Soul Praise!

Last week Wednesday was the start of the season of Lent.  Traditionally this is a time to prepare your heart for the death and resurrection of Jesus. For many it is a season of giving up something, a time of fasting and prayer to focus on Christ. Lent comes to an end on the glorious resurrection Sunday.

This year for Lent I would like to challenge you to add something on to prepare your heart during this reflective time. The other day I was reading and reflecting on Psalm 103 where 6 times the poet David commands us to “Praise the LORD!” The Hebrew word for “praise” is barak, which means to worship and praise with ones whole being.

And in this amazing Psalm we are given so many reasons to to worship the LORD with everything we have. I would call this Psalm a Resurrection Psalm.  When you take up David’s challenge to “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name..” (vs. 1) there is a resurrection which takes place in your “soul” your whole being.

Praise is the language of Heaven and something happens to us when we take our focus off of ourselves and become laser focused on the One who has blessed us in Christ with bountiful benefits beyond imagination. This Psalm is a masterpiece of highlighting the gifts of belonging to the Father’s family and the blessings of living in His home.

What my soul needs the most of is a spirit of praise that welcomes me into my Father’s house. David learned this as young shepherd boy roaming the desolate hills of Judah. The Father revealed Himself when his soul sang out praises via harp and voice. Revelation comes as we worship. In fact there is a whole book of the Bible called “Revelation” that makes this exact point. Praise reveals the love of our Heavenly Father.

We live in a world calling us to worship our own souls, feeding it and filling it with more and more stuff which leaves us empty and angry. But when our soul finds the source of True Life and we feed on it with blessing and praise! We find ourselves in the House of the LORD,  gazing on His beauty (Psalm 27:4).

So for this season of Lent I want to challenge you to ADD on some Soul Praise.  I will spend the next few weeks in this amazing Psalm encouraging your soul to find your Father’s home through praising Him for all the blessings He has given you in His Son Jesus.

“With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before You, the holy God! Yahweh, You are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness You’ve done for me.



Who are Your Four Friends?

“There have been 4 angels God has placed in my life over the years that changed the course of my life,” stated a  friend. As we were sipping coffee recently I was blessed to listen to his faith journey that spans over 80 plus years. He shared how each of these “angels” were divine set ups by a loving God who kept pursuing him.

One of the angels came in the form of a knock on his door one evening. It was a pastor from the local church where his daughters attended Sunday School while he and his wife enjoyed a nice relaxing morning. But that evening the Gospel was shared and the Spirit opened up both of their hearts to the need for God’s amazing grace given in Jesus. They soon joined the church and have been faithfully serving there for the last 50 years.

The following day after coffee with my friend I was reading the story of Jesus forgiving and healing the paralyzed man in Mark 2. What caught my attention-in light of my conversation the day before-was the 4 friends that brought this man to Jesus. You may recall how crowds of people mobbed the house just to hear Jesus, so to get their friend to Jesus they dug through the roof.  Can you imagine Jesus’ reaction as dirt and material fell all around as a man was lowered in His presence?  He had to be smiling.

The text says; “When Jesus saw the extent of their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, ‘My son, your sins are now forgiven.” (vs. 5). Jesus honored the faith of the 4 friends who went to crazy lengths to bring this man to Him. I think about the pastor that was willing to knock on the door of my friend that night and share the Gospel. He could have stayed home after a busy day and watched sports or read a book, but instead he took a risk and loved my friend and his wife.

After reading the passage I thought about the “4 friends” and their faith that helped bring me to Jesus throughout my life. There have been lots, from parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers, coaches, my wife, friends, etc. People who took risks to reach out, to love, to listen, care, share, and show me what Jesus looked like. As I thought about all those God used and continues to use in my life I am so grateful for how our Father uses the faith of others to bring us before Jesus.

I was also challenged to ask myself who am I risking it all for to bring to Jesus? Am I willing to step out in faith and dig through a roof to bring some one to Jesus? Who is the Spirit leading me to pray for, show kindness to, write a note of encouragement, serve,  go visit, share the Gospel with, etc.

Maybe take a few minutes today and reflect on the “4 friends” the Father has used to bring you to Jesus. Thank God for the faith of your friends and how He used them. May the Spirit challenge you as He did me to step out in faith to help bring another into the presence of Jesus and watch Him do His miracles.



