10 Years – What a Father!

I had to apologize to the mothers this past Sunday at the church where I was preaching, as the message  was not going to be a  typical Mother’s Day theme. Instead I wanted to share a scripture that still held a significant meaning for not just me but also my family.

You see, 10 years ago on Mother’s Day I shared with CrossPoint church in California, where I served, that we would be leaving to start a ministry called Oceans. On that day I also preached from Matthew 14:22-33, about Peter getting out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on the water in the midst of a storm.

All last week I was reflected on this passage and so then on Sunday I shared how over the last 10 years-and particularly  the last 4 ½ years living in Africa-I can relate to Peter who found himself sinking the moment he took His eyes off of Jesus. Covid, several literal storms that caused flooding on the campus, people issues, spiritual warfare, and Patty and I being separated from family and friends, would at times cause my eyes of faith to falter.

Yet, during those “drowning moments” the everlasting arms of the Father were ever present-grabbing us and pulling us out of despair and back into His ark of shalom. In the midst of moments of chaos He proved Himself always more than faithful.

You see this is the power of the Resurrection that I have been sharing in the last few blogs from John 20. The Resurrection tells us we are SEEN by the Father,  SOOTHED by HIS Spirit of love, SAFE because Jesus ascended and is the now reigning as King, and finally SECURE because God is our Father who will never let us go.

Remember this statement the resurrected Jesus says to Mary:

“Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to My brothers and tell them, “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God,” vs.17.

Right there is the message of the Gospel and Jesus chose Mary to be the first to hear it. Jesus lived, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to the Father so that we can fully be restored to our Father. The work of Christ is to bring us into the arms of our Heavenly Father-who will never let us go (see. Jn. 10:28-29). This is where our true identity is found, this is how we find true security in an insecure world.

We can become SECURE when we know we are being held forever in the Father’s everlasting arms. Way back 2002 I was at the Pacific Ocean and wrote in my journal, “One day you will be apart of a ministry called Oceans, where you will make the love of the Father known, Hab. 2:14.”

Now 22 years later, in Fish Hoek, SA where two Oceans come together, I stand amazed and testify to a faithful, loving Father, who floods our spirits with a supernatural security that comes from His Spirit in us.

The Oceans board and team praise God for miracle after miracle of His provision, His power, and His perfect love for His precious children. Our insecure world’s greatest need is to come to know the everlasting love of the Father. A Father who SEES us perfect in Christ, SOOTHES us by His powerful Spirit, keeps us SAFE through Christ the King, and gives us our true identity as His sons and daughters as we are SECURE in His everlasting arms.

I hope you can shout with us, “WHAT A FATHER!





Don’t’ Miss Thursday!

Our world would be a different place if we didn’t miss Thursday. In fact what a change there would be in those who claim to be part of the family of God is we didn’t miss Thursday.

In the text we have been pondering for the last few weeks we see Jesus indirectly telling Mary Magdalene, “Not to miss Thursday!”

“Mary, don’t cling to Me, for I haven’t yet ascended to God, My Father. And He not only My Father and God, but now He’s your Father and your God! Now go to My brothers and tell them what I’ve told you, that I am ascending to My Father – and your Father, to My God and your God!” (Jn. 20:17)

You can’t blame Mary for holding on to Jesus for dear life. She thought she lost Him to the grave but now He is alive and she isn’t going to let Him go this time.

Mary didn’t yet understand it all, but Jesus is telling her it is far better that I ascend to my Father than if you cling to Me now and in the days ahead. Certainly, she felt safe in the arms of Jesus and in fact that is something we all desperately desire. Hopefully you recall the key factors in becoming spiritually healthy.  So far we have discussed being Seen and Soothed by our Savior. This week’s blog is about being Safe and next week being Secure. These are such important steps in living life here in this world and give us a firm spiritual foundation!

Back to the story of Jesus and Mary. Since Jesus knows what is ahead, He knows very soon Mary will find out that His arms are stronger and more powerful when He ascends to the right hand of the Father. This will happen 40 days after His resurrection. At that appointed time Jesus will ascend to the Father,  become King over the whole earth, and set up His rightful reign. His completed work.

This Thursday we remember the ascension of Jesus (Lk. 24:50-53, Acts 1:9-11). I’m thankful here in South Africa there is a combined worship service of the churches in our valley celebrating this glorious event. And how we need it here in a country in turmoil with upcoming elections at the end of the month. Jesus’ Ascension reminds us that we are safe and secure no matter what happens, He remains the reigning King!

This Thursday reminds us that our safety does not come from the kingdoms of this world-rather from a KING who is ruling right now. King Jesus is on the throne, His perfect plan is unfolding to render all things under His feet. (see I Cor. 15:25ff.)

We were created by the Father to feel safe in His presence. The ascension of the Son to the Heavenly Throne opens up the way for all His followers to be seated spiritually with Him right now in the heavenly realm (Eph. 2:6).

