Fragrances of The Father’s Unconditional Love

My wife Patty & my mom Harriet in South Africa

What does the heart of the Father look like? As I thought about Mother’s Day this past weekend I thought about the gift of mothers both spiritual and physical ones to our world. Two words which I would use to describe many mothers whom I know: unconditional love!

For 54 years I have experienced the unconditional love from my faithful mom knowing she will love me no matter what. When I was young and once again ended up in the principal’s office I knew she never stopped loving me regardless of the incident. Even as a graying adult living 10,000 miles I know I can always turn to my mom for comfort and love. I have seen this with my incredible wife Patty and her compassionate heart for our kids. She has often been an advocate for them and when dad felt justice must be served she became a powerful defense attorney pursuing mercy.

In so many ways through our physical or spiritual mothers we see the heart of the Father’s unconditional love. The Bible clearly displays God as Father, but God Himself when He wants us to understand part of His heart points to moms:

“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.” (Isa. 66:13). “Can a mother forget a baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has born? Though she may forget I will not forget you,” (Isa. 49:15).

Here in South Africa I have seen beautiful fragrances of the Father’s love through godly women spreading the aroma of heaven’s love in beautiful displays. Let me share a few examples.

Thobeka & her daughter Sunny

When you visit Oceans Retreat Center you will run into Thobeka. And as you get to know her you will smell the sweet perfume of Christ’s love as her peaceful presence pours out into everything she does. From her cooking, cleaning, plumbing, sewing, fixing, painting, gardening, singing, praying, teaching, and raising her daughter. Believe me she does it all, and we are blessed to have her daily displaying the Father’s love to everyone who steps on our campus. She continues to point us to the beautiful heart of a forever loving Father and the gift of His unconditional love through Jesus.

Last week I was privileged to shop with Bernie & Marion who help run Ocean View Care Center. Despite the center being closed for over 40 days due to the lockdown they continue to daily feed not only the 120 at risk children, but also many of their families in Ocean View Township. Bernie & Marion have families of their own but love these children and tirelessly sacrifice their time to shop, cook, and provide nourishing food for those in need. Again fragrances of the Father’s tireless love for His beloved children.

Bernie & Marion from Ocean View Care Center

I praise God for these woman and a whole host of others who are fragrances of the unconditional love of the Father. A Father who ran after us in Jesus, giving up His only Son so that we would forever know a self-sacrificial love. A Father who daily serves us and provides for every need. A Father who hears our cries, captures every tear in a bottle, and comforts us in the darkest valleys. A Father who sees us in times of our greatest need and who will never ever forget us.

Thank you mom and moms for being the fragrance of His love!

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him,” (2 Cor. 2:14).

A Kingdom Touch!

Jillian Dokter, at Beautiful Gate loving the fatherless.

This blog is written by Mike Verkaik, who God has used to transform and disciple many lives through mission trips to Africa.

As May begins, my attention generally turns to the final preparations for the Holland Christian High School trip to Beautiful Gate in Lesotho. However, this year is different. After much prayer for God to make a way for this group of students to experience His kingdom on African soil, I regretfully had to cancel our June trip.

There are some prayers that as an Oceans staff member we pray all the time. One is that God would bring a revival, a great awakening of the Father’s love for His children. We long for the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Hab. 2:14) We have seen glimpses of that outpouring in the transformed hearts of teens and adults alike during our trips to Africa.

This past February, on our last trip to South Africa, I met Johann Kikillus, founder of Ocean View Care Center. Listening to his passion against injustice, his dedication to serve the least, and dependence on God was a blessing and inspiration. In a recent discussion he states, “I used to take teams all over Africa and I learned very early that God didn’t send us to a place to go and change it, we are the ones that come back completely changed … I want to encourage people to come to Africa, to encourage and help laborers, but also to go back with a renewed faith and go back and change your world.”

Johann Kikillus shares more of the impact of teams on Oceans’ webpage.

