The Path to Spiritual Wealth – Obedience


If you had millions of dollars generated by several successful businesses could you walk away from it to follow the Father’s heart? That’s exactly what Charles Mully did over 27 years ago. This boy who was once abandoned and grew up on the streets of Kenya has an unlikely stratospheric rise out of poverty into a position of wealth and power. In the midst of a season of abundant material blessings he hears God’s voice calling him to sell everything and invest in the lives of orphaned children across the land. Against the better judgment of family, friends, and even the church community he obeys the voice of God risking his family’s security as well as his own life.


As Patty and I watched the movie Mully we were bombarded by a host of extreme emotions as well as the question could we do what he and his family did? I don’t want to give the full story away but it reminded me of the miraculous story of Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land.


As I contemplated Charles Mully’s life journey the word obedience kept coming to mind. Obedience is costly. Obedience to the call of God produces spiritual wealth, and this spiritual wealth satisfies the soul more deeply than any amount of worldly wealth. What are some of the spiritual riches that come from Biblical Obedience?


  1. Communion – The greatest riches of all is intimate communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (John 14:23).
  2. Comforter & Counselor- When you are doing the will of God He fills you with the comfort and wise counsel of His Spirit (John 14:15,26).
  3. Contentment – Obedience leads to the fullness of a content spirit where you have all you need in the Father’s love (Phil. 4:11-13).
  4. Courage – When you walk in obedience you are given a courageous spirit to do what the world calls crazy (Josh. 1:9).
  5. Commendation – A life style of obedience will lead to the King saying: Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.                   (Matthew 25:34-36).


The movie Mully both challenged and encouraged me. It probed the depths of my soul. It reminded me of the importance of listening to the voice of my Father and responding in obedience. In a world that bombards our minds with the lie that worldly wealth and power is the only true satisfier of the soul it was good to get a glimpse into the life of Mully. His walk of obedience filled his soul with the fullness of God. His “yes” spilled over to countless orphans who have been rescued by a display of tangible love-which is truly the love of God in Christ Jesus.

The 3rd Heaven! Living in Victory!


This Christmas my daughter Anna gave her sister Sarah a book called The Happy Intercessor by Beni Johnson. In case you don’t know I love books, so while I only intended to check out the chapter headings I ended up reading the entire book. I found the book to be a great read and if you at all feel a call as an intercessor this book is especially apropos.


As I read the book I was reminded of the heavenly realms that exist. This is not always talked about in our circles but definitely backed up by scripture.


  1. The First Heaven – The physical realm, which is where we exist (Rev. 21:1).
  2. The Second Heaven – The spiritual realm with angels and demons and includes spiritual battles which we are often unaware of (Rev. 14:6 and Daniel 10:13).
  3. The Third Heaven –Where followers of Christ experience eternal life and where the Glory of God dwells (2 Cor. 12:2,4).


The book highlights the indescribable gift we anxiously await-it is truly beyond words what we will experience as beloved children of the King to live and dwell in the Third Heaven. Ephesians 2:6 declares this life changing truth:


And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the

Heavenly realms in Christ Jesus …


The “Heavenly Realm” or the 3rd Heaven is where Jesus reigns with the Father far above all rule and authority, power and dominion…(Eph. 1:21). In Christ we are positioned in a powerful place far above the demonic strongholds of our enemy.


What would happen in 2018 if as Children of the King we lived into this reality? What would happen if believers boldly prayed from this place of victory? These were questions I asked myself as I read the book and thoughts I recorded.


May these TRUTHS encourage you as they did me!


  1. I can daily live in a place of extravagant and secure love from the Triune God.
  2. I have access to all the resources and gifts of grace from heaven.
  3. I can live in complete confidence in the Sovereign Reign of Jesus working out everything for good and the Father’s glory, Everything!!!
  4. I don’t have to fear anything in the future for I’m already living by the Spirit in my eternal home. I know my inheritance will be glorious.
  5. I can be part of a miraculous move of God where “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea,” (Hab. 2:14).
  6. I can live fearlessly because I daily see my Father’s face, which is the greatest of all gifts.


What if in 2018 we realized and lived from the Third Heaven? I claim this VICTORY! May you claim this VICTORY TOO!!