Inner Healing


“In order to get rid of the rats you need to take out the garbage!” Those attending the Discover Inner Healing Conference certainly won’t forget this vivid illustration used by Danell Czarnecki.

The enemy comes in like rats eating away at our soul, feasting on our past hurts, wounds, trauma, and bitter roots that have attached themselves to our lives.

“See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Heb. 12:15

 We can try everything to push the demonic lies that eat away at our soul, but they will keep coming back like pesky rats-until that which “defiles” us is removed AND replaced by the healing presence of Jesus.

Danell’s teaching helped those attending to identify past traumas and uncover the places where bitter roots have grown deep roots and kept even believers in bondage and fear. She emphasized the importance of exposing whatever “it” is into the light through the Holy Spirit. This process is a painful surgery as hidden strongholds are revealed and exposed. As we take steps to wholeness the enemy hurls lies at us and he seeks to keep us from walking in the freedom of the light of Christ.

BUT don’t forget as we allow Jesus to come into our wounds His balm of healing grace begins! Jesus was and is grieving with us in that pain and through the power of the cross cuts away each bitter root.

The Holy Spirit’s anointing was evident as tears began to flow, the lies were being exposed, roots loosened and cut, the garbage thrown out. As the conference continued powerful words from The Lord’s prayer pointed us towards receiving granting forgiveness:

“Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us,” Matthew 6:12

As the Spirit of Christ cut bitter roots through forgiveness-hearts opened to the voice of the Father offering affirmation to His beloved Children. In the still and quiet moments Abba’s voice could be heard, this was a precious moment to write down what our Heavenly Father wanted to reveal. Some courageous people offered to share how the Father spoke to them and the healing work starting in their souls.

It is hard to put into words all that The Father did as it was truly way more than we could have asked for or imagined. But I do know inner healing is needed in our world today. In South Africa, as well as all over the world, there is so much pain and trauma from generational sins, sexual sins, fatherless homes, and the destruction of the family. All this and more invites the enemy to sneak into our souls and control us with his lies.

Many have heard the Gospel, received Christ and yet, the bitter roots go deep keep us from walking as true sons and daughters of the King. Our families, our communities, and our world needs to know followers of Christ who are fully alive, thriving in the healing freedom of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Word and the Spirit have given us tools to destroy the works of the enemy and walk in the fullness of the Father’s love.

A heartfelt thank you to so many that upheld this conference with your prayers! However, it need not end here. Danell has written a curriculum about inner healing, and has agreed to share parts of this through a series of blogs this summer. So please resume your prayers for the transformation that is happening and what yet to come!

“So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!” John 8:36











Wrestling with God

When I was in sixth grade I joined the wrestling team. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The conditioning, the practices, and the pain as you battled your opponent to get the win or hang on for dear life to avoid being pinned.

I will never forget one particular match where I faced a far superior wrestler; I did everything I could to just survive. As he wore me down he put a painful move on me called the “guillotine,” it still hurts thinking about, and I was pinned. The next year I joined the basketball team.

I was recalling that experience as I read the story of Jacob wrestling all night with God (Gen. 32:22-32). Jacob was desperate; he refused to let go of the LORD because too much was at stake. The next day he was to encounter his brother Esau, the one he stole the birth right from. He knew he deserved the rage of his brother, but was clinging on to the promises of God for him and his family.

In the early morning God instructed Jacob to “let go.” However, despite the pain from a dislocated hip, Jacob’s reply was, “I will not let you go until you bless me,” (vs. 26). And as the story unfolds God does bless him and changes his name from Jacob to Israel.

The etymology of the word Israel, is defined as “one who contains, or a receptacle of God.” I love this! Jacob, the deceiver, the one broken by many trials, but after wrestling with God and holding on for dear life-now he is ready to be a vessel for God’s glory and honor.

The Father loves it when we wrestle with Him in prayer; the Hebrew word for this is chutzpah, which is a shameless audacity. Jacob demonstrated chutzpah by not letting go of God until He blessed Him. We need to come to the place where we realize we are weak, hopeless, and broken people without the power of the Spirit of Christ working in us!

