Tag Archive for: The Gift of the Father

The Gift of the Father – A New Stirring

Why do I believe there is going to be another great outpouring of the Father’s Spirit upon the earth as mentioned last week? Prayer! Have you heard about the movie War Room? A few weeks ago my wife Patty urged my daughter and I to go see it after she experienced it with some high school friends. I say “experienced it” because that is what happened when we went. I have never been to a movie where so many people were crying, laughing, and cheering throughout the penetrating story line that was centered on prayer. Without giving too much of the story line away, it was about a woman who turned her clothing closet into her War Room. In that room she battled in prayer, this is where she fought impossible odds and placed the outcome in God’s mighty hands.

The amazing thing about this low budget, 3 million dollar movie, was how well it did in the box office. Despite showing in a limited number of theaters it was the top movie on Labor Day weekend. I heard on the radio how after watching the movie a husband went outside of theatre and got on his knees and asked his wife’s forgiveness. As this happened a group of people gathered around and prayed for the couple. That just doesn’t happen after a movie unless something supernatural is going on!!

As I have pondered the reason for the success of this particular movie, I think part of it is quite evident- it hit a cord in many hearts for the need to pray in the midst of overwhelming cultural and spiritual battles are glaring right before our very eyes. What valuable tools this movie offered. So often we neglect the power and value of prayer unless the Holy Spirit quickens our souls to see our own brokenness and our absolute need as helpless children. Yes, it is at that breaking point we fall to our knees and beg for the Father to intervene. I have had countless conversations in the last few months with pastors, church workers, and friends, who are sensing a renewed passion out of brokenness to get on their faces before God and do war in the spiritual realm over impossible situations.

Throughout the history of the Bible as well as the world you will see prayer is always a precursor to a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I believe the movie War Room and its unprecedented success is another indication that there is a stirring in the hearts of many that we have lived far too long in our own power and pride. It is time to cry out in our weakness, to cry out to a Father who promises a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May we be persistent as we ask!

“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:11-13.

The Gift of the Father – The Last Great Outpouring

Last week I unpacked boxes and boxes of books and was excited to run across a copy of a page from a devotional called Come Away my Beloved. For almost seven years this 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper hung on the bulletin board of my church office. Often I would glance up and reread the words. These words describing a powerful picture for followers of Christ. These words gave me hope for what I believe is yet to come.  It has been well over a year since I read these words and as I did my heart was quickened once again by a deep longing and renewed passion to pray for a move of the Holy Spirit.  I felt compelled to share these words with you and hope to expand upon them over the next few weeks!

Behold, you stand on the threshold of a new day. For I have truly great things in store for you. Yes, you have not power to conceive what I am about to do. For I will bring to pass a new thing. You will rejoice exceedingly. You have heard of the showers, but I say to you: I will send a mighty downpour. Many have cried out to Me from hungry hearts and have received of my fullness and seen My glory; but I say to you: In the day of the great deluge which is coming, many will come to know the reality of My power who have until now not even dreamed of such a thing.

Many who are scoffers and many who are honest doubters will find themselves swept away on the swelling tide of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For this is the time of the last great outpouring. This is the day of preparation for the coming of the Lord. Many shall rejoice together n the Spirit’s work who are now at sword’s point over doctrinal disputes and barriers of tradition. 

But let your hearts be encouraged; for a new day is dawning: a day of repentance and a day of gathering for My people. For they shall not continue to be barricaded and isolated behind walls of prejudice. I am the LORD, and I will be worshiped in spirit and in truth, and not in the bigotry of sectarianism and narrowness of denominationalism. The world is waiting for a robust Church to minister to its needs; and how can an ailing, dismembered Body bring healing to a sick and dying world?

Surely I will pour out My Spirit, and by prophecies, by signs and wonders, by many different types of miracles, and by healings. I will reaffirm the veracity of My Word and bring the message of the Gospel of Redemption to many who would otherwise never give heed. I am the Alpha and Omega. Stand firm in Me. Never waver.

Be faithful regardless of apparent failures and discouragements; for My word shall surely be fulfilled, and your eyes shall see revival in proportions such as never before witnessed in the history of the human race.

Keep your eye on the end of the course. Victory is secured already. Do not let the hurdles cause you consternation. Stay in the running. Truly, I am at your side. According to each day shall your strength be; and the race is not won by the swift, but the obedient shall receive the prize, (Come Away My Beloved, p. 130-131). 

I pray that you will join me in praying for this Last Great Outpouring!