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The Prayer that Breaks the Power of Addiction!

Kerry* stopped by Oceans Retreat Center last week to ask for money to get some breakfast. I had met him some months earlier when we were feeding the homeless at the beginning of lock down. Kerry has a warm smile and a gentle spirit so it was hard for me to say, “no.” But instead […]

Breaking the Power of Addictions!

“Alcohol, Addiction, and the CRC Pastor.” This was the title of an article I recently received in my inbox. The blog openly addresses the intense battle many pastors face with alcohol and how this season of Covid has only accentuated the problem for many in church leadership. It makes me wonder–if shepherds are falling into […]

“The Return”

“Pastor Tim, turn on your TV now!” It was just after 7 AM in Redlands California when I received the call from a troubled member of the church. Her voice still reverberates in my memory bank 19 years later. I’m sure-if you were old enough-you too can recall the exact place and time you heard […]

“Way Maker”

I want to share with you a blog written by Val Snoeyink, a volunteer with at the Wooden Shoe motel, who works closely with the Children. Two weeks ago she helped lead a Bible School at the motel, and lead them in song, crafts and telling the story of Jesus. Be blessed as you hear […]