Bitter Roots
Father Wounds
Written by Danell Czarnecki, Oceans Board Member.
At the close of Saturday’s Discover Inner Healing Conference, Pastor Ryan, of Overflow Church, asked if anyone wanted to share something. The room was pretty silent for a short bit then a beautiful young woman from the second row walked to the front and began to speak through tears. She shared from a place of deep, dark wounding in her childhood at the hands of her father; things she had kept hidden from herself and others for years. Because of the root of those childhood wounds; she continued to be hurt by others and circumstances; and as a result, her current relationships seemed doomed to more pain and failure. The trauma of her past haunted her and was destroying her future. My heart hurt for her and her family.
I believe Satan’s biggest strongholds and weapon in this day is the attack on the family, particularly the father role; and then getting us to withhold forgiveness.
So many of us, like the woman at the conference, are walking wounded; wounded by our earthly father’s inability to fulfill the role God intended; likely carried on by his own woundedness from his father. The effect of a father wound is often low self-esteem, a deep emotional pain inside and a performance orientation that makes us “doers” rather than “beings.” These father wounds stunt us from being fully held by our Heavenly Father.
How do we, as children, grow to understand the role and love of our Heavenly Father in our lives if our earthly father didn’t, wouldn’t, or couldn’t fulfill the role of father given to him by God? Our view of the Heavenly Father is often skewed when our earthly father fails to protect or provide; abandons us or is the one at whose hand we were abused and “planted” the root of the infection. If we can’t trust the father, then who can we trust?
Because we live in a fallen world, the vast majority of us seeking or in need of inner healing have been wounded by our earthly father and deprived of our father’s blessing. In ancient Israel they were consciously aware of the need a child had for their father’s blessing; it was part of their family traditions and lifestyle; not seen or done much in today’s cultures. And I think it’s sad that we have lost that very important passage in a child’s life.
We all come into the world helpless, dependent and needing acceptance, to be treated as worthy, and to be blessed. The father wound is the absence of this love from your birth father.
When we invite Jesus into the wounds created by our birth father; we start by asking Jesus to enter into specific memories; we renounce and reject any lies we accepted about ourselves at the time and we ask Jesus to reveal His truth about who we are; then we choose to forgive our birth father for hurtful words or actions, for not loving us or blessing us and for affecting the image of God the Father.
We must look to our Heavenly Father and come to know who we are as a child of God; He will set us free to let go of the pain and forgive our birth father; and give us a life lived in freedom!
Jer. 6:14 “You can’t heal a wound if you say it’s not there…”
The Healing Power of the Word!
It’s been a few weeks since Ken and I returned home from South Africa and our mind, heart and spirits are still filled with awe and gratitude for what God is doing in the lives of the beautifully broken people who call South Africa home.
Being in their midst was humbling as I was reminded of just how broken I am too and yet grateful to God for bringing me from one of the walking wounded to a place of beautiful brokenness.
So many of us live hidden and fearful, with buried hurts and traumas; often at the hands of others and outside of our control. We experience fear, anxiety, shame and guilt; we feel abandoned, rejected and are often unable to receive love from others and many times find it difficult to even love ourselves.
Those hurts and traumas leave deep, infected wounds that paralyze us from experiencing the fullness in Christ we are promised in Scripture. The infection caused by such wounding grows over time, creating a mass of bitter roots and gives the enemy a place to set up camp and hold us captive. Our “infection” needs the inner healing only our Abba can provide.
God desires to heal our wounds and take our pain and hurt from us. Have you ever loved somebody so much that you wish you could take their pain or suffering from them? That’s how our Heavenly Father feels about us…He loves us so much that He paid the price for our healing in the work on the cross!!
The first step to receiving such inner healing is to understand where the antidote, or antibiotic if you will, comes from; and it comes from opening our pain to God and His Word.
God’s Word is God Breathed! (2 Tim 3:16) It is the mind, heart and plan of our Abba for our lives to be lived in freedom and wholeness; fully loved, fully accepted, fully His.
God’s Word has healing power! (Ps107:20) He sent His Word and healed them. We need to open the wounds to Him and let Him heal them. He is not bound by time; our past belongs to as much as our future does. God is able to redeem the hurts and trauma of our past and make us whole.
God’s Word is able to something no other text can; and that is to penetrate our very spirit, mind, body, and soul. Inner Healing is different from physical (outer) healing; inner healing touches emotional, relational, spiritual and physical parts of a person. It is a ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit aimed at bringing healing to the whole person; spirit, body, mind, emotions and will. It’s the kind of healing Jesus did and said in the book of John we would too as one sent.
Hebrews 4:12 NLT “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
The Bible is the scalpel of the Great Physician; our Jehovah-Rapha – The God who heals! Open it up and allow Him to do His mighty healing work in you!
Why the Wilderness?
Where has God revealed Himself most in your life? For me it has been in seasons of difficulty and trials. Those wilderness wandering times seem to be when I hear the Father speak the loudest.
Our recent trip to Israel started out in the hot, dry wilderness. This is intentional as the desert is where God chose to form His chosen people into His Bride (Ex. 19,20). In fact, the majority of the Torah-the first five books of the Bible-take place in the desert wilderness (Ex. 15- Deut. 24).
Sitting under a lonely tree in the wilderness of Zin, Pastor Bryan had us open up the Word to Deut. 8, where God reminds His people why He led them through the wilderness for 40 years.
“Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way into the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna…to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD…” Deut. 8:2-3.
In life we face difficult seasons and these same truths from the desert remind us that we are His beloved children. Maybe God is revealing more of Himself to you by:
“Humbling you” – The Father uses the wilderness to purge Egypt or the world from us. Our culture bombards us with the lie that self is god-which only leads to chaos. The wilderness or suffering teaches us we are not gods but rather dependent children in need of God’s continual care. It is the humble and contrite spirit that opens our hearts to the wonder of God’s Fatherly love (Isa. 58:15).
“Testing you” – The refining fire of the wilderness displays what is in our hearts. Our response to suffering reveals where we may be spiritually. Too often in these tests I find myself grumbling and complaining just like the Israelites did showing my spiritual immaturity and the need for growth.
“Teaching you” – Lacking water and food in the wilderness was meant to teach the Israelites that their Abba Father was enough; that lesson is one for each of us as well. Our God is one of miracles, He brought water from a rock and manna from the sky to meet His children’s daily needs. He uses the trials in our lives to teach us to trust Him; He is faithful in keeping His Word.
I don’t know about you but I often fail at the lessons to be learned in humbling, testing and teaching. And that is when the Spirit of the Father reminds me to look to Jesus. Jesus passed the wilderness test perfectly (Luke 4:1-13). This is seen best as Jesus took all my failures with Him on the cross and then buried them in the grave and 3 days later the Father raised Him up as the perfect Savior of the World.
The wilderness is used to lead us to Jesus, our spiritual water and heavenly manna, who shouts out His constant care and faithful love for us. No matter what we may face in the wilderness when we seek the face Jesus who dearly loves us, we are able to be more than survivors, we are victors!
Whatever your wilderness, may it lead you to the greatest of all gifts, Christ Jesus living within you, for He is the Hope of glory! Col. 1:27