“SHANNAH TOVAH” – Blessed Good Year

Written by board member Danell Czarnecki.

Recently Oceans Ministries board, staff and Bryan and Marc from VTC House, partners of Oceans Ministries, gathered together for a time of prayer seeking to where God would lead us in the next season of ministry. Those gathered were from California, Colorado, Michigan and South Africa. It was good to be together praying and listening to our Abba.

And by God’s design, that Saturday morning was the day of Yom Kippur, the holiest of holy days on the Jewish Calendar; the Day of Atonement where the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and make sacrifices and sprinkle blood on the altar for the Israelites so they could be free of their past transgressions and enter into a new year of blessings; believing God would grant them favor for a good year.

In preparing for our gathering on Saturday morning I couldn’t help but think of Jews all over the world fasting, praying, and reading the Psalms on this holiest of holy days and couldn’t ignore the current situation in Israel and other significant events that took place on/during Yom Kippur:

The birth of Rebekah (wife of Isaac and mother of Esau and Jacob) Moses returning with 2nd Tablets after the golden calf incident Ezekiel’s Vision of the Third Temple (410 BCE)
Start of the Yom Kippur War (1973)

Birth of Oceans Ministries (2014)

The Jewish people believe that on Yom Kippur one is able to experience a closeness with God greater than any other time; they trust that God will “show up” as they fast and pray. And indeed, He did during our time together in so many ways; I had not mentioned to anyone the devotion was going to be on Yom Kippur; I had not mentioned any of the components or texts typically part of Yom Kippur; I had not even planned to use any of them except Psalm 67 to open our prayer time together.

On the morning of Yom Kippur, the first prayer of the day is called the Shacharit, or rise and climb; and is recited sometime between sunrise and early midday. The prayer lasts, on average, half an hour and is likened to a ladder.

Rung one typically begins with the reading of Psalm 67; our time of prayer began reading Psalm 67. After our prayer time one of our brothers at the table shared he had been led to that very Psalm earlier that morning. God is a good Father!!

Rung Two is a series of Psalms (typically Psalm 145–150) stirring
an emotional attachment to God through awareness of His awesome deeds. And wouldn’t you know, God led another of our brothers to read Psalm 145 while we prayed together. God is such a good Father!!

Rung Three the Shema is recited, and as we prayed Pastor Tim spoke the Shema in Hebrew, unintentionally we had climbed yet another rung closer to our Heavenly Daddy. God is such a good, good Father!!

Rung Four is known as the Amidah where one stands before God and addresses Him directly, (typically facing Jerusalem). This closeness denotes complete oneness with God, a oneness that transcends emotion or intellect. A oneness experienced to the very core of who we are as His sons and daughters; a bond that surpasses flesh and opens us to receive the love of the Father; the very heart and mission of Oceans Ministries.

A little over 10 years ago; God gave Pastor Tim a vision; and one of the Scriptures he was given was Hab, 2:14;

“Just as the waters covers the sea, people everywhere will know the Lord’s glory.”

I find it not coincidental that during this season of turmoil; confusion and division (in Israel and the world) that the prophet and book of Habakkuk is received by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. And providentially the main message of Habakkuk is to trust the Lord no matter what.

Trust is such a small word, but so hard to live into; especially when there is so much uncertainty and change happening around us. As Oceans Ministries was launched in October of 2014 my word for the year 2015 was TRUST and the Scripture was Is. 42:9;

“The things I said would happen have happened; and now I tell you about new things. Before those things happen, I will tell you about them.”

Hard to believe Oceans is 10 years old, and as we look back we are grateful for all He has done and for where He has brought us; but now we are looking ahead to 2025. What things has our Abba planned for us in this new, good year?

As VTC House, a Christian school, begins on the campus; we are excited about our new partnership and the many young lives that will be impacted by the Gospel on the holy ground of the Retreat Center. One young life on campus has already been forever changed as he met his Savior and has “new life” because of the obedience and willingness of the VTC House staff to say yes and step forward in trust into a new season, a good year.

Is 43:18-19: “The Lord says, Forget what has happened before; and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?”

Oceans Ministries is trusting this next season will be a good year; for His glory and honor! What “new things” are you trusting in the Lord for in this next “good year?”

What a Glorious Bride!

Recently my wife and I had the joy of being in four different churches in four weeks. I can truly say “JOY” because of how the Spirit used each worship experience to paint a glorious picture of what He is up to. There may be many challenges facing the church today, as we hear or know of scandals and failures. Yet, in spite of this, the Spirit is busy behind the scenes dressing up the glorious bride, the church to be made ready for the return of Jesus, the Bridegroom.

