Encountering the Lamb

After the dream, shared in last week’s blog, I have been dwelling on Revelation 12:11 each day. The Holy Spirit has captivated my attention and continues to reveal the importance of combatting the aggressive assaults of the Dragon.

As the text states, “They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb…” The word “Blood” is vital to the battle, and the significance of the blood will be unpacked next week, but notice where the blood flows from “the Lamb.”

 The first time the “Lamb” is mentioned in the book of Revelation is chapter 5:6. After this introduction He, The Lamb, becomes the central figure in the rest of Revelation. The victory over the enemy is in direct relationship to the Lamb. Those who overcome the Dragon have the blood mark of the Lamb upon their foreheads (7:4).

The conquers, who have been marked by Father God, demonstrate their saving trust in Him by Prayer and Praise. Those who have truly encountered the Lamb do battle on their knees in prayer and through continual worship of the Lamb.

I challenge you to read Revelation 5 and circle each time the word “Lamb” is mentioned. It is amazing to see all of heaven and His followers doing these two things, prayer and praise, repeated over and over again:

“…Each of them had a harp and golden bowls brimming full of sweet fragrant incense –which are the prayers of God’s holy lovers. And they were all singing this new song of praise to the Lamb:

‘Because You were slaughtered for us, You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals. Your blood was the price paid to redeem us. You purchased us to bring us to God out of every tribe, language, people group, and nation. You have chosen us to serve our God and formed us into a kingdom of priests who reign on the earth.” (5:8-10).

Those who have truly encountered the Lamb and know His and the Father’s forgiveness and love will battle with the weapons of Prayer and Praise!

During our time in the states my wife Patty and I can give testimony to times we have witnessed believers gathering for Prayer and Praise! In June we joined a Sunday night prayer time at a former church we pastored. This prayer gathering came out of several teams who had served in Africa and visited a Monday prayer service we attend. This experience spurred them to start one. We were overwhelmed by the worship and heartfelt prayers brought before the Lamb being led by high school students. You could feel heaven come to earth as the praises and prayers went up and strongholds of the enemy being shattered. We left so encouraged to see hearts arrested by love for The Lamb.

Then in July we joined some of our family at a Prayer and Praise service at a local church. It was much needed as we both faced some follow up medical appointments and will soon be returning to South Africa. I estimated at least 1000 people of all ages worshiping and crying out to God in prayer. We went in with anxious but expectant hearts and left feeling hope and victory through the glorious Lamb who is bringing revival to the nations through prayer and praise.

Patty and I have sensed this powerful warfare swirling in our midst and these words of scripture and the Prayer and Praise times have been a source of strength and renewed our spirits as we keep looking at the Lamb in the midst of the battle.

Perhaps you have also sensed spiritual battles close at hand. As followers of Jesus together we can once again refocus our sight and look upon a blooded Lamb, who died in our place. I believe the Holy Spirit is pointing us back to the Lamb to find victory over this present darkness we are living in. Our response is to offer prayer and praise not only with words, but also by living a life filled with prayer and praise for His and our victory!




It’s Time to Fight!

On July 2 at 12:30 AM I woke up from a dream that left me overwhelmed. I got up searched for my journal to write it down. It would take far too long to share all the details but the word “fight” kept coming up. In one of the scenes I preached at a funeral service with only five minutes to prepare. When I asked the Lord what should I preach He brought me to Revelation 12:11:

“They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb and the powerful word of His testimony. They triumphed because they did not love and cling to their own lives, even when faced with death.” (TPT)

Even though this scripture seemed unusual for a funeral service-I felt the Father wanted the church to fight in this manner. Later in my dream the same theme came forth again-but this time on a football field. The head coach instructed me to go into the locker room and tell the team the only way they could win against a more powerful team was to “fight courageously!”

By this time I was wide awake, so I spent the next several hours writing, reading Revelation 12, and praying over the dream. Revelation 12 summarizes the spiritual battle that wars all throughout the Bible and mirrors what continues to this day. A fight in the heavenly realms manifests itself on earth. The “fiery red dragon,” also known as Satan, with horns of power and a massive tail has waged a war against the Father’s glory, Jesus His Son, and all the children born of the Holy Spirit.

