The Miracle of a Coffee Shop

Kegan & Venus

Coffee shops have been a big part of ministry for me the last several years. From writing blogs, books, sermons as well as countless conversations and divine appointments have transpired around a hot cup of cappuccino. So a few weeks back as I was weed eating the yard at Oceans Retreat Center I was thinking about coffee. Specifically, about a coffee shop a block away called Stag.

It closed during lockdown and I heard it was not reopening. Stag, not only had great coffee, but an amazing mission to be Jesus to whom ever came through the door. The first time I visited I received a Scripture verse served to me with my coffee and my heart and business were won over. In fact, when our first teams arrived from the States I promptly pointed them to my favorite place in Fish Hoek.

In the midst of the noisy weed eater I had a strong impression that I needed to reach out to the owners of Stag. Maybe just to thank them for their witness to the city and the kind and loving service to our friends from the states, especially my mom & stepdad who hung out there every day sometimes twice a day when they came out for the dedication of Oceans Retreat Center.

A few day later I was in Stag with the owners Peter & Ellen Doyle and Kegan Haakonsen, ORC’s manger. We had a great conversation about using business as missions to the city and they asked as well about the vision of Oceans. Peter & Ellen have amazing Kingdom hearts and created an atmosphere of warmth, love, and peace at Stag Coffee but sensed the LORD moving them on to others ventures. They shared that they were looking into helping their former manger Venus start a small coffee take away across the street and were in the process of moving out of their present location.

I always dreamed of being a part of a coffee shop and using it as a place to do ministry as well as provide jobs. But how could we ever do it when everything has come to a screeching halt. We said our goodbyes and wished them well. The next morning I received a long email from Peter describing in detail the assists of their business and this note below:

Well, a lot happened after you left.  Ellen and I spoke.  We met with Venus and we went to view the other property across the road.  We chatted some more.  I contacted our landlord again to see if the Stag premises have been rented out yet and they replied “no”.  We spoke some more to Venus and she would love to work with you on some basis.  I had come to the shop this morning with my tools all ready to start dismantling the shop, starting with the coffee machine, but meeting you gave us pause for thought.  Our desire has always been to have a coffee shop that is a community hub that also reaches people with the Gospel; including our staff.  A vision that you seem to share.  We have had some success, but it seems to have come to stop, for a variety of reasons, this year.  We would love it if you could continue with our shared vision.

Wow! I thought, and continued reading on….. “Business Sale PRICE:  We thought about asking One Dollar U$ or a better offer?”

What? Only God could have orchestrated such a miracle in the midst of a world wide pandemic through the amazing generosity of Peter & Ellen. After much prayer, discussion with friends, Oceans board and staff at ORC we sensed we needed to say yes and trust Him as we move forward. We felt Kegan would be a great fit with his gifts to run it and own it. Oceans would financially assist to help get it started and come along side with volunteers who can help live into the vision of a community hub that reaches people with the Gospel.

I pray that this miracle story of a coffee shop for $1 may encourage you to believe in a Good Father who can do more than we could ever hope or imagine even in the most difficult times. Please keep Kegan, Venus & Oceans in your prayers as we step into a new Kingdom size task and that our Abba Father would receive all the glory!

Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. May He be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21.

What is the Church to do?

40 Days on the Mountain!

blog by Patty Spykstra

The last several blogs have been highlighting wedding celebrations; such joyous occasions in the midst of these days. Tim and I recently had our anniversary and I couldn’t help recalling how we started out living in a one-bedroom place, with few belongings, in a new location and unknown plans for the future, yes full circle.

Our life here in South Africa residing at Oceans Retreat Center reminded me of those early years of marriage 33 years ago. Today-as way back in the 80’s-the roadmap we thought we had in place didn’t quite go as planned. When COVID arrived, once again our plans were rerouted. As flights shut down, work shut down, people came down with the virus; fear and uncertainty abounded throughout the world.

As a staff we busied ourselves with projects: painting, sewing curtains, yard work, cleaning, paperwork, policies and procedures. Ministry was adjusted to providing for those in need of food and to supporting other ministries and pastors in the area. We continued our weekly staff and prayer meetings. Each of us varied by the day how we dealt with COVID and then it struck us: perhaps God was calling us to 40 days of prayer, and perhaps since we already had several copies of Climbing Prayer Mountain and the author happened to live on campus, perhaps God was prompting us to journey into His presence, for such a time as this. So that is what we did!

Today marks Day 102 of lockdown and the conclusion of 40 days of Climbing Prayer Mountain. As a staff we met twice a week and then were blessed to have Mike and Dawn joined us via technology on Thursdays. What a powerful time we experienced together, gathering to study and pray. We sat in the Compass Room with Elsie’s Peak in full view on sunny days, and on rainy days we wore our jackets and were surrounded by clouds. We gleamed spiritual truths from Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and Peter and John.  These men at one time sat atop Mt. Herman, known as the Mt. of Transfiguration, and encountered the glorious presence and power of Almighty God!