Johann’s thoughts depict the experiences we have witnessed time and time again. Recently, Jillian Dokter, a 2018 participant on our June trip returned from serving for 9 months at Beautiful Gate. She recorded a podcast with host Bryant Russ. As I listened to her heart, I gave praise and glory to our Father in heaven for the Holy Spirit’s work in her life. Listen to her heart:

In Lesotho, I had my heart broken in a way I had never experienced before. I have never been that close to extreme poverty or vulnerable children. So, I couldn’t not respond. I started praying about what does my response look like? God placed on my heart to go back to Lesotho long term.

Through my experience, I’m more aware of the world as a whole. I came face to face with a lot of brokenness and pain while I was in Lesotho. I’m more aware that the world is broken, but with that I’m more aware also how faithful God is in the middle of it all. I praise Him for the way He showed up again and again. I have a better understanding of who He is and how He meets us in the chaos … over and over again God told me I am all that you need.

God as a Father really came alive for me when I was in Lesotho. I had to process a lot of things. Like, is the reality that these children don’t have earthly fathers going to affect their view of God as a Father? What does God as a Father look like for children who don’t have earthly parents? Processing through all of that I got to appreciate God as my own Father even more. I feel like I got to appreciate that characteristic of God as my Father more deeply working with kids who don’t know any father figures.

Hearing the impact Jillian’s time in Lesotho had on her life led me back to our prayers over the past months; prayers for the end of the pandemic, the ramifications from it, and for a revival of the heart of the Father. However, ultimately it brought me to the surrendering heart taught in the Lord’s prayer – Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Will you join us?

Thanks for your YES Jillian.

Ascend24 – A Rising Generation

Your Grace Finds Me

Written by Mike Verkaik, Oceans US Ambassador and Outreach Coordinator

Do you know this song by Matt Redman?

From the creation to the cross
There from the cross into eternity
Your grace finds me, yes Your grace finds me

Sitting at the kitchen table, reflecting on the people I had met and the conversations I recently had at the Wooden Shoe, the song Your Grace Finds Me began to play on the radio.  While listening to the repetition of the lines above, I reflected on the lesson Abba Father had taught me through a current resident, *Brenda.

As I reflected I realized that God had initiated this divine appointment that was about to unfold with Brenda a week earlier via a phone call from a volunteer.  This volunteer alerted me to how the Holy Spirit led two couples to donate money towards the rent of someone who might have lost their job due to the coronavirus. 

As our team prepared to leave for the motel that Tuesday night, I was praying for a divine appointment with the motel owner and yes God provided this encounter. As we were getting ready to hand out the food prepared for the individuals and families living in the Wooden Shoe, I broke away from the group to ask the owner if any residents were falling behind in their rent.  With a disgusted look he said, “Yes, I am kicking *Brenda out tonight.  She is two weeks behind in her rent. She has lied to me, forged several notes from her employer, and I have had enough. If you would be willing to give her some assistance, it would help a lot?”  I told him we would like to help.

Tuesday Food Ministry at the Wooden Shoe

After walking through the vending room to the back of the motel, I met Brenda for the first time. She was standing in the parking lot crying.  Through the sniffles and tears she shared her story.  The pandemic had closed the restaurant she worked at for the past 6 years; she had no money and nowhere to go.  She went on to say, “I prayed to God, but I don’t think He hears me.”

As I listened to her last words the Holy Spirit gave me this response, “Brenda, not only did your Father hear you, He put you on someone’s heart before you even prayed your prayer.  Last week, your Father prompted a person to call me, someone that does not even know you.  That is how much your Father loves you.”

Upon leaving the motel, I settled with the owner and went back to *Brenda’s room with a receipt.  As I explained how her back rent and the upcoming weeks rent were paid for, she burst out in tears again and responded, “Oh grace, grace, so much grace.  Thank you, so much grace!”  

In Galatians, Paul felt that same kind of grace when he wrote: “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.,”(Galatians 2:4, 5 –NIV).

*Brenda has since moved out of the motel after receiving her stimulus check.  She is living in a better place, and I am happy for her.  Last week she texted saying, “ Thank you again for your help. God is good and He was there. I am hoping to pay it forward in the very near future”

Grace found *Brenda that night and she was overwhelmed by His love and mercy for her in that moment.  Made me think about my response to Easter?  Am I still living in the memory of the grace of resurrection day which has made me alive with Christ? How about you?

