Day 24 of 40

Heaven Come Down

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” | MATTHEW 6:9-10

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain:

“Jesus’ mission on earth, as its very core, was to reveal to spiritual orphans the Father’s love for them. You see this immediately in the first line of His teaching on prayer, ‘Our Father in Heaven, hallowed by your name…’ In the prayer, Jesus brings us right away to the first truth- the radical idea that we can call God ‘Father.'”

As you think about the reality of God as your Father, is it natural for you to call God “Father” or “Daddy?” Why or why note? Take some time today to think about your answer to that question.

Today’s prayer: God, thank you for your unfailing fatherly love toward me.