Learning from the Language of Heaven – O come Let us Adore Him

One of my all-time favorite Christmas Choruses is “O Come Let Us Adore Him.” The powerful lyrics and music bring forth such exuberant praise for the amazing gift of Jesus-graciously given to us by a Good Father.
The other morning I asked Siri to play the triumphant song on YouTube and she did not disappoint as this glorious rendition sung by Bethel Worship popped up:
What was so powerful about this video was as the song was sung people were baptized. Each person emerged from the water with hands raised and cheers ringing out. Wow! Christ was jubilantly glorified indeed! I encourage you to take a few moments, click on the link, and be blessed this Christmas Day!
This glorious scene links with the last chapter in Revelation. This invitation is extended:
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life, (Rev. 22:17).
The people heard the call of the “Spirit” and the “Bride” (the church) and jumped into the “water of life” the River of God that flows from the healing wounds of Christ the LORD. They came to Jesus as their Savior and Lord and joined the choirs of Heaven to sing His glory for all ages.
This is the goal of Heaven’s Language, the words from Revelation call us to come and adore the Father and the Son through the work of the Holy Spirit.
We are created to “come and behold Him born the King of angels,” to adore Him and “Give to our Father glory in the Highest!”
This Christmas Day, listen to the invitation of the Spirit of Heaven calling you to COME to your Father and Jesus your Savior and drink in abundance from the “free gift of the water of life,” and as you do may you find peace for your soul.
Merry Christmas from Oceans Ministries! We thank you for your gifts of prayer and support as we call spiritual and physical orphans to experience the love of God the Father! sW