The Fire & the Family

Greeting from South Africa!

Praying you sense the Father’s unfailing love surround you. I want to share with you a video clip of a vision I had back in July that I believe is prevalent during this season.

3 replies
  1. Deborah Dahlin
    Deborah Dahlin says:

    Thank you Pastor Tim! Always love hearing your insights and just how God is speaking in and through you! We have been feeling this same way…just knowing God will use all of this for good…for His honor and glory! May God continue to bless you , your family and your team as you spread the Good News to our friends in South Africa and beyond!

  2. Miguel Zaldaña
    Miguel Zaldaña says:

    Pastor Tim,
    Thank you for sharing and transmitting God’s voice and love to us.
    We’re glad to hear from you and pray for His blessings and anointing over you. We miss you but understand you’re following His call.
    Receive our love from the Zaldana Family to you and Paty.


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