“All the Lonely People…”
“All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people where do they all belong?”
The Beatles sang these words back in 1966 in the midst of a cultural revolution in the west. A revolution that promoted self as god-where you could explore and do anything your heart desired. The same message Adam and Eve heard in the garden from Satan, “the father of lies.”
56 years later those words sung by the British rock stars describe a vast majority of people today. Even though we are the most connected people in the history of the world we “still haven’t found what we are looking for,” to quote another famous rock group, U2.
As we have pushed God out for self -rule we find ourselves like our first parents who felt naked, ashamed, and lonely as they walked away from perfect friendship with Father God. Everything we try to do to cover our emptiness has not worked-but has even exhilarated the loneliness at blinding speed.
This past Sunday we experienced the antidote, which overcomes the darkness of loneliness, LOVE. In a place of extreme darkness where gangs rule, poverty prevails, addictions destroys, and fatherless children roam the streets heaven’s love is breaking forth.
A group of Jesus’ friends called Love in Action, led by Pastor Raymond, ran into this lonely informal community over a year ago and rebuilt burned down shacks, started feeding 700 plus people every Wednesday, and built a pre-school on the community dump. Out of this love in action many were overwhelmed and wanted to know why would anyone do this for them? The Holy Spirit opened the door through love and many heard the Gospel message of the gift of Jesus who takes away the loneliness and replaces it with true belonging.
Sunday we saw the fruit of love in a group of new friends of God who now worship every Sunday in the middle of this community bringing songs of praise to their Savior Jesus. As we were standing there on holy ground it was so encouraging to our souls to see how Christ’s love and friendship can transform the darkest of places. The Beatles never answered the question of loneliness and how to fix it, but in the midst of a simple structure the answer for loneliness was on full display.
I strongly believe before Jesus comes back there will be a body of united believers, a church that lives out the New Commandment Jesus gives in John 13:34-35:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
A lonely world needs to see the transforming love of Jesus through His followers, how they love one another and spill that love out to lost and lonely hearts. To demonstrate to a world that has listened to the lie and pushed God out- THIS is what true love and belonging looks like.
Oceans wants to thank so many of you who have teamed up with us to bring the message of the Father’s love and come along side other wonderful ministries in Africa and the US that are working as a united body of Christ. We are overwhelmed by your prayers, love, and support that stand as a witness to the Father’s supernatural faithful love.