Jesus taught His disciples that they needed this same chutzpah when they prayed. Right after teaching them the Lord’s Prayer, He says they should be like the man who has a visitor come to his house with nothing to give him. So that man goes to his friend in the middle of the night and pounds on the door with shameless audacity until he gets up and gets all the bread he needs (see Luke 11:1-13).

This is what the disciples did after Jesus’ ascension to heaven. For 10 days they pounded on heaven’s door asking the Father for the promised Holy Spirit. They wrestled with God knowing their own weakness and emptiness. In themselves they had nothing to give themselves or others and needed the Holy Spirit, the bread of heaven. As with Jacob the Father was pleased with their wrestling and blessed them on the Feast of Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

I want to challenge you to take hold of Father God and His promise of the Holy Spirit and don’t let go until He fills your empty vessel and you overflow with blessings to give to others. Our world desperately needs the loving Spirit of Christ to flow out of His followers.

Starting this past Sunday millions of believers around the world are spending 21 days in prayer and fasting for Israel and a fresh out pouring like the day of Pentecost that will bring blessings and healing to the nations, (

Join this historic prayer movement and “Give God no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isa. 62:7




Please join us in prayer for….


In the month of May I’m always reminded of the Miracles of Father God. It was 9 years ago Oceans Ministries was launched by the Spirit as a faith journey to Make the Love of the Father Known. Having no idea where He would take it and how He would provide, but through desperate prayers we have witnessed His supernatural hand do more than we could ever hope or imagine (Eph. 3:20).


We praise the LORD for His faithful love shown through the prayers and the support of so many who have joined Oceans on this calling. Continuing to seek to follow in Jesus’ steps we stand on the bedrock of prayer. Desiring to be faithful to the calling for another year we ask that you would join us in prayer before the Father…..


For comfort – Last week Maribeth Stech was taken home to Jesus. Maribeth and Jim, her husband, have blessed Oceans in so many ways from helping with mission teams to Africa, building projects at Beautiful Gate and Oceans Retreat Center, and an incredible support team for Mike and Dawn Verkaik. Please pray for Jim and the Verkaik’s as they have lost a sister and a wonderful friend.


For breakthroughs – Every week Mike, Dawn, and a faithful team of volunteers serve food, lead children ministries, Bible studies, prayer groups, give counsel, and much more at the Wooden Shoe motel in Holland, Michigan. Please pray for spiritual break through for those served. Specifically that addictions, generational sins, and demonic strong holds would be broken and the light of Christ would bring lasting transformation.


For Inner Healing Conference – On May 13,14 Oceans Ministries and Overflow Church are hosting an inner healing conference in South Africa. So many in our area carry deep wounds and brokenness from rape, fatherlessness, years of injustice, and demonic influences. Please pray for God to move in a mighty way to bring freedom and healing to those who attend. Also, pray for Danell Czarnecki, Oceans Ministries Board Member, who will be leading the conference.


For Kingdom Encounters – As we lead and host mission teams from all over the world at Oceans Retreat Center, pray that each person would encounter the Father’s heart of love and not only bring His Kingdom here in Africa, but also back to the places where they live. We also ask for God’s wisdom and direction as we seek the right person to help run the day-to-day happenings at ORC.


For Israel and Trip – For 21 days, starting on May 7th until Pentecost Sunday, millions around the world have committed to pray and fast for Israel asking for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to open spiritual eyes to Christ as the true Messiah.  It is providential that Oceans will be leading a team from May 20- 31. We too pray for an awakening to the Father’s glory in the land of promise for those joining us on this trip to the Holy land.


For Formed After the Father’s Own Heart Men’s Retreat – Pray for Abba Father to lead those He wants to be apart of this gathering July 28-31. Click here to learn more about the retreat.


Thank you so much for your prayers as we know the miraculous power they have to move heaven and earth for the Father’s glory!


Formed After the Father’s Own Heart Men’s Retreat

“You formed my innermost being …” Psalm 139:13. A while back while hiking Elsie’s Peak I sensed the Lord impressing these words upon my heart.

We all need to be reminded that we are formed by the Father and reflect His image. This is especially important for men in this day—oh how the devil seeks to distort and destroy men in order to keep them from living out their Biblical role.

