A Timely Christmas Psalm of Hope
Around 70 years ago a group of people were uprooted from their life long homes because of their skin color. The then new South African government moved this group into cold and sterile housing projects.
The pain of that harsh decision left deep wounds and scars, which are still very much prevalent. Yet generations later, on a December Thursday morning Patty and I sat alongside many from this exact same community and witnessed the Christmas story being acted out by graduating preschool students. Gospel joy and hope filled the room.
You see just when it looks like darkness is winning. Christ the King breaks forth and offers the gift of hope to heal, transform hearts and bring you and me to our true home.
The other morning I was reflecting on Psalm 2 and a rush of thoughts flooded my mind as the Christmas story leapt off the page in living color. Maybe the best thing to do is, stop reading this blog and go right to Psalm 2 and let the Holy Spirit speak these timely Words to your heart.
Since the fall of man and the promise of the “seed of the woman,” “The kings of the earth” or as one version says “the power brokers of the world” …“scheme and confer together against the LORD and the Anointed One, (the Messiah/Christ),” vs. 2.
We see this with wicked King Herod at Jesus’ birth as well as today where that same demonic spirit is alive and well as the “nations rage” against Christ and His followers seeking to cast off His Kingdom of grace.
But our Sovereign God scoffs at His enemies since the message of Christmas is all about a King who is born and purposefully installed by the Father to rule over the nations both now and forever vs. 4-6.
In fact to me this is the most significant Christmas gift proclaimed in Psalm 2. Finding your true identity is a heart-stopping gift. It is finding your true home! The enemy seeks to keep you from hearing this message of truth because he knows the transforming glory it brings.
“You Are My Son today I have become your Father!” vs. 7
These were the same words spoken over Jesus at His baptism and at His transfiguration by His Father. And these are the words spoken over every son and daughter who receives the gift of Jesus Christ. Once these words seep into your heart from the Father through receiving the gift of Jesus-the chains of the enemy fall off. You are now birthed into a new Family. You will have found your true Identity.
Our world is raging today because their identity is in trying to fix their broken, empty, sin seared souls with gods of self that will never satisfy. Life turns chaotic when we don’t hear or know the Father’s voice of love through the gift of His Son.
And after 2000 years that Christmas Message is still flooding the earth with hope. As I sat at the southern tip of Africa listening to children sing and tell the glorious Christmas story of the gift of the Father. I wanted to shout! THIS very truth is bringing His children home through Jesus His Son, (see. vs. 8ff). Hope is very much alive.
Psalm 2, this Christmas Psalm proclaim to us how to receive and continue to find unspeakable joy in this gift of the Father’s love:
“Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son…” vs. 12
A perfect picture of this is when the shepherds were awe struck by the message from heaven about King Jesus. They left the sheep and ran to Him and with the eyes of faith “Kissed the Son,” which means to surrender to His Kingly rule over your life.
When we “Kiss the Son” we receive His finished work for us on the cross. Covered by His perfect blood we are rushed into our heavenly home to hear the Father say:
“Welcome to your new Home My beloved children!”
We have this gift of knowing that no government nor scheme of man can remove us from our eternal home and the ever flowing fountain of love for the Father above.
Oh what a gift to celebrate this Christmas season and beyond.