When I get fearful watching too much news or listening to Christian leaders talk about how bad and evil this world is -I desperately need to remember Thursday. Jesus is King right now, yes for sure in the future when He comes again to set up the new heaven and the new earth, but right NOW! And I hold on to the promise that He uses all things to spread His glorious spiritual reign over all the earth (Hab. 2:14).

Don’t miss Thursday!!! Remember at this very moment Jesus Christ IS KING and you are secure in His everlasting arms (Dt. 33:27)






Becoming a Beautiful House – Soothed

How our minds and the truths in scripture are intertwined continues to astonish me. Attending and speaking at the conference “Just Jesus” for Christian Counselors in the Cape Town area, was a blessing. One presenter in particular who shared research linking childhood trauma, the mind, and future addictions particularly caught my attention.

For example when a young child falls and is hurt, the comfort of a parent releases a natural chemical in the brain similar to opium which assists in calming the child.  But what is also amazing is how this same chemical is released in the parent to calm them down. What a Creator God!

The sad news however is when children are not comforted by a parent or trusted adult in their pain or trauma there is a much greater likelihood of a struggle in the future with some form of additive behavior. This brings us to last week’s blog and the 4 S’s presented by author and psychiatrist Curt Thompson of the need for healthy spiritual hearts to be Seen, Soothed, Safe, and Secure. When these are present in our lives Christ creates a Beautiful House within!

God created us to be comforted or soothed in our pain in order for proper healing to take place and scripture supports this. Reading John 20 we learned how Mary Magdalene’s heart was being transformed as she was SEEN by the Resurrected Lord Jesus.  Being truly SEEN by the ONE who loves us fills our hearts deepest longing.

In this text we also see Mary was SOOTHED by her Savior. A great picture of being SOOTHED is a parent or trusted adult holding and comforting a child who had just taken a spill on their tricycle and blooded their chin. It is the hugs and loving voice that brings a soothing calm to the crying child.

In John 20, Mary’s tears were real and inconsolable. Even when two angels in dazzling white robes, sitting where Jesus body was laid said, “Dear woman, why are you crying? (vs. 13) she did not calm down. You would have thought the sight of these glorious beings in an empty tomb might just help a little, but no. We read on that when she mistakes Jesus for the gardener she is still crying (vs 15).

Yet, when Jesus speaks her name with compassionate love (she is seen) followed by an embrace (she is soothed) it is then the tears of pain and sorrow turn to tears of overwhelming joy (vs. 16). From the text we realize the hug was heartfelt as Mary did not want to let go, she did not want to risk losing the One who loved her perfectly for who she was.  The text continues Jesus kindly says, “Mary do not cling to Me for I have not ascended to the Father…” (vs. 17).

More to follow about this phrase next week, but the promise that awaits Mary is that she will not be left alone, soothing will be still be tangible when Jesus as King ascends to the Father.  Mary eventually lets go of Jesus trusting that something even greater than she can imagine will happen.

What an amazing gift for us to comprehend that God sent His son Jesus to earth, in order to take on all our pain caused by sin and a sinful world and bury it in the grave. We praise the resurrected Jesus who sees us and soothes our hurts. Yes, we will still suffer and stumble in this world until all is made right,  but in the mean time we have a Savior who sees us and soothes us with His lasting love.

He is the Perfect Parent who runs to us in all our trauma. He lovingly calls us by name and wraps His loving arms around us and brings true comfort to our deepest needs.  And as we receive His soothing love we then become agents of His comfort and peace to others around us who need to hear His voice and feel His wrap around love holding them, knowing we are apart of His Beautiful House.  This is how His Beautiful House living with us will cover the whole world.


Becoming A Beautiful House – Seen

This past Sunday my wife Patty and I were invited to join the Gospel Outreach Church in Masiphumelele  to celebrate with them the remodeling of their building. About three years ago a generous gift was give to Oceans Ministries, which allowed us to contribute to this much needed expansion.

In Africa everything moves slowly so to see progress finally being made and the old wall removed to make additional space to worship was truly a reason to give praise. Anyone who worshiped here before vividly remembers how packed the small worship space was especially on those windless days with services easily lasting 3 to 4 hours.

As the custom for most African churches, I was asked to preach and I spoke on “The Father’s Beautiful House.” It is wonderful to meet in a bigger space, but the building itself is not the Beautiful House the Father is looking for. Our heavenly Father desires to invade the hearts of His children with His perfect, overflowing love. He wants make our very heart His home.

Our hearts were created for His beauty to dwell within and to be the temple that glows with the radiant glory of His presence. The Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the Father’s restoration project. He is  rebuilding His beautiful house within our very being. His presence living in us will transform us. His glory reflected through us will cause others to know Him (see Hab. 2:14).

