Gathering to Dedicate the High School

It is overwhelming to consider how the Sovereign Streams of God have flown together to begin the first Christian High School in Fish Hoek, South Africa starting on the Oceans campus in July. Someday I will explain the story in greater detail but it is truly a work only God could have brought about.

As we gathered together to worship, pray, and dedicate this new work to the LORD we were all in awe of how our Father moved to unite hearts in a supernatural way to make this a reality. For the last nine months many travailing prayers along with hours of intense work have birthed a vision to encourage young lives for generations to come.

We believe only God’s amazing sovereign hand could have brought this together we are placing all the needs, students that will come, staff, teachers, principal, yes all the details back in His firm grip knowing it will be by His grace and strength alone. Please join us in praying that a mighty move of His Spirit will continue to flow, lives will be changed, and His Kingdom will expand for His glorious name.

We want to thank so many of you for being a part of this new birth for Oceans Retreat Center, and this new season of ministry. We continue to hold on tightly in faith to the promise given in Hab. 2:14:

“The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea!!


Reminiscing About God’s Faithfulness to Oceans Ministries – Part 2

We encounter the Kingdom of our Father when we give His love away!  We want to share a few stories with you of the blessings of letting Christ’s love flow through us.

John 13:34,35

“So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”

Click on the image below to watch the video, or click here!




Reminiscing About God’s Faithfulness to Oceans Ministries – Part 1

“Give thanks to God, our King over all gods! His tender love for us continues on forever! Psalm 136:2

For the next few weeks Mike and I wanted to share some thoughts about God’s amazing faithfulness demonstrated over the 10 years of Oceans Ministries.

Thanks for listening, we hope it encourages you to trust in the Father’s great love and faithfulness to you!

Click on the image below to watch the video, or click here!