Don’t’ Miss Thursday!
Our world would be a different place if we didn’t miss Thursday. In fact what a change there would be in those who claim to be part of the family of God is we didn’t miss Thursday.
In the text we have been pondering for the last few weeks we see Jesus indirectly telling Mary Magdalene, “Not to miss Thursday!”
“Mary, don’t cling to Me, for I haven’t yet ascended to God, My Father. And He not only My Father and God, but now He’s your Father and your God! Now go to My brothers and tell them what I’ve told you, that I am ascending to My Father – and your Father, to My God and your God!” (Jn. 20:17)
You can’t blame Mary for holding on to Jesus for dear life. She thought she lost Him to the grave but now He is alive and she isn’t going to let Him go this time.
Mary didn’t yet understand it all, but Jesus is telling her it is far better that I ascend to my Father than if you cling to Me now and in the days ahead. Certainly, she felt safe in the arms of Jesus and in fact that is something we all desperately desire. Hopefully you recall the key factors in becoming spiritually healthy. So far we have discussed being Seen and Soothed by our Savior. This week’s blog is about being Safe and next week being Secure. These are such important steps in living life here in this world and give us a firm spiritual foundation!
Back to the story of Jesus and Mary. Since Jesus knows what is ahead, He knows very soon Mary will find out that His arms are stronger and more powerful when He ascends to the right hand of the Father. This will happen 40 days after His resurrection. At that appointed time Jesus will ascend to the Father, become King over the whole earth, and set up His rightful reign. His completed work.
This Thursday we remember the ascension of Jesus (Lk. 24:50-53, Acts 1:9-11). I’m thankful here in South Africa there is a combined worship service of the churches in our valley celebrating this glorious event. And how we need it here in a country in turmoil with upcoming elections at the end of the month. Jesus’ Ascension reminds us that we are safe and secure no matter what happens, He remains the reigning King!
This Thursday reminds us that our safety does not come from the kingdoms of this world-rather from a KING who is ruling right now. King Jesus is on the throne, His perfect plan is unfolding to render all things under His feet. (see I Cor. 15:25ff.)
We were created by the Father to feel safe in His presence. The ascension of the Son to the Heavenly Throne opens up the way for all His followers to be seated spiritually with Him right now in the heavenly realm (Eph. 2:6).
When I get fearful watching too much news or listening to Christian leaders talk about how bad and evil this world is -I desperately need to remember Thursday. Jesus is King right now, yes for sure in the future when He comes again to set up the new heaven and the new earth, but right NOW! And I hold on to the promise that He uses all things to spread His glorious spiritual reign over all the earth (Hab. 2:14).
Don’t miss Thursday!!! Remember at this very moment Jesus Christ IS KING and you are secure in His everlasting arms (Dt. 33:27)