Peace in 2024: Truth

While living in Africa, physical exercise for us is walking and hiking. So at the end of last year Patty suggested we memorize Scripture during these times. The verse she chose to start us out was Philippians 4:8:

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

Oh to have a young and fresh mind again. Needless to say we were in the text for a while. Which was actually a good thing as it made me think about the context of this portion of Scripture.

The theme of this section is about living an anxiety free life by being filled with the

“Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, which will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” Vs. 7

The Holy Spirit knew I needed to dwell right there. I needed that perfect peace of heaven to “swim in” in the midst of seas of uncertainty. And I believe the Spirit is calling each one of the Father’s children to dwell in this shalom, as there is such an absence of it in our polarized world motivated by fear.

Fear brings anxiety, which leads to a desire to control everything around us. Which only brings more stress as we realize we really are not in control of anything.

What a glorious passage the Spirit gives us for a plan for peace. This plan permeates powerfully in vs. 4-9. I challenge you to memorize these verses in 2024. I continue to return to these life-giving words of truth in my mind whenever my neck aches. As this pain is my body telling me, “Tim you have lost your peace!”

The battle for peace always begins in my mind. So that is why Paul emphasizes the importance of training your mind to think on whatever is “true, noble, right…” If you have trouble memorizing the entire list just focus on the first word, “TRUE,” which defines the 7 words that follow.

The Greek word for “true” means doctrine or right teaching, which point us directly to Jesus, who is “the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus is the “True” WORD from the Father to us. He is our anchor in the midst of the storm. He is the one that calls out to the winds and waves in our lives “Peace be Still!”

If I spend too much time churning over the news or even fretting over difficult situations in my life my neck tells me my focus is off. I need to take a deep breath and think on Jesus. I try to picture the Revelations 1 Jesus-who when John saw Him- he collapsed before His glory as one who was dead. If you read John chapter 1 before ingesting the news media, I promise it will alter your perspective.

Notice what the Revelation 1 Jesus did and said to John:

“Then He placed His right hand on me and said; “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One: I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever! I hold the keys of death and Hades,” (vs. 17-18).

 Peace that is beyond your understanding starts with a faith that focuses on the resurrected, conquering, living King Jesus. He holds life and death in His hand. And He holds you! Turn around in faith and look at your Glorious Savior!!

In the next two blogs I’ll focus on worship and walking by faith, grounding us as believers in TRUTH. The hope is that we can experience peace no matter what battle we face or fears the world tempts us to pay attention to.

I hope you will make time to dwell in these verses and perhaps even memorize these timeless truths from Philippians 4:8 and perhaps even do so while exercising.



Just Follow Me!


It is always good to go back and visit places in your life where God performed miracles beyond your ability to grasp. It quickens your faith for new adventures the Father may be asking you to follow.

This past weekend Patty and I were blessed to visit Mike & Dawn and a team from Haven Church at Beautiful Gate in Lesotho. Because of Covid and obligations in South Africa, it has been 4 years since visiting the Mountain Kingdom.

Walking around the Beautiful Gate campus jolts my mind back 22 years when my step dad Bill and I first saw the land. Ray & Sue Haakonsen had a passion and a God size vision to build a proper orphanage to rescue unwanted babies.

The journey was long and difficult with many dark valleys to travel through, yet what a memorial shouting out the absolute glory and faithfulness of Father God. Hundreds of babies saved, jobs provided, countless guests from all over the world have experienced the Kingdom of Heaven breaking forth as the Holy Spirit revealed the heart of Jesus on the campus of Beautiful Gate.

Here it is already 2024 and returning to this holy ground where love for the forgotten abounds I’m reminded of the voice of the Holy Spirit saying to me as He did 20 plus years ago “Just Follow Me!” Isaiah says it well;

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts,” (55:9).

I would have never chosen to go to Africa way back in 2002, nor would I have ever imagined Patty and I would be living in Africa. However, God’s ways are so different from any strategic ministry plan with proper goals and objectives.

Over the years the Father has tried to teach me over and over again He has the right plan and it usually looks different then mine. His plan will always stretch my faith and call me into something that is way beyond my abilities, dreams, and personal security.

Sometimes He has asked me to deal with something in my own heart, other times with another person. In either instance the only hope has been His supernatural intervention. It is during such times He says, “Trust Me, don’t try to fix it in your own strength, keep handing it over to Me and wait for Me to work.”

Other times in my life it has been a ministry objective or some calling way bigger than the resources, staff, or structures could possibly handle.

Recently the Oceans board was discussing an opportunity the Lord seems to be placing before us. All the board members shared it will take another miracle-but they sense the Lord is leading us. I praise the Lord for their faith even though at times my own fears can keep me up at night as my mind races through all the possible scenarios and to be honest challenging my own my weakness and faith.

So I’m thankful to walk on soil in Lesotho that was once an empty field but is now filled with life and preaches again to my soul, “Just Follow Me!” “Yes, Tim you may feel weak and tired for this but it is not about you it is about trusting me on this journey of faith.”

So my Father’s Words to me for 2024 – “Just Follow Me!”

The Father also has a way for you to follow that may seem too much and overwhelming, hear the Spirit say, “Just Follow Me I will lead you and be with you and you will see My glory!”

“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps.” (I Peter 2:21).