We saw this beauty in multicolored ways in gatherings which represented every tribe and nation in the Southern most part of Africa. The services varied in length from 4 hours to a hour and the worship expressed the different cultures represented. One was filled with exuberant dancing and movement and another with reflective songs on a screen led by piano.  There was a choir of kids and teenagers with angelic voices, testimonies of praise for God’s faithfulness that went on for over an hour, baptisms, communion, food given out to needy families, celebrations members joining the church, altars filled with broken people needing prayer and salvation, and always the Word of God preached pointing to Christ.

Even though none of these churches can boast in their buildings, budgets, or being a mega church, they each are transforming the community around them. One church had the a large group of young children who came on their own seeking a place of love and safety from their difficult home environments. Another church which was built on a former dump was filled with single moms, drug dealers, gang members, abused children, Muslims, all looking for hope in the midst of extreme poverty.

At another service we talked to a man named John, who has been the head boss of one of the gangs in our city. He was invited to an 10 week Alpha course at church and at the end of the course gave his life to Christ and was one of the people being baptized that day. I could fill up several blogs telling story after story of how the Holy Spirit is using each of these bodies to bring the message of a new Kingdom that has broken into the world through the resurrected Christ.

These four very diverse and culturally different worship experiences gave us so much hope and joy for what the Holy Spirit is doing in our world. Over 2000 years ago Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead and placed on the throne as The Sovereign ruler over the earth until He comes again. At His ascension the Holy Spirit was released and the gates of hell simply cannot stop the Bride of Christ. This powerful Gospel message transforms the darkest of souls.

We as followers of Christ should be the most hopeful people living on the planet. Our God is busy dressing us and making us glorious to glow before the nations with His love and He extends an invitation to the wedding celebration that is soon to come.  We are thankful for what He showed us those four weeks and hopeful that the best is yet to come!

“Come’, says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears the duet join them in saying, “Come” and let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink freely. Come!” (Rev. 22:17)




The Power of a United Vision

Living in South Africa we have come to realize that the game of rugby is synonymous with South Africa. On Saturdays we love cheering on young athletes or gathering for a “watching party” with friends. The other week we attended a rugby birthday party! The highlight was a professional rugby coach teaching the young boys skills used by the pros.  In case you aren’t familiar with the sport it is similar to US football but without the pads and with nonstop action. Every time I watch a match I’m amazed at the strength these “oaks” (South Africa word for tough) as they get smacked and get back up to compete even with splats of blood on their face.

The South African national team is called the Springboks. When they play in the World Cup or a national tournament the entire nation shuts down to watch. I have never seen anything like it. This diverse nation with so many cultures, creeds, and customs unite to cheer on their beloved Springboks. For 90 minutes all that ills the country: poverty, corruption, racial issues, floods etc seem to vanish as people dawn their green and gold jerseys shouting out their united support.

What has made the Springboks so successful and beloved by their nation is how they play. They may not be the fastest, biggest, or the most well funded program but they are united in vision. Their legendary coach has instilled in them a sacrificial humility and love for teammate as well as countryman that creates a powerful bond. Their united passion is a joy to watch and has created a winning formula.

What does a rugby match and our faith have in common? Well, recently I read a book by NT Wright about the life of the apostle Paul and the which highlighted the circumstances of his day. It emphasized how the early church not only survived but over time thrived in such a way that communities and cities were transformed. What is amazing is that for the most part these the believers had no political power or social position, limited resources, and no paid professionals leading the movement.

What was it that made the early church an unstoppable force against the greatest of odds? A United Vision! God united Jews, Gentiles, slaves, masters, the rich and poor. People came together from various backgrounds and social positions linked by the love of Christ. This unity in the Spirit of Christ would shake up the demonic strongholds that held the hearts of people and release the Kingdom of God in the most unexpected places.

Don’t you long to see that happen in our day? Paul encourages this newly established church in Ephesus to unite around the vision of Christ’s powerful love.  In the center of this letter is a prayer pointing out what a united vision can do to transform hearts, churches, and communities.

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have the power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled with the measure of the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:14-21).

So the next time you are cheering on your favorite team, pause and take a moment to think about how such passion for a game can be transferred to our faith AND what an even greater impact our unity and love because of Christ can have on our family, friends, and community.

What on Earth are we Missing?

The news feeds have been saturated with one scandal after another. Daily we get updated on a famous billionaire entertainer who found himself in jail for a lavish lifestyle that included hedonistic parties with Hollywood elites, other news is about professional athletes, pastors, politicians, and the worlds most powerful people. The details coming out are horrific and leave you feeling sick to your stomach.

But before we can point the finger at the “world” we are daily hearing reports of yet another ministry leader falling. I was recently reading about a well known pastor in his 70’s that I have heard preach, who comes from the same tradition I do, caught in a five year affair with a lady in her 20’s.  Anyone who listened to his powerful Christ-centered sermons would not have believed this to be possible.