Learning About Time!

“Did you see any clock in church today?” Patty asked as we were reflecting on the service we’d been apart of the other week. Honestly I didn’t even notice, as the building had been remodeled and apparently the clock was never replaced. I do however vividly recall the first few times attending this church as I frequently glanced at that clock wondering how many laps the hands would circle before the service would conclude, and those hands went around a lot.  I even checked the time while preaching, as I was so accustomed to 30 or 40 minute suggested sermon limit in our Western culture.

Yet the other Sunday I never looked for the clock. I had no idea what time it was, and I’m sure I preached longer than 30 minutes. This is a miracle of sorts because time has always been a big deal for me. Ever since I could read a clock time has had a tight hold on me. In elementary school I spent a lot of time looking at the clock so I could run outside for recess, and in high school I could hardly wait for the clock to signal an early dismissal for a basketball game. And since marriage my wife will testify that I hate to be late.

For quite some time-God has been vying for my attention on my issues with time. Dare I admit at the core of my “time issue” is control. I have a plan, an agendas and a timetable all worked out for the day. When things don’t go according to the minutes I have  allotted I actually experience a tingling in my neck, a tangible sign of a little stress as my plans are getting rearranged.

So God sent me back to school and for the past five years my classroom has been South Africa. For example arriving early to the bank did not matter as 4 hours later I was still in line waiting for a bank clerk. Oh, and then with covid, things that took 4 hrs now took all day. Granted those hours waiting gave me ample time to self assess my hang up with time.

The bottom line was no matter how upset I got over my disrupted timetable-it just didn’t help. Living in another country has consistently reminded me that my timetable must surrender to the One who lives outside of  time and space. He continues to tell me to wait in His line, even though it can drive me crazy at times. I surely haven’t arrived yet, maybe I’d get a C+ on a “time report card?” Truly, God’s timeline may have made me wait, and maybe a lot longer, however in the end it has proved the best.

The wise King Solomon captured it well when he said:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom it, what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes  3:11.

You see it is all about relationship for our Father God and that takes time. All our waiting begins to teach us about a love He has for us for all eternity. This love is way beyond our understanding but in time we will learn He has something beautiful for us which is worth the wait. No doubt it has taken me a lot of time to learn some of this but I keep asking for His help as I submit to His timing and believe something beautiful is around the corner.

“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD!” Psalm 27:14

So I thank God for the church gatherings that have taught me to let go and enjoy the time spent together in community with other believers worshipping in song, prayer, testimonies, song, the offering and the word preached. Truly for many who come this time on a Sunday is the highlight of their week!




What is Love Anyway?

I was excited to talk with Roger about  a small soccer academy for teenage boys from the township of Jim se Bos which was just started.  The academy includes classes, soccer instruction and discussions about Biblical themes. With Valentines’ Day approaching the boys were asked to define love. Their reply was uncontrollable giggling.  These teens associated love as romance with the opposite sex, which isn’t surprising as most of them grew up in environments where “true love” wasn’t modeled.

Lately I’ve been around high school students on campus and apart of a few chapels. It is evident that so many are looking for love and acceptance. After one chapel a young man, several inches taller,  asked if he could give me a hug. I appreciated his bravery and in reality probably several others needed a hug as well.

So what is love anyway? Why do we need it?  As Valentine’s Day just passed we recall the flood of advertisements alerting us that love is flowers, chocolates, or a nice dinner.  But what does love look like when the roses dry up and the chocolate and delicious food is consumed? If love was just about giving these gifts each day we would all be broke and overweight!

We all desire love because that’s how we were created.  Though a romantic relationship, authentic friendship, and an amazing family may be good things, yet each are incapable of filling the chasm deep within our hearts. Ultimately love flows from the Triune God who created us in His very image. An image shaped to receive and give love away- exemplified by the love between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Sadly the hole in our hearts resulted since we chose to walk away from the fount of love and instead drink from the dirty, self-dug springs which dehydrate. Thankfully the Father never stopped loving us and had a plan that in His perfect time He would give His one and only Son to show us what love really is and that love welcomes us to float in the River of His love.

