanted a deeper revelation of God’s glory. It was granted to him! The evidence was reflected in the radiance of God’s glory bestowed upon him and a renewed strength to follow His leading.

What if we daily prayed these words of Moses in 2016? What if we asked for a fresh revelation of the Father’s Glory as we climb Mount Trust? The Father delights in answering your prayers for Yada, His presence, and in His perfect timing will flood you with more of His glorious intimate presence! May you radiant Him in 2016!