“All the Lonely People…”


“All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people where do they all belong?”

The Beatles sang these words back in 1966 in the midst of a cultural revolution in the west. A revolution that promoted self as god-where you could explore and do anything your heart desired. The same message Adam and Eve heard in the garden from Satan, “the father of lies.”

56 years later those words sung by the British rock stars describe a vast majority of people today. Even though we are the most connected people in the history of the world we “still haven’t found what we are looking for,” to quote another famous rock group, U2.

As we have pushed God out for self -rule we find ourselves like our first parents who felt naked, ashamed, and lonely as they walked away from perfect friendship with Father God. Everything we try to do to cover our emptiness has not worked-but has even exhilarated the loneliness at blinding speed.

This past Sunday we experienced the antidote, which overcomes the darkness of loneliness, LOVE. In a place of extreme darkness where gangs rule, poverty prevails, addictions destroys, and fatherless children roam the streets heaven’s love is breaking forth.

A group of Jesus’ friends called Love in Action, led by Pastor Raymond, ran into this lonely informal community over a year ago and rebuilt burned down shacks, started feeding 700 plus people every Wednesday, and built a pre-school on the community dump. Out of this love in action many were overwhelmed and wanted to know why would anyone do this for them? The Holy Spirit opened the door through love and many heard the Gospel message of the gift of Jesus who takes away the loneliness and replaces it with true belonging.

Sunday we saw the fruit of love in a group of new friends of God who now worship every Sunday in the middle of this community bringing songs of praise to their Savior Jesus. As we were standing there on holy ground it was so encouraging to our souls to see how Christ’s love and friendship can transform the darkest of places. The Beatles never answered the question of loneliness and how to fix it, but in the midst of a simple structure the answer for loneliness was on full display.

I strongly believe before Jesus comes back there will be a body of united believers, a church that lives out the New Commandment Jesus gives in John 13:34-35:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

A lonely world needs to see the transforming love of Jesus through His followers, how they love one another and spill that love out to lost and lonely hearts. To demonstrate to a world that has listened to the lie and pushed God out- THIS is what true love and belonging looks like.

Oceans wants to thank so many of you who have teamed up with us to bring the message of the Father’s love and come along side other wonderful ministries in Africa and the US that are working as a united body of Christ. We are overwhelmed by your prayers, love, and support that stand as a witness to the Father’s supernatural faithful love.









“When Satan should buffet…”

Written by Mike Verkaik

I’m not sure how many years ago it was, but I remember the day I finally looked up the word “buffet” in the dictionary. I had sung It Is Well With My Soul by Horatio Spafford countless times in various settings before, but for some reason on that Sunday I needed to know what I was crying out when I sang the lyrics, “When Satan should buffet and trials should come.” Looking at the definition, I told myself, that makes sense. Buffet – to strike repeatedly; to strike sharply especially with the hand.

Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling and witnessing the repeated strikes as I partner with residents, talk with mentees, and walk with family members. Life has been more unpredictable than normal and I am feeling the blows through others who have experienced backsliding, sorrows, illnesses, depression and distressing difficulties. The latest strike was the news of my sister’s diagnosis of lung cancer. For a woman who had protected her lungs from substances, it was a decisive and shocking blow.

Feeling the full force of the strikes of brokenness, I cried out to God saying, “I can’t handle watching anymore people go through brokenness.” I resonate with pieces of David’s prayer of lament:

I’m pleading with you, Yahweh, help me! Don’t close your ears to my cry, for you’re my defender. If you continue to remain aloof and refuse to answer me, I might as well give up and die. Hear my cry for help as I turn to your mercy seat, as I lift up my hands toward your sacred sanctuary. Psalm 28:1-2 TPT

Have you ever cried out like that to your Father? Honest, broken and pleading for your Lord and Defender to hear your cry for help? I have found myself waking up many mornings lately with a simple and desperate prayer, “Help me!” What an incredible loving God that listens to us as we cry out with compassion and love. There is no need to pretend or hold it together in front of Him. He encourages us and shows us through the heart of David how to let out our emotions as we feel the effects of the war we are in against the world, our sinful nature and our advisory.