In response to the words from Psalm 139 we would like to invite fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, grandfathers–men of all ages–to gather in the Rocky Mountains and explore what it means to be Formed after the Father’s Own Heart.

We ask you to prayerfully consider joining us as we spend time encountering the Father’s Heart through His Word, listening to His loving voice while enjoying His spectacular creation and fellowship with other men.

The Details

The retreat will be held at the Highlands Presbyterian Camp & Retreat Center, which is located about 20 minutes south of Estes Park, Colorado.

Highlands Presbyterian Camp & Retreat Center
1306 Highway 7 Business Route
Allenspark, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO 80510-0066

Click here to see location on google maps.

The price for the retreat is $300.

The amount will include 3 nights of lodging and all meals. (See the tentative itinerary below).


Friday, July 28th, 2023 4:00-6:00 pm – arrive at retreat location
6:30 pm dinner
8:00 pm opening session
9:00 bonfire
Saturday, July 29th, 2023 7:00-9:00 am – breakfast
9:30-10:30 am – morning session #1
10:30 am – break
11:00 am – morning session #2
12:30-1:30 pm – lunch
2:00-5:30 pm – free time
5:30 pm dinner
7:00 pm – evening session
9:00 bonfire
Sunday, July 30th, 2023 7:00-9:00 am – breakfast
9:30-10:30 am – worship & morning session
11:30-12:30 pm – lunch
1:00-5:30 pm – free time
5:30 pm dinner
7:00 pm – worship, communion & anointing
9:00 bonfire
Monday, July 31st, 2023 7:00-9:00 am – breakfast
9:30-11:00 – closing session

Space is limited for this event, so please register soon!

Register and pay by clicking here.

PLEASE NOTE: If registering and paying for more than one person, please adjust the number on the next screen next to the “add to cart” button accordingly. After clicking on “add to cart”, follow the checkout procedure and when you arrive at the page where you enter your name and billing details, please add the names and email address of the other people you are paying for in the “additional information” field.

As an option, you may also send your check by May 15th, 2023 to the address below. Make checks out to Oceans Ministries and add “2023 Men’s Retreat” to the memo field, then send them to:

Oceans Ministries
6928 Elks Court
Aurora, CO 80016
Attn: Men’s Retreat

For additional information, please email Tim Spykstra @:

Release It!


Maybe one of the best ways to describe a follower of Christ is that they daily learn to “release it!” The other week with the help of a team from Haven church in Michigan we hosted an appreciation dinner for the teachers and staff of Ocean View Care Center.

After a wonderful meal and time of fellowship we gathered in the comfortable chairs in the family room for a time of ministry. Kayleigh Grassmid, youth director at Haven, read a prayer she was inspired to write specifically for the teachers and staff.

Hearing these truths from their Abba Father many hearts were moved and precious tears freely flowed from His daughters. These amazing ladies fight every day to bring love to children who come from all sorts of brokenness in their family environments. The teachers and staff have heavy burdens to carry as they seek to teach, train and provide a safe space for each of the students, and at the same time carry their own burdens for their own family.



At the end of our time together a basket of rocks was passed out for each one to take and hold. The rocks represented the hard and difficult circumstances in our lives from sins, heartaches, or impossible situations beyond our control that weigh us down.

1 Peter 5:6-7 was then read:

“If you bow low in God’s awesome presence, He will eventually exalt you as you leave the timing in His hands. Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for He always tenderly cares for you.”

Taking a few moments to be still, we reflected and prayed about what we may want to release. As we clutched that rock in our hands holding on so tightly to whatever it was we opened our hands and “released it” all to Him. Next, all 26 of us walked to the ocean and threw that sin, hurt, worry, pain, and fear to the One who lovingly cares. As the rocks were hurled into the Ocean we “released it” all to Him, trusting in the Father’s love to carry it for us so we can walk in the joy of His Son Jesus who lives in us.

It was a Holy moment on the beach as we lived in the spiritual blessing of releasing it all to the lover of our souls. I challenge you to: Find a rock. Find an ocean, lake or river. And “release it” all into His loving hands.