What’s Normal Anyway?

While Visiting Lesotho With My Special Needs Son Taught Me About the Heart of the Father

(Written by Mike Verkaik)

If you know me in real life, then you probably also know my son Chad. Chad is an energetic, 6 foot 5 college sophomore who has been developmentally delayed since birth. These past 2 years Dawn and I have seen so many of our prayers for Chad answered in Calvin College’s Ready for Life (RFL) program. For the first time this fall he is living independently in his own apartment alongside a fellow RFL student. When I visit him in his new place, I can’t help but rejoice in the way God has shown up in the life of my son through this program.


When I think of life with Chad, I often think of a scene from the movie The Incredibles. At the beginning of the film, our main characters (all superheros with extraordinary powers) are all sitting around the dinner table talking about their school day when the oldest daughter, Vie exclaims: “Normal, what does anyone in this family know about normal?”


This line has stuck with me since the time I saw the movie, and often pops when I think of Dawn and my parenting journey with Chad.


When Chad entered our family, we spent many of his childhood years asking this same question: “What is normal?” At church, is it okay that Chad sits down with head bowed every time we pray even when the congregation is standing? What about when he sings boisterously with a joy not typically seen in Reformed Churches?


What is normal?


Chad’s heart and perspective have shown me that the way you and I define “normal” doesn’t always line up with the heart of our Father. Chad lives without concern for what others think and if the spirit leads him to share or pray he does so loudly. One of the most Christ-like things about Chad is his concern for others, he never wants anyone to feel left out.


Many of Chad’s better qualities were brought into sharp perspective for me this past August when he joined me on an Ocean’s trip to Lesotho. Simply put, I saw the heart of our Father explode through the actions of my son.

1st John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” Chad’s openness to the Spirit astounded me in Lesotho. Putting off any doubts or fears, he responded to everyone with the freedom that comes from living fully alive, just as you were created to be. While in Lesotho Chad prayed freely over the staff and directors of Beautiful Gate. He worshipped openly through song, with inspired motions and dance. He happily shared his testimony to teen moms at the Good Shepherd Center, connecting with them in beautiful authenticity.


Throughout the trip Chad continuously concerned himself with the needs and inclusion of everyone around him. He was the one to ensure all birthdays were celebrated with cake and singing. Every visitor that entered the campus was always invited to dinner, or on a trip, or into a conversation. No one got out of dish duty with Chad on the watch, and if someone was not feeling well, he made sure he found a replacement. Most memorably, when one student, Peter, asked to rededicate his life to Christ through baptism, Chad taped the entire sacrament and made sure Peter got a copy.


Life with Chad, both in Lesotho and at home in West Michigan, has shown me that our normal doesn’t always line up with the life of freedom our Father calls us to live. Without the insecurities and fear that sometimes hold us back, Chad’s heart pours out Jesus to everyone as he naturally fulfills the command to “Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)


What a blessing to call him my son. He has taught me not to live normal but live like the Heart of the Father!


















It is true a picture is worth a thousand words.

It is true a picture is worth a thousand words.

This photograph was taken August 22, 2014 on Inspiration Road. I. (Patty) was driving home feeling somewhat discouraged as all that what familiar in my life was now very different. I was thinking of my dear friend Kathy who was in the midst of cancer. I was missing the California sunshine. I was driving and praying and wondering what this new era of ministry would hold for our family. And then I noticed the sunset! It was brilliant! The clouds had hovered over the big blue Colorado sky all day long and FINALLY the SUN BURST FORTH! I clicked several pictures on my phone and only days later did I notice an incredible gift portrayed in a figure in the clouds.

Sometimes when we have no words to say or pray….God gives us a picture!

I ask that today God through His Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit will give you a sign, a picture, a word of encouragement, something that YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART could only be from HIM….for such a time as this.

Receive the Tears of your Father!


The River Chapel was full of Beautiful Gate staff and Oceans’ team members to watch an adoption ceremony. I’ve had many opportunities over the years to witness this extraordinary exchange but this one penetrated deeply into my soul.


A single Basotho woman sat next to her teenage daughter on the couch, both had their arms wrapped around a beautiful baby girl. All three were wide-eyed as songs were sung and speeches made. As the adopting mom was asked to come forward to sign the official papers, she gently handed the child over to her older daughter and all of a sudden her emotions took over. Tears flooded down her face with deep sobs breaking forth as she came forward to sign the documents.


Her tears were infectious and soon many in the room wiped their eyes overwhelmed by the significance of the moment. One of the house moms stood up, and with tears streaming down her checks, belted out a praise song in Sesotho. Before long the room was engulfed with heartfelt worship!


I sat towards the back of the room, taking it all in and sensed the Spirit say, “this is how the Father feels when He adopts one of His children through the blood of His Son Jesus.” My mind envisioned the Heavenly Father taking a pen dipped in the blood of His perfect Son Jesus and writing my name in the book of Life and as He wrote tears flooded down His face. To tell you the truth I’m just like that little child sitting on the couch being adopted. I am clueless to the enormous exchange that brought me into the forever family of God with all rights and privileges of a true son, (see Eph. 1:4-5).


How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1).


Receive the tears of your Father’s love-this incredible love that has brought you into His forever family. Know and believe that you are deeply loved!





The Steps of A Disciple

A disciple of Christ will experience amazing highs and difficult lows and yet grow to know the amazing power and love of Kingdom of God breaking forth into the world.

Be blessed as you listen to Michele Bennett’s story of living as a radical disciple of Jesus Christ in Lesotho Africa.

From Orphan to a Messenger of the King!

Listen to the amazing story of a young young man named Lerato and his journey from Lesotho, Africa to Japan.