Receive the Tears of your Father!
The River Chapel was full of Beautiful Gate staff and Oceans’ team members to watch an adoption ceremony. I’ve had many opportunities over the years to witness this extraordinary exchange but this one penetrated deeply into my soul.
A single Basotho woman sat next to her teenage daughter on the couch, both had their arms wrapped around a beautiful baby girl. All three were wide-eyed as songs were sung and speeches made. As the adopting mom was asked to come forward to sign the official papers, she gently handed the child over to her older daughter and all of a sudden her emotions took over. Tears flooded down her face with deep sobs breaking forth as she came forward to sign the documents.
Her tears were infectious and soon many in the room wiped their eyes overwhelmed by the significance of the moment. One of the house moms stood up, and with tears streaming down her checks, belted out a praise song in Sesotho. Before long the room was engulfed with heartfelt worship!
I sat towards the back of the room, taking it all in and sensed the Spirit say, “this is how the Father feels when He adopts one of His children through the blood of His Son Jesus.” My mind envisioned the Heavenly Father taking a pen dipped in the blood of His perfect Son Jesus and writing my name in the book of Life and as He wrote tears flooded down His face. To tell you the truth I’m just like that little child sitting on the couch being adopted. I am clueless to the enormous exchange that brought me into the forever family of God with all rights and privileges of a true son, (see Eph. 1:4-5).
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1).
Receive the tears of your Father’s love-this incredible love that has brought you into His forever family. Know and believe that you are deeply loved!