Another remarkable attribute of God is as He holds us and listens, He brings us back to the assurance of our salvation and the love that He has for us in the midst of the battle. Listen to the full stanza written by Horitio:

When Satan should buffet and trials should come Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

The truth of the gospel is what brings us to restoration as our soul aches for the brokenness to stop. The realization again of the love our Abba Father has lavished on us through the blood of the lamb heals our wounds and our defeated attitude. So once again I resonate with the words of David and He brings us into our Father’s presence and the reassurance of whose we are through praise and thanksgiving:

Yahweh is my strength and my wraparound shield. When I fully trust in you, help is on the way. I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise. I will sing songs of what you mean to me! You will be the inner strength of all your people. Psalm 28: 7-8

If you are feeling the buffeting of our enemy, may Abba lead you to the place where you can say, It is well with my soul.

“Father, How are You Feeling”?

“How are you doing Father?” I had just dropped off the car to be serviced and was walking back to the Retreat Center when this question entered into my conversation with God.

So often in my journey with the LORD I share my heart, feelings, requests and He patiently listens and leans in with compassionate love. But as I was strolling back home on a beautiful spring morning here on the tip of South Africa, it occurred to me, how often do I listen to His heart, do I ask how He is feeling?

Over the years of ministry I have often asked others, “How are you doing? How are you feeling?” Ministry is listening to the heart of others and journeying through painful seasons with them. But I can’t tell you the blessing it is when someone will intentionally flip the question and ask, “How are you doing?” Even the question and the heart felt thoughtfulness is salve to the hurting soul. So I have to believe when we stop and ask our Father how He is feeling we must bless Him just by asking.

As Scripture testifies our Triune God has emotions. He is a person and just as we are created in His image (Gen. 1:27) with emotions our Creator God is filled with emotions as seen throughout Scripture:

* Love – John 3:16, Jer. 31:3                 * Hate – Pr. 6:16, Ps. 5:5

* Grief – Gen. 6:6, Jn. 11:35                  * Anger – Dt. 9:22, Rom. 1:18

* Compassion – Isa. 49:13, Mt. 9:36    * Jealousy – Ex. 20:5, Jos. 24:19

* Joy – Zeph. 3:17, Lk. 10:21

We see these emotions listed above in Jesus, who was the exact representation of the Father (Heb. 1:3). When Jesus sheds tears at the loss of his friend Lazarus, when He displays anger at the moneychangers in the temple, when He rejoices with his disciples returning from a time of ministry, we see the emotions of the Father.

Yes, there is a definite difference from our emotions as His emotions are perfect with no stain of sin. But never the less our God is a person who feels deeply. I believe it is good to ask the Father and search out His emotions concerning issues in our personal lives as well as the culture we live in.

To seek out the emotions of the Father will have a transformational impact on our hearts. He is longing for us to listen to His heart, to know His thoughts and feelings about all that is happening in and around us. He has even given us a gift to help us uncover His deepest emotions and that is the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16,26). The Holy Spirit dwells in us and continues to reveal the truth of Jesus, the Living Word.

The promise in Scripture is that if we keep asking, seeking and knocking on the door of heaven to know the heart and emotions of the Father He will answer us with Holy revelation of who He is and how He feels (Lk. 11:9-13).

As I walked home listening for the Father’s response to my question, I felt His pleasure thanking me for seeking out His heart and reminding me of this unshakable truth, “I love you my son!”

Enduring Faith

Her face had a radiant glow as she stood confidently sharing her testimony before the church family. Almost a year to the date she was facing a violent storm as her husband of 15 years walked away for another woman, a close family friend.

She shared how she was sinking in despair-overwhelmed with emotion. Patty and I will never forget those dark days as she and her four children came to stay at Oceans Retreat Center to find some solace for a season as her whole world was shaking around her.

She had no source of income and not a clue where to begin. From a human perspective all looked hopeless. However, as she testified, this is where the miracle began. In the midst of her dark night of the soul she looked up to Jesus and His faithful arms to hold on to her and the children to carry them to safety.

We witnessed both through her joyful countenance and words how Jesus drove them through the storm into a precious place of His perfect peace. His healing love was displayed through the church family who became His hugs, hands, and feet and encouragement. In time doors were miraculously opened for full time work doing something she truly enjoys.

She said the days can still be long and challenging as a single mother. But all she needs to do is look back at how a faithful Savior is true to His Word and trust He will never let them go. And others have noticed. Co-workers have asked her why she can have joy despite her circumstances. God uses all things.

I was reliving her inspiring testimony this morning as I was reading Luke 8, the parable of the sower and the seed. Notice what Jesus says about the fourth soil:

“The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keep it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives,” vs. 15.

