The Gardener Within
I wasn’t too happy to realize that some sort of caterpillar-like bug was invading a garden at Oceans Retreat Center. I diligently attempted various solutions to remove the pests but these creatures are resilient. In fact it appears they are thriving and multiplying.
So the other day I decided to get the pick, shovel, and rake and go to the source. As I dug deep in the dirt to remove roots that spread throughout the garden my thoughts drifted to the recent season of Good Friday and Resurrection Day.
Could these pesky caterpillars be an analogy of my soul struggling with sin. No matter how much I desire a right relationship with God, sin keeps creeping in, no matter what I try to get rid of it. I sincerely desire a flourishing and beautiful spiritual life rooted in the love of Christ, yet sin keeps popping up and eating away at my soul.
BUT, praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Holy Spirit that on Good Friday that all changed. The Father loved me so much He sent His Son to dig down to the root of my soul. He attached my innermost being on the cross with Him, and through His death put an end to sin and its power and all its deadly effects. And on the Resurrection day, He planted through the Holy Spirit His life in me giving me a newly created soul rooted in Him.
Remember Mary Magdalene crying that Sunday morning at the tomb? She addressed Jesus as The gardener!!! (John 20:15). To me this speaks volumes. I believe John records this detail to point us back to the garden of Eden, the Creation story and the creation of man and woman.
Our parents, Adam and Eve, were called not only be at home in the beautiful garden of Eden and in perfect fellowship with the Father, but also to join together in order multiply this place of harmony all over the world (Gen. 1:28). They were given a mandate along with their children to bring God’s glorious garden to the ends of the earth, to fill the world with beauty as the Father’s precious and beloved children.
We all know the results of the fall and sin’s deadly grip on those who are created in God’s image. But because of the resurrection of Jesus all those who have died and rooted to Him by faith, have a life in eternity awaiting them. This sacrificial act changed everything. A new garden and Gardener are in place, He reigns as King and is making all things new. Paul clearly states this in 2 Cor. 5:17:
“If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone the knew has come.”
This is the powerful truth of the Resurrection!! Don’t miss this! Jesus made all who are in Him into a new garden that will bear beautiful fruit. Don’t allow the enemy’s lies via media and other false messages in our world discourage you.
The Gardener has come to till the souls that are full of thistles, thorns, and deadly pestilence that have ravaged His children, and He has dug deeply and removed it all and transformed their souls into beautiful gardens for His glory.
So don’t be discouraged when you identify a sin in your life. Be reminded that because of the blood of Jesus we can confess that sin, ask for Him to get to that root be renewed and replanted with His love as the source. Whatever sin or temptation you may be struggling with, remember He promises to walk beside us and help us grow in His flourishing garden. Where the enemy has brought barren deserts to our soul, His Spirit in us will bring streams of living water to thirsty souls with the good news of the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).
So fellow follower of Christ may we encourage one another to let the Gardner do His redeeming work in us and through us so that His glorious and beautiful garden may flourish and grow to reflect Him in all we do and say.