The Favor of the Father’s Face – Shine


“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you…”

Numbers 6:24-25

Brilliance! Is the word I would use to describe the reflection of the Colorado sun bouncing off the freshly fallen snow high in the Rocky Mountains. This blinding scene was recently shared this with a group of couples on a retreat. Together we discussed the Goodness of God as our Father as well as experiencing a spectacular visual while hiked through fluffy white snow, which spectacularly radiated heat from the sun. Our senses soaked in the Father’s creative glory as it shone on us.

How the heart of your Father wants to bless you and anoint you will the brilliance of His shining face of love that will transform every part of your being with His presence. The Father’s glorious face is seen best in Jesus, “The Son,” who is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being…” (Heb. 1:3). The Father sent His Son to shine on us with a love that forgives, heals, and brings us into His Heavenly presence and crowns us with authority as His very own sons and daughters.

Scripture also reveals that our Good Father & His Son have left with us the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is the very presence of God taking up residence in our hearts and shines forth His glory and love (John 14:15-21). Those who look to Jesus, who is the glorious face of God the Father, as their Savior and Lord, have been invaded by the blessed gift of the Father shining on them and in them through the Holy Spirit.

This weekend we had the chance to pray over a couple that are seeking direction from their Good Father for the future. As prayers ascended the face of the Father descended through His Spirit and as we finished you could tangibly see the brilliance of the Father’s face in the countenance of this couple. In fact someone later said to me, “Did you see her face shine after the prayer time?” Amazing and true!

My prayer for 2017 is for the blessing and favor of the Father to shine on His sons and daughters in such a brilliant way that they glow with the presence of the Father’s Glorious Face. Just think about the transforming power shining sons and daughters would have on broken families, churches, communities, and cities. When the Father’s face and favor fall on His children their will be a powerful attraction to His light as we reflect His glory as the new snow reflects the blazing sun.

So right now look to heaven and ask the Father to “Bless you” with a fresh revelation of His face through Jesus His Son and prepare your heart to Shine!


The Favor of the Father’s Face – Faithful

As Patty and I walked along a Southern California beach the day after Christmas with some friends we paused to watch the sun bid farewell as it dipped into the vast Pacific Ocean. The setting sun brought me back to a time several years earlier where I sat on the beach only a few miles away reading Habakkuk 2:14:

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters over the sea.

In my spirit I sensed the Lord saying to me one day you will be part of a ministry called Oceans, which will make known the Father’s love all over the world.

As I watched that glorious sunset on December 26 I wanted to shout out praise to a Faithful Father who keeps me in His forever arms of love. It has been exactly two years since we stepped out of the boat and onto the water to start Oceans Ministries. Even though my faith can be weak at times the Father is always present to reach down and grab me when I sink and restore me to His loving face. Oceans can testify to the incredible Good, Good, Father who opens doors to ministry and His hands to abundant provision showing His glory and goodness.

As 2017 begins will you join me in pursing The Favor of the Lord’s Face. I know for some 2016 has been filled with pain and heartache and you have felt like you are about to go under the stormy waters. But take courage my friends you have a Father who is big enough to pull you out and bless you with the Favor of His Loving Face. Our Good Father gave us this Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:24-27 that I believe will help us see more clearly over the next few weeks His Good and Glorious Face.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace…So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

This is the heart of your Father, He desires this truth more than you can imagine, to bless you with the smile of His love. He places dreams and visions in your heart, which He has the power to carry out for His glory through you. He has given you His Son Jesus as the ultimate testimony of His goodness to you and through Jesus to show you the glory of His Face. I want to shout out to you as I did that day on the beach how Faithful the Father is! He will keep you in His loving arms and He will never let you go.

I want to live into the blessings from my Father found in Numbers 6, and I pray that you too experience the Favor of your Father’s Face in ways you have never experienced before. Look by faith into His glorious Face.