Fragrances of The Father’s Unconditional Love
What does the heart of the Father look like? As I thought about Mother’s Day this past weekend I thought about the gift of mothers both spiritual and physical ones to our world. Two words which I would use to describe many mothers whom I know: unconditional love!
For 54 years I have experienced the unconditional love from my faithful mom knowing she will love me no matter what. When I was young and once again ended up in the principal’s office I knew she never stopped loving me regardless of the incident. Even as a graying adult living 10,000 miles I know I can always turn to my mom for comfort and love. I have seen this with my incredible wife Patty and her compassionate heart for our kids. She has often been an advocate for them and when dad felt justice must be served she became a powerful defense attorney pursuing mercy.
In so many ways through our physical or spiritual mothers we see the heart of the Father’s unconditional love. The Bible clearly displays God as Father, but God Himself when He wants us to understand part of His heart points to moms:
“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.” (Isa. 66:13). “Can a mother forget a baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has born? Though she may forget I will not forget you,” (Isa. 49:15).
Here in South Africa I have seen beautiful fragrances of the Father’s love through godly women spreading the aroma of heaven’s love in beautiful displays. Let me share a few examples.
When you visit Oceans Retreat Center you will run into Thobeka. And as you get to know her you will smell the sweet perfume of Christ’s love as her peaceful presence pours out into everything she does. From her cooking, cleaning, plumbing, sewing, fixing, painting, gardening, singing, praying, teaching, and raising her daughter. Believe me she does it all, and we are blessed to have her daily displaying the Father’s love to everyone who steps on our campus. She continues to point us to the beautiful heart of a forever loving Father and the gift of His unconditional love through Jesus.
Last week I was privileged to shop with Bernie & Marion who help run Ocean View Care Center. Despite the center being closed for over 40 days due to the lockdown they continue to daily feed not only the 120 at risk children, but also many of their families in Ocean View Township. Bernie & Marion have families of their own but love these children and tirelessly sacrifice their time to shop, cook, and provide nourishing food for those in need. Again fragrances of the Father’s tireless love for His beloved children.
I praise God for these woman and a whole host of others who are fragrances of the unconditional love of the Father. A Father who ran after us in Jesus, giving up His only Son so that we would forever know a self-sacrificial love. A Father who daily serves us and provides for every need. A Father who hears our cries, captures every tear in a bottle, and comforts us in the darkest valleys. A Father who sees us in times of our greatest need and who will never ever forget us.
Thank you mom and moms for being the fragrance of His love!
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him,” (2 Cor. 2:14).