Over the years I’ve officiated many weddings and often a message on the Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13 is requested. Indeed a great passage that describes love. But the words in and of themselves are powerless, in order to live love out in your marriage you need to know the person. That being the case I retranslate the text this way:

“Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind, Jesus does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud, He is never rude. He is not self seeking. He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. Jesus does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Jesus never fails…” (vs. 4-8)

Love = Jesus and Jesus = Love. The Father knew that the only way we would really understand love and receive it was through Jesus walking on this earth and continuing to walk all the way to the cross. When we spend more of our time focussing on Jesus, contemplating and receiving His gift of love-something begins to change within us. The chasm starts filling up and a passion to return His love surfaces!

And somehow as we receive that love, His Spirit removes the misconceptions of love, pushes us out of our comfort zone, and miraculously start loving like Jesus, even though a few holes may remain. As we seek more patience and kindness, to be less envious and selfish, and to be more giving, forgiving, and hopeful, we develop a desire to point others to the love of Jesus. A forever love that will never let us go.

If you are thirsty for love today spend some time with Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes and ears to encounter the one who defines love. Soak in His perfect love for you and share it with another and see what will happen to your heart.

Slice of Life: Laundry and Lives Changed

Written by Patty Spykstra

After several days of battling the stomach flu, and eating crackers I was happy to be mostly back to normal. With students on campus during the week, Saturday was laundry day. I found myself singing as I carried the basket of wet clothes to the laundry line, always finding pleasure in pinning the clean items to dry in the bright sunshine! 

In the afternoon Tim attended his first professional rugby game, the Stormers versus the Bulls which included a half time competition of racing dinosaur mascots!! I met friend Thobeka to cheer on her grandson playing in a grade 9 cricket match. It was a great change of pace day! 

On Sunday the wind and sunshine that made the blankets I had washed so fresh and clean returned. Tim and I walked to Fish Hoek beach with a bowl of fruit to join Pastor Raymond and Pamela. This was a special day with OceanView and Jim se Bos churches witnessing over 15 baptisms. Transportation was arranged for people from the townships to spend the morning at the beach. The excitement was tangible. The Holy Spirit was ever present. The singing, the joy, the kids playing in the sand, the beach goers walking by, from babies and 84 year old “Ma” we all gathered together!

I’m not sure if it was because I was recovering from being sick or because I knew the names and stories of a few being baptized, but my senses were acutely aware and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as if in a dream. Tim, Pastor Raymond and Mandy shared some words and Scripture directed to those being baptized. Then the group proceeded into the rhythmic crashing waves. Present were several Muslim gangsters, a young adult who had lost sight in one eye, and people of all ages seeking to be found and loved by THE heavenly Father. Each going under the water with their sin and shortcomings and then emerging from the Atlantic Ocean with arms raised up to Jesus, the ONE who makes all things new.

As sandwiches, fruit and drinks were handed out two moms asked Pastor Raymond about dedicating their children to the Lord. It was a beautiful spontaneous moment as Pastor Raymond motioned for Pamela, Tim and myself to pray. The 19 year old mom held her toddler daughter up to the Lord with quiet tears. The other child dedicated, a boy about 5 years old, looked up and saw birds flying in formation. With great excitement he pointed it out for all to see. It was a holy moment. Pamela defined it well, “It was as if a circle, a whirlpool of His love was surrounding us all on this very beach.” 

Time stood still. No one wanted to leave. However it  was now time for children to shower off. It was time to return to shacks. To return to the clamor and return to those waking up from hangovers. Yet each person returned with a full stomach and full heart! 

As the bus departed and we returned to the safety of our flat with water, electricity, and ample provision-I prayed for the woman who had hoped to be baptized, but instead was beaten by her boyfriend and too badly bruised to come. I believe in my heart The Father saw her and the loving arms of Jesus wrapped her in a fresh blanket blown by the One who created the wind and sun, by the One who makes all things new.  

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord: yes, I will remember the miracles of long ago. I will consider all Your works and meditate on all Your mighty deeds.”  Psalm 77: 11,12 

Perhaps take a moment to pause, to meditate, to take a deep breath. Then take a moment to recall the Lord’s works in the ordinary and in the supernatural.