Yes, on Sunday we witnessed the truth of this passage. A dear sister in absolute brokenness “clinging to the word, keeping it dear to her heart, enduring all things in faith.” A year later we all ate from her ripe glorious fruit of praise and thanksgiving to a faithful Father God who in Christ keeps His promises.

Maybe you are in that place of brokenness or deep discouragement passing through a difficult season. You look at the world and your circumstances and say, “there is no way through this!” Hear Jesus say, “cling to Me, hold on to My promise of love for you, and trust that I will carry you through.” It may be a year or more but you too will produce the fruit of a testimony to His faithful love for you.

A Slice of Life

Written by Patty Spykstra

It is hard to believe that Tim and I relocated to South Africa in January 2020. I must admit that missions for us isn’t quite the same as my childhood recollections, and I like to think that we are all called to be missionaries and reflect Christ in our work places, neighborhood and every day life. Years ago good old-fashioned mail and an expensive international phone call were the mode of communication and now we have Wi-Fi and cell phones. Yes, here we are in South Africa residing in a one bedroom, one bathroom “flat” or apartment, which reminds us of when we were first married. Each day at the Retreat Center is unpredictable and we have literally met people from all over the world and from all different backgrounds and upbringings.

Doing life and ministry in a country that at times seems so progressive and then we are reminded that things are not what we are used to with load shedding (power outages) and the sewer bubbling up unto the property to cause flooding on campus. However, these annoyances do not compare to life a few kilometers away where there is a drastic contrast. In these nearby townships a whole other world exists- with tin shack after tin shack-most without plumbing or electricity. Since I don’t write the blog often and I could potentially have a whole lot to share, so I decided to “give a slice of life” about the gathering of believers in the different communities we have joined in worship on a regular basis. Tim has had opportunity to preach in each of these churches, sometimes with advance notice and other times he is invited to speak when we arrive at the service.

First off, we love that we can worship outdoors on the property of Oceanview Care Centre under a covered patio. Pastor Raymond his wife Pamela lead this church, some familiar faces are here with Bernie, the director, and a couple of other teachers, as well Isabella. Pastor Raymond and the elders have a HUGE heart to teach the Word of God, sing, worship, give, and encourage. You can often hear Pastor Raymond reminding the group of mostly women and children that they are not victims but victors! The services are in English but a few phrases in Afrikaans always seem to slip in, the group is primarily Coloured-the title they like to be called. There is always much laughter, joy and a few tears in the midst of the service. Pastor Raymond and Pamela also oversee a team who feed hundreds of people in nearby townships experiencing much poverty and they are also heading up a crèche or preschool.

The other church we attend is in Masiphumelele and primarily a Xhosa speaking congregation. This is where our “retreat-mates” Thobeka and her daughter Sunny attend. At this service men and women sit on opposite sides of the aisle, there are always testimonies in either word or song and this group is kind enough to hold their service in English when we attend. We love when prayer time happens as each people group speaks out loud in their own native tongue. When Oceans’ Kingdom Encounter students visit this church each person is encouraged to share a song or testimony as well. This church currently meets in a small house of sorts with the hopes to make it more of a structure conducive for a larger gathering.

Within walking distance here in Fish Hoek we also attend a local church with a more typical building, however the chairs are the white stackable outdoor ones. This church is most like what we are accustomed to with a praise team, youth group, children’s ministry, and nursery. Here we are blessed to interact with a multitude of people from varying places and cultures. There are 13 official languages in South Africa and many are represented in this congregation. The prayer group is what got us first visiting this church and we later found out that the pastor and family lived just up the street. A genuine friendship has developed with Pastor Ryan and Tammy and we welcome our times of sharing over a cup of coffee and an almond croissant. The groups from the US may not stay long enough to attend a Sunday service, but always join in one or two Monday nights of praise and prayer. The visiting students will always say this is a highlight of the Kingdom Encounter.

We are blessed to worship together with these 3 groups of believers here in the Fish Hoek Valley. We are grateful to support and encourage each of the pastors, their families and congregations in different ways whether that be providing food, a get away at Oceans Retreat Center, funds for building improvements or bringing teams from the US to encourage them in person. In the midst of our language differences, in the midst of our different styles and ways of worship, TOGETHER we focus on praising and honoring the King of Kings who IS in control of all things! This unity is what the unbelieving world needs to see! This is the body of Christ.

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35