Author and psychiatrist Curt Thompson uses 4 words that he strongly believes every heart needs to experience to reflect the beauty of God. They are:  To be Seen, Soothed, Safe, and Secure. Because of sin these slipped away, however in Christ those deep heart needs can be met.   I encourage you to take some time to read John 20 and put yourself into the resurrection story. For the next few weeks we will see how these 4 S’ flow out of this transforming passage.

Seen – Mary, who we are told had seven demons cast out of her by Jesus was the first to encounter the resurrected Christ. She knew shame, guilt, and heartache from her past, but Jesus saw through all that and loved her. It was that love that brought her to the tomb early in the morning. And Jesus appeared to her first, and when she does not recognize Him because of her tears, He says her name, “Mary!”(vs. 16) Hearing His voice awakens her heart to know that the this IS Jesus, Jesus who sees her with His eternal eyes of perfect love.

At the cross Jesus took all of Mary’s shame and our shame upon His naked body.  Jesus did not run away or  hide like Adam and Eve, but He allowed Himself to be publicly humiliated so that we would not have to take the punishment. Because of the death of Jesus we are seen through the cross as forgiven and beautiful children recreated in His image.

Deep in every heart is a desire to be seen, one example is the uncontrollable cravings social media offers. However sooner or later those seeking healing through this emptiness eventually realize it is never enough, not even with millions of views. No amount of likes or recognition eliminates the shame.

To be seen by The One who knows all our sin and shame and still loves us is the answer.  The Resurrected Jesus teaches us that we are forever seen by His perfect love.  When Mary realized it was Jesus who had called her name she cried out, “Teacher!” (vs. 16).  She experienced the healing truth of a Beautiful Savior, One who saw His beautiful daughter no longer covered in shame.

Put yourself in this story. Listen for the voice of the Spirit calling your name. Open your spiritual eyes to know that you are truly seen and loved by your perfect Father in Heaven.


The Gardener Within

I wasn’t too happy to realize that some sort of caterpillar-like bug was invading a garden at Oceans Retreat Center. I diligently attempted various solutions to remove the pests but these creatures are resilient. In fact it appears they are thriving and multiplying.

So the other day I decided to get the pick, shovel, and rake and go to the source. As I dug deep in the dirt to remove roots that spread throughout the garden my thoughts drifted to the recent season of Good Friday and Resurrection Day.

Could these pesky caterpillars be an analogy of my soul struggling with sin. No matter how much I desire a right relationship with God, sin keeps creeping in, no matter what I try to get rid of it. I sincerely desire a flourishing and beautiful spiritual life rooted in the love of Christ, yet sin keeps popping up and eating away at my soul.

BUT, praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Holy Spirit that on Good Friday that all changed. The Father loved me so much He sent His Son to dig down to the root of my soul. He attached my innermost being on the cross with Him, and through His death put an end to sin and its power and all its deadly effects. And on the Resurrection day, He planted through the Holy Spirit His life in me giving me a newly created soul rooted in Him.

Remember Mary Magdalene crying that Sunday morning at the tomb? She addressed Jesus as The gardener!!! (John 20:15). To me this speaks volumes. I believe John records this detail to point us back to the garden of Eden, the Creation story and the creation of man and woman.

Our parents, Adam and Eve, were called not only be at home in the beautiful garden of Eden and in perfect fellowship with the Father, but also to join together in order multiply this place of harmony all over the world (Gen. 1:28). They were given a mandate along with their children to bring God’s glorious garden to the ends of the earth, to fill the world with beauty as the Father’s precious and beloved children.

We all know the results of the fall and sin’s deadly grip on those who are created in God’s image. But because of the resurrection of Jesus all those who have died and rooted to Him by faith, have a life in eternity awaiting them. This sacrificial act changed everything. A new garden and Gardener are in place, He reigns as King and is making all things new. Paul clearly states this in 2 Cor. 5:17:

“If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone the knew has come.”

This is the powerful truth of the Resurrection!! Don’t miss this! Jesus made all who are in Him into a new garden that will bear beautiful fruit. Don’t allow the enemy’s lies via media and other false messages in our world discourage you.

The Gardener has come to till the souls that are full of thistles, thorns, and deadly pestilence that have ravaged His children, and He has dug deeply and removed it all and transformed their souls into beautiful gardens for His glory.

So don’t be discouraged when you identify a sin in your life. Be reminded that because of the blood of Jesus we can confess that sin, ask for Him to get to that root be renewed and replanted with His love as the source. Whatever sin or temptation you may be struggling with, remember He promises to walk beside us and help us grow in His flourishing garden. Where the enemy has brought barren deserts to our soul, His Spirit in us will bring streams of living water to thirsty souls with the good news of the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).

So fellow follower of Christ may we encourage one another to let the Gardner do His redeeming work in us and through us so that His glorious and beautiful garden may flourish and grow to reflect Him in all we do and say.