Entries by Tim Spykstra

Find His Face

As I was driving up into the mountains North of LA I thought I better give my wife a call before the Souly Business retreat. I’m glad I did because that would be the last time I would talk to her for 2 ½ days. If you want to test whether or not you are […]

Attracting the Ruwach of God

  At the end of the Souly Business retreat I received a note from a young man named Jason. Jason was one of the first men I met at the retreat and he was the one who volunteered to carry my bags to the cabin. Over the course of the next few days I would […]

Hijacked by the Holy Spirit

I can’t recall the landscape of California ever so vibrant and full of life! It was truly breathtaking! The rain soaked hills glistened green with dashes of purple and orange from the wild flowers and left me with frequent expressions of “wow, this is amazing!” Once again the desert was full of life! What I was seeing in the natural was preparing me for what I was about to experience in the supernatural.

What is the Heart of John 3:16?

  “What is the heart of John 3:16?” I recently asked inmates in a California prison and Colorado jail this question about this familiar verse. As expected several men shouted out answers such as “believe in Jesus and you get eternal life.” Most of us who have memorized this text as little kids would have […]