But praise be to our Father God, this chapter declares the Son born of a woman defeated the “serpent, the ancient snake called the devil,” (vs. 9). Revelation 12 highlights the victory of the cross and the present reign of Christ through His people the church.

However, even though the victory is secured forever for those in Christ, the battle is not over yet. The dragon despite suffering a mortal wound is hell bent on warring against the Father’s children, those who seek to follow His command and hold fast to their love for His Son Jesus, (vs. 17).

I don’t know about you, but I feel that battle all around. The Deceiver and his horde of demons continue to spew out hate, lies, condemnation, fear, discord. As Christians we come face to face with a culture of death and destruction much like a raging flood. Satan’s desire is to lure Abba’s children into living defeated lives. He also desires to keep those living in the bondage of sin as far from the love of Christ as he possibly can. He does not want anyone to know that Jesus can bring full forgiveness and freedom.

Pondering the dream and this incredible passage of Scripture I hear the Spirit say “It’s time to fight!” Fight for Abba’s children to live in the fullness of Christ salvation. Fight for the lost that they may hear the saving message of the cross. It’s time for the bride of Christ to awake and be a light in the darkness.

For the next few blogs I want to look deeper into verse 11 and how we are called to fight With His Blood, With His Testimony, and With the Fear of the Lord.

I challenge you to spend some time reading and praying through Revelation 12. Let the Holy Spirit both guide and encourage you in the fight!




Dancing in the Kingdom!

Anita & Bernie (Director of the Care Center)

Blog Written by Anita Geurink

I came to Fish Hoek as a chaperone for the Holland Christian Team, from Holland, Michigan. I spent 7 years of my life living in Maseru, Lesotho where I was able to serve God by helping to run Beautiful Gate Child Care Centre. I have been back in Michigan for 4 years, and I am beyond thankful that God gave me the opportunity to come to Fish Hoek to Oceans Retreat Centre.

I spent some time at the Oceans Care Centre helping in classrooms, washing dishes, preparing meals and playing with kids. These kids come from some of the most dangerous and broken homes you could imagine, yet they smiled and played with us with such joy. I was amazed at their resilience, but as I thought deeper upon what we learned, I realized that they were desperate for the only hug they might get all day. They were desperate to be seen and noticed because they come from a place of brokenness, abuse, gang violence, and poverty. Johann, who started the Oceanview Care Centre, shared insight into the lives these kids face outside of this safe place and it is heart breaking. Getting a chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus and sharing the love of their precious Heavenly Father was a blessing, and I feel honored that God would entrust us with such a responsibility.

We spent other parts of our trip in a township called Jim Se Bos. We helped make a meal for 600-700 people living in the township. We learned that there was a devastating fire (I think 200 houses were destroyed in the fire and others damaged) there about a year ago and while some homes have been rebuilt thanks to the work of Pastor Raymond, there are many families who are still displaced. We also had the opportunity to help Pastor Raymond with getting 20 kids set for winter. He had some donated clothing that our team could look through and then find some shoes, socks, and sweatshirts for the kids to wear this winter. When we looked at the condition of the clothing that we were giving to the kids, it is clear that they were given out of love and out of poverty. One of the most encouraging things I encountered was that the communities have some people who are working hard to help one another out even though they barely have enough for themselves.

After we washed, clothed, fed, and played games with the 20 kids from Jim Se Bos, Pastor Raymond decided that we needed to do a little dancing for Jesus. Pastor Raymond, a former Fire Chief, has such a contagious joy! He got a speaker and started playing some loud Christian music and we danced and laughed with the kids. There were several adults from the community who came with the kids, and they were laughing and dancing too. As I look back at that time, it was just a small moment where they could be taken out of their daily struggles and have a little extra joy. We cannot imagine the depth of their pain and needs but having a moment to share God’s love through giving, and joy through singing and dancing was special.