I was trying to process these two very different people both publicly exposed for all the world to see as I hiked up the mountain the other day, and I said to myself, “what on earth are we missing?”  The billionaire did everything his heart desired and it was never enough.  The pastor had sound Biblical theology and a worldwide ministry, he spoke boldly against the sin he committed even as he was deep in it.

My question brought me back to Martha and Mary who I’ve been writing about the last few weeks. If you remember Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet even though it cost her a tongue lashing from Martha for not helping in the kitchen. Jesus lovingly sorts it out by telling Martha, “Mary chose the One thing most important!” (Luke 10:42),

Mary’s encounter with Jesus was life changing. She was able to see what others, including His disciples missed. If we fast forward to another dinner where Martha is again in the kitchen serving Jesus and the crew and Mary is once again at Jesus feet (Matthew 26:6-13)  Side note, I believe this time Martha is at peace with Mary’s choice, as Martha had taken time to learn from Jesus and was okay using her gifts of hospitality to demonstrate her love to Jesus  and the others by serving a delicious meal. 

Mary is overwhelmed by what she knows to be true about Jesus – He is Everything she ever needed!  She responds to this indescribable realization by presenting an expensive alabaster jar of perfume, worth a whole years salary. Then she takes this  oil likely composed of essential oils and spices and pours it over Jesus’s head. This was all quite surprising to those observing, and once again she is lambasted, but this time by the disciples thinking this was a waste of kingdom resources.

Once again Jesus silences the room and declares she did a “beautiful thing!”  He goes on to explain her act of love was to prepare him for his burial.  At this moment Jesus declares, Mary truly sees the gift that Father had given IN Jesus. This love gift would take Him to the cross to die. There He would die for the worst of sinners in order to bring them back into the loving arms of the Father. No gift was too big for the love she received!

Earth will never give us what we are looking for. Only when we see and receive this most precious gift from heaven in Jesus will we be satisfied with all that we need. I love this quote by CS. Lewis:

“Aim at Heaven and you will get earth thrown in, aim at earth and you will get neither.”

May we keep aiming at heaven by daily praying – “Father don’t let me miss the One Thing Needed in Jesus. Send your Holy Spirit to daily open my spiritual eyes to experience the only love that will satisfy the deepest longing in my soul, amen!”




What did Mary see?

As we turned the corner on our walk we encountered a large group of people transfixed on the ocean.  The closer we got we heard the excited buzz of voices and people getting cell phones out trying to catch the incredible scene.

Patty and I joined in the fanfare as a pod of Southern Right whales visited the shores of South Africa to give birth. The 15 plus meter whales that weight up to 50 tons with their calfs next to them is an something to behold.

Time stood still as all the on lookers were mesmerized by these gigantic beasts only a short distance from shore. It is not an every day occurrence to view such enormous mammals in the ocean.

Last week I shared the story from Luke 10:38-42 about Martha and Mary.  If you recall Martha lost it at Jesus and Mary for not recognizing her need for help in the kitchen.  Yet, Jesus lovingly corrects Martha and in fact states that Mary has chosen “the One Thing most important…”

Encountering that incredible whale made me think of Mary.  She was so focused on Jesus and what he was saying that she didn’t even hear the dishes crashing in the kitchen or notice any glances from her sister.  What Mary saw so amazed her-she was transfixed on Jesus’ teaching, and even beyond that she was willing to break the traditions of the day. In Bible times a woman was supposed to be in the kitchen and not to be sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus with a group of men.

Truly Mary recognized something so big and so important in Jesus that time stood still and nothing else mattered. However it is good to remember that Martha  isn’t the only one to miss this in Jesus. How many times aren’t we distracted by the small things in this world and miss the Creator of the World?  Throughout the gospels, Jesus as the Son of God was right before crowds of people and they still did not recognize Him.

Oh how easy it is to spend too much time focussing on the small stuff, the things that simply won’t matter when we breathe our last breath.  Throughout the day we encounter many distractions, some can’t be avoided, but there are many moments in our day we can decide whether such things are worthy of our time and energy. It is a challenge to chose wisely what to do with the precious hours we have in a day. Each one of us has a choice to make to either sit at the feet of Jesus and seek His presence or get distracted by our screens and the screams of the world that result in anxious thoughts and fear of the future.

Mary chose to take time and look at the Creator of the World and listen to His heart. Yes it would cost her some pain but all that would be pushed away as she encountered the great glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and to hear the loving words of Jesus say to her in the midst of her sister’s disapproval:

“Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at My feet. She is undistracted, and I won’t take this privilege from her.”

Each new day we are invited to sit at the feet of a big God-the God who made the Southern Right whale and the One who made us right through His life, death, resurrection, and who reigns forever.

So perhaps today is the day you decide to turn off your phone, take a walk in His creation, listen to His Word, to chose the One Thing you most need and then wait with expectation for the gift of His presence.