Day 33 of 40

Prayer in Persecution

“…Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” | ACTS 4:29-30

Today’s excerpt from Climbing Prayer Mountain:

“The journey up Prayer Mountain is a conscious commitment to experience intimacy, not only with the Father, but also His children. It is longing for a powerful kingdom work to take place in one’s life. Yet, it is important to realize that this heartfelt desire will not go unnoticed by the enemy. Jesus and his disciples can testify- a powerful prayer life will place a target on your back and attract a few arrows from Satan.”

As you think about the tough reality of spiritual attacks, how can focusing on the complete sovereign control of the Lord give you hope in the midst of your battle? Stay the course and keep climbing Prayer Mountain!

Today’s prayer: God, thank you for your unfailing fatherly love toward me.