“Way Maker”

I want to share with you a blog written by Val Snoeyink, a volunteer with at the Wooden Shoe motel, who works closely with the Children. Two weeks ago she helped lead a Bible School at the motel, and lead them in song, crafts and telling the story of Jesus. Be blessed as you hear her response to leading the children in the song “Way Maker”
“You are here, moving in our midst.
We worship you. We worship you.
You are here, working in this place.
We worship you, worship you.
Waymaker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, that is who you are!”
When I first heard this song, I didn’t see the depth or the draw that would make it so popular. It doesn’t mention Jesus’ name or his saving power. But as we sang it with the kids at Wooden Shoe Hotel, the words became real.
“You are here….” – Lord, you are in this place. These families are not forgotten. They don’t need a car to go find you. They do not need to move to a house or to get to a church. You find us and move in.

“Moving….working in this place” –Lord, you are at work. Even when I can’t see that you’re working, even when I don’t feel that you’re working, You never stop, never stop working. Forgive me, Lord, for thinking that it’s only what I can do. I’m so limited and frail and sinful. But I am invited to join your Kingdom work! Keep on, Lord.
“Way Maker” – You, Lord, make a way when there seems to be no way. On the edge, doing Kingdom work outside myself, this is where I see it best. Lord, at Wooden Shoe, for these precious kids, make a way to abundant life. Guard their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus. Protect their bodies. Make a way, Lord.
“Miracle Worker” – They are at-risk, Lord. Odds are stacked against them. I see one of the young teen girls fading. Meet her and hold her. Bring life and hope and joy to the Wooden Shoe Families.
“Promise Keeper” – Jesus Christ, covenant keeping God, you promised to complete your story to rescue your children and bring them back home. Keep us trusting while we wait for your promises to be fulfilled.
“Light in the Darkness” – So much darkness surrounds this place. Generations of addictions, mental illness, abuse, homelessness, hopelessness, separation, and poverty. But you, Lord God, spoke into the darkness and with your Word, you brought Light! Holy Spirit, shine the light of your presence into this place. Shine the light of your presence in our hearts.