I walk away from this trip with so many thoughts and it is hard to express each one. I am broken by the abuse and violence that they kids go through in their townships. As I played with kids, I had a moment where I just cried thinking that 25% of the boys could one day join the gang violence, and countless girls raped or possibly trafficked. I had to stop myself and really take control of my mind because I don’t really think those numbers (current statistics in these townships) are going to be true. I see God working in those townships. Oceanview Care Centre is blessed to have teachers who instill in these kids that they are VALUED and SEEN by their Heavenly Father, and they are never alone, THAT is going to change some of them forever. Having people provide food and love will show them that they matter, and they are special. I see both ministries as an opportunity to change the lives of these kids, as well as the teachers and volunteers that are involved. I see God showing up for the children and being the perfect, unchanging, loving, and never leaving Father that they all need. I am thankful that I got to experience just a small part of who Ocean’s Ministries is partnering with, and to witness God bringing hope to some communities who are in desperate need of His hope.

Every Day is Father’s Day!

I’m sure you know by now this coming Sunday is Father’s Day. There will be get togethers, barbecues, special outings, and cards sent in the mail to celebrate fathers. It is a good time to honor earthly fathers who play such an important role in the family.

At the heart of Oceans Ministries is to make the Father’s love known to spiritual and physical orphans around the world. In essence to make every day Father’s Day! I would emphatically say the greatest thing you can do in life is make every day a day where you honor and acknowledge your Father in Heaven.

This is exactly what Jesus did. In fact the first time Jesus’ words are recorded in the Gospels was at the age of 12. You remember how His parents were frantically looking for Him for 3 days after the Passover Feast and finally found Him in the temple, His response was:

“Why were you searching for me…didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house!” Lk.2:49

Already Jesus knew that the most important relationship in His life was the Father-both spending time with Him and following His will. He would later say:

“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing..For the Father loves the Son and shows Him in all He does.” Jn 5:19-20

If Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, every day is a day we are unconditionally loved by the Father.  Everyday He offers us forgiveness through the gift of Jesus.  Everyday He is speaking His love to us through His Word, creation, and others He puts in our lives. Everyday He is providing for daily needs and watches us over us with Fatherly protection.  Every moment of the day we can speak to Him and we can be assured that He hears us and responds to each request we make with perfect love. The list of loving gifts we receive daily from the Father goes on and on.

Jesus continues to teach me that Father’s Day is Every Day.  And just as Jesus did I’m to daily seek the Father in His heavenly temple and daily bathe in rivers of His unconditional love.  I’m also called to respond to that love with my life as an offering of praise every day.

Father’s Day is always a good reminder to me that every day I’m to write my Heavenly Father a card of thanks for giving me the gift of Him. A Perfect Father with an unlimited supply of love that will carry me forever in His arms.

Today write your Father in heaven a card, thank Him for all the amazing gifts He daily gives to you as His beloved son or daughter.

Perfect Peace

We’ve heard people say being grandparents is the absolute best, and both the Verkaik’s and the Spykstra’s can add an emphatic YES to that! In the last few months Mike and Dawn and Patty and I have been blessed to add two grandson’s to the Oceans’ Team.

We lost our hearts the moment the little miracle was placed in our arms. Even though we were warned by many how amazing it is we still weren’t ready for the overwhelming bond of love cascading out of our souls.

I told Patty, I have found my new calling, a stay at home grandpa. I will miss my wife when she heads back to South Africa, but someone has to make the sacrifice to be watch my little buddy! 🙂

In all seriousness it is a miraculous gift that Abba Father uses to remind us what really matters in life and the gripping power of love. When we’ve had the opportunity to babysit Owen, time stands still and hours seem like a few minutes as we once again rediscover what caring for a baby is all about.

During one of those precious moments of holding him and watching him sleep I thought about Isaiah 26:3:

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!”

This to me is about as good as it can get at describing what “perfect peace” looks like. Even though outside the walls of the house chaos and pain seemed to be swirling out all over the world. All Owen and Abram know at the moment is love, warmth, security, free food when he cries and a whole lot of adoring attention from mom, dad, and a host of family and friends.

As I thought about the latest headlines in the news; the demonic shootings, atrocities of war, political corruption, food shortages, corporate greed, and on and on the list could go. Abba Father said, “become like a little baby again rest on my lap and fix your eyes on Me and let Me hold you. securely in my arms.”

Something happens when we rest on our Father’s lap-gazing into HIs glorious face – as the old hymn declares:

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things on earth will grow strangely deem in the light of His glory and grace.”

Thank you baby Owen and Abram for teaching your grandparents again that perfect peace comes from the Prince of Peace who holds His kids in HIs forever loving hands.