Entries by Tim Spykstra

Mount Trust – Yada

A few Sundays ago our family heard a challenging sermon on one of the greatest mountain hikes of all time. It was Moses’ accent up Mount Hebron for the second time after the children of Israel rejected the LORD and chose a golden calf. In Exodus 33 we read the passionate dialogue between God and […]

Mount Trust – Learning to Lean

  A few summers ago the kids and I hiked Mohawk Lakes in the Rockies, these were glacier lakes above timberline and supposed to be beautiful! After pushing our red mini van up a four-wheel drive trail we grabbed our backpacks and continued our adventure. At a fork in the trail the four of us […]

Mount Trust – On His Shoulders

When I was living in Escondido, California I would sneak out of the church office put on my hiking shoes and climb up a small mountain that overlooked the city, perch myself on a rock and spend time with the Lord. I would always come home refreshed from the hike and from the Holy Spirit. […]

Mount Trust – The Guide

Last week I shared about our youthful guides who led us on a wrong trail at the beginning of the hike into the heart of the Rockies. Good thing it was early on and the “old guys” still had enough air in our lungs to laugh it off. We continued to trust these guys, not […]

Mount Trust – The Invitation to Trust

  As a pastor I have received many invitations, invitations to graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and conferences. However, a few years back I got an invitation I just couldn’t pass up. It was an invitation to join others pastors who wanted to experience God away from the distractions of every day life and this would be […]