Resident is thankful for activities provided by Oceans during the lockdown.

*name changed

Lessons from my 4 Living Dad’s

Yes, you read the title right. I’m blessed to say I have “4” living dad’s who in the past few months have spoken wisdom into my soul during this season of turbulent seas. Each of them have shared 4 truths that can transform any circumstance, no mater how dark, into a triumphal victory.

Last week I got a Face Time call from my Dad, Ray. My dad is not much into technology so to see an incoming call was a bit shocking. But as we talked I was relieved and blessed that all was ok and hearing what was on his heart from 10,000 miles away. He shared how he was awoken from a vivid dream where the LORD was communicating to him the absolute necessity for prayer to fight the pandemic plaguing the globe. How prayer must be the first priority for all His people. As he asked God what he could do, he sensed the LORD saying call 10 people and urge them to pray fervently over the peril we are facing. And to challenge them to call 10 more people to pray and so on so that we can join a prayer movement around the world to fight the battle in the heavenly realm.

My dad’s passion for intercession was contagious and so I contacted 10 people that day with his challenge. His challenged reminded me that prayer is our greatest act of faith, declaring we are not in control but must turn to the Sovereign Savior who has power over all creation.

Back in February my step dad Bill and my mom were out in South Africa for the dedication of Oceans Retreat Center. Bill was extremely sick and weak as he was battling pneumonia during his time here. But when you would walk into their room you would often find him singing worship songs he downloaded from his I-Pad. One of the songs he played over and over again was God of the Mountains – the chorus states:

“For the God of the mountain is still God in the valley when thing go wrong, He will make them right. And the God of the good times is still God in the bad times. The God of the day is still God of the night!

Bill modeled our need to praise no matter what. And it was that power of praise that got him out of bed to give a powerful message at our dedication service he titled the “Sovereign of the Sea.” It was truly a prophetic word as he called us to look to the Jesus who is in the boat with us in the midst of life’s storms. The One who has the power to shout out “Peace be Still!” Praise redirects our attention to the Almighty Sovereign of the Sea who will flood our life with His perfect peace.

My father-in-law, Ray loves life and people. So Patty were wondering how he would be doing in this time of self-isolation. But as we talked on the phone last week he was still full of joy and enthusiasm. He shared with us how even though he can’t get out to see people he felt called by the LORD to write letters of encouragement each week to people God put on his heart.

His looking outward instead of inward was a great challenge as well. In a world full of fear and negativity how love can overcome those emotions through giving and receiving words of encouragement. We have been recreated in Christ to be conduits of His love and grace to a broken and hurting world. Just think of the impact we could have on are world by daily giving others words of affirmation and encouragement.

By now you have probably figured out who my 4th living Dad is –Abba Father. The lessons He is daily teaching me is to rest in His endless supply of love. Being still is not always easy because inner voices stuffed away through busyness and other forms of distraction all of a sudden become louder when we practice the discipline of silence. Sins that lurk in the dark places of our soul become uncovered. Pain we have sought to avoid pound louder. Yet, these voices and the pain are teachers of the Holy Spirit and point to our need for the gift of love given to us in Jesus.

I truly believe the Father is using this particular season to bring us back to the Cross. To bring those sins, fears, and strongholds of the enemy to the cursed Tree of Calvary. At the cross we can honestly confess our sin and our weakness and once again give them to Jesus. We can rest in His mighty work. We can receive the gift of the Father’s love. Surrendering our lives anew and waiting for His power to be made perfect in our weakness through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So His challenge is to rest in Christ’s finished work and wait in great hope for the Holy Spirit to do His mighty work within us making us more and more into the image of His Son Jesus.

I praise God for the lessons of my 4 living Dad’s during this historic season. May we all be challenged to pray in faith to our Sovereign Savior who is the miracle worker, to praise and worship in every situation, to be instruments of His love and encouragement to others, and to rest in the perfect love of our Father given through the Spirit of Jesus Christ. I pray you will hear your Father’s voice speaking to you in each of these challenges.