Entries by Tim Spykstra

He Sees You

Recently I was introduced to an outreach group called Ezra. This team of believers walks the streets of downtown Denver and hopes to know those in the homeless community by name.  Ezra is a ministry of presence and desires to make those on the street know that they are seen and loved by God. But […]

Dare to Ask!

The most important question you will every ask yourself, “Can I trust God?” Can you trust Him with your life, family, finances, future, job, ministry, and yes even your sin? To be honest it is a question I wrestle with every single day in one way or another. I just finished a book given to […]

“Spirit Lead Me…”

We drove onto a dirt road that twisted through shacks made of whatever materials could be found and arrived at a pre-school made of corrugated metal. Inside were beautiful children being taught and cared for by women with big hearts and bright smiles. Here was a little oasis in a troubled township called Khayelitsha, which […]

God’s Sovereign Appointment Book!

This week Tim and I are in Cape Town, South Africa. Hard to imagine from the picture isn’t it. We are here to explore and plan for an upcoming trip we are taking with the Colorado Christian University women’s basketball team. Arriving late the night before, we were a little draggy starting our day, but […]

Say “Yes to the Dress”

When I looked at the picture on her phone my heart overwhelmed me and caused my eyes to flood with tears.  I guess I wasn’t ready to see my little girl Anna all grown up wearing the wedding dress she picked out.  My little girl who claimed she would never wear a dress said, “YES […]