Finding Radical Faith in Uncertain Times

After an incredible night of prayer and worship last Wednesday a couple asked if they could meet with me the following day before South Africa was scheduled to go on lockdown. In my mind I was thinking they may need counseling or possibly financial assistance to sustain their family for the next 21 days as both of them would be out of work.
March 26 is a day I will never forget. Not only was it the last full day before we into quarantine as a nation, but it was my encounter with this couple that I will remember for the rest of my life. It was humbling, overwhelming, left me speechless, and filled my heart with overflowing hope and joy.
The couple started out sharing how they were touched by the Wednesday night of prayer and worship at Oceans Retreat Center and believed God was telling them to give a gift to the ministry. That’s when my heart started to beat rapidly and my tongue got tied. My mind flooded with countless thoughts on why they should not give due to the trial they would be facing in the coming days. I felt I was the one who should be giving money to them. When I finally was able to put a sentence together I said, “I have been coming to Africa for 17 years and I have never had this happen to me before, I don’t know what to say.” They both grinned with giant smiles saying, “it would be our joy for you to receive our widow’s mite.”
I shared with them that when God called us to start Oceans Ministries He told us not to ask for money but to pray and watch Him provide for all our needs. I went on to share with them about a spiritual hero named George Muller, just as I got those words out the wife jumped up out of her seat and gave a shout of praise. “Pastor Tim, it was George Muller who cared for thousands of orphans in England and never asked for funds, we love his example of prayer and faith in Almighty God!” At this I jumped up out of my seat and gave her a proper fist pump. I knew Abba was speaking powerfully through this brother and sister in Christ to encourage me to keep the faith.
Before this radiant couple left they asked if I could pray over them and their gift that God would some how be glorified through it. We all got down on our knees, laid hands on the gift. I praise God for what He is teaching me through such people of great faith, even in the midst of such uncertain times.
Their faith was a precious gift of the Goodness of the Father showing Himself faithful. It also inspired me to take time during this lock down to get to know the the Greatness of the God they follow and to live with radical faith. Wherever you may be during these unprecedented times will you join me in crying out to the Father for a greater awareness of the Spirit of Christ who lives in us so we can walk in faith through His abiding strength (Philippians 4:13).
“What is faith? it is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see…So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely seek HIm.” Hebrews 11:1 & 6 NLT