Finding Prayer Mountain Anywhere, Day 37 speaks of John, the disciple who witnessed miraculous signs and wonders as a follower of Jesus. Now many years later he continues to face hardships, spending his last years locked-up and separated from his people. Despite his circumstances he continued to travel the path of Prayer Mountain with a heart and spirit of prayer. John learned that interceding with the Father could happen anytime and anywhere, no matter how bleak or uncertain the situation. His prayers and worship opened up the heavens and brought him revelations of Jesus as the victorious King who was, and is and will forever rule all creation. What a testimony to us in these days!

Take heart! We too can transform this lockdown lifestyle into a place of praise and worship as we seek the face of our Father God and encounter King Jesus our forever victory!

“I am the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end,” say the Lord God. “I am the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One,” (Rev. 1:8).

“I Believe in God, the Father Almighty!”

From the southern tip of Africa we could clearly see a potent picture of the providential hand of God. It was hard not to be there in person, yet Patty and I rejoiced as we watched online the marriage of dad to a wonderful lady named Dianne.

Their union highlighted the Biblical truth of how the Father “gives beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair…” (Is. 61:3). A few years ago both Dianne and Ray grieved the loss of their spouses after 50 plus years of marriage. Both cried rivers of tears at the loss of wonderful godly mates. But as we watched the beautiful ceremony which took place in an idyllic lush Western Michigan backyard there were bright smiles of joy and a spirit of thankfulness and praise.

In the midst of a world wide pandemic causing a global crisis we witnessed a glorious picture of the nature of God. In fact Pastor Art, who officiated the wedding, was spot on when he read from the Heidelberg Bible Study, question & answer 26:

What do you believe when you say, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?

That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who out of nothing created heaven and earth and everything in them, who still upholds and rules them, by His eternal counsel and providence, is my God and Father because of Christ His Son.

I trust Him so much that I do not doubt He will provide whatever I need for body and soul, and He will turn to my good whatever adversity He sends me in this sad world.

He is able to do this because He is Almighty God; He desires to do this because He is a faithful Father.”

Ray & Dianne’s wedding day preached a Powerful, Almighty God, who created the world out of nothing and is still in control. He is a God who overcomes pain, loss, apparent chaos and injustice and turns it “to my good whatever adversity He sends me in this sad world.” His heart is for His children and He continues to run to us in the midst of our trials as a “Faithful Father” who will never let anything separate us from His forever love (Rom. 8:31-39).

Thanks Ray & Dianne for being pictures of faith of what it means to “believe in God the Father Almighty.” Your life and recent marriage is an encouragement to us all to redirect our souls into the Almighty hands of the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe who we can call Abba Father!

“My beautiful daughter and son of the King!”

Written by Mike Verkaik

There are so many privileges and blessings in being a dad. If you have daughters, walking them down the aisle on their wedding day is one of them. I have had the blessing of walking arm and arm three times in the last three years! It has taken a hit on the pocketbook, but the preparation and prayer time, followed by the intimate last moment have been priceless, precious memories for me as a father.

This past May I was also given the honor of performing the ceremony for my oldest daughter, Carissa and husband Levi. The memories of the phone call still linger as they asked, “Dad, would you be willing to marry us?” It was quickly followed by, “Unless you feel it would take away from you enjoying the day, then we can definitely ask someone else, there is no pressure dad.” After a discussion with Dawn and some prayer time, I was excited to say, “Yes! Do have a passage?”

This was a step out of my comfort zone, but as Carissa stated John 15:4-9 as the text, I smiled. I had been dwelling in John 13 – 17 since last September when I was going through a physical and spiritual battle. I was excited to share how God used that text to give me comfort, peace and direction as I persevered with Him through my weakness.

As a math teacher the ability to represent situations with graphs or relationships gives me better understanding. On that September day as I read Jesus’ words of goodbye to his disciples, they began to flow into a diagraph.

“Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?” The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing the work.” (John 14:10)

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16 – 17)

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” (John 14: 20)

The digraph I drew represented the Father’s relationship with the Son, the Holy Spirit and myself. After I finished the image in my journal I made the following entry, “ I am in the Father indirectly through Jesus!! I never thought about our relationship going both directions. Forgive me Abba for taking it too lightly. Today I claim again, at a deeper level, that I choose you.”

As I began the preparations for the wedding, I revisited my journal entries as well as committed to memorizing the passage Carissa and Levi choose. My desire for memorization was to be able to look at them as much as possible during the ceremony. God’s desire was to focus my attention again on the only directional arrow flowing out of me, the one going back to Jesus.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. … If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John: 15: 4, 5)

Nine times Jesus reiterates what is required for fruitful labor, and guidance on prayers to be prayed – Remaining in Him. As a follower of Jesus, our Father pours Himself into us through the arrows of His Son and Holy Spirit. As Levi and Carissa’s stated their vows of love and commitment to each other, they wanted a message reminding them of their commitment to their first love, their arrow pointing back to Jesus.

With all my preparations, nothing could prepare me for the moment. As I looked at Carissa standing there with Levi with all the emotions, joy and happiness the only words that came to my mind were, “My beautiful daughter and son of the King.” May we hear those same words of love and commitment from our proud Father today, and respond with our arrow of love back to Him.

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Now remain in my love. (John 15:9)