Rediscovering the Giant Slayer
Victory is always found in Vision! One of our first stops on our Israel tour was to the hilly area of Azekah. Climbing to the top of the hill the famous Elah Valley, where one of the most epic battles in Biblical history took place.
Perhaps you recall the giant Goliath? He along with the rest of the Philistines camped on a hill to the west and the Israelites were across the valley to the east. For 40 days Goliath taunted Israel to send a man out to fight him to determine the victory. But no one from King Saul’s army dared take up the challenge.
That is until a young David, a shepherd, heard the Philistine’s champion’s challenge and burned with holy anger. I don’t need to retell to you this famous story of David’s victory from I Samuel 17, as I’m sure you know it well, however I do want to highlight the key to the victory.
David saw something that no one else in the army did, including King Saul. David saw the Giant Slayer. At a young age David had a vision of the glory of God that made Goliath look like an ant. You can hear this in David’s own words as he ran toward Goliath:
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel…All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s and He will give all of you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:45-48
This young shepherd boy could run to the battle against a 9 foot giant with a vision of a Heavenly Giant Slayer who was unstoppable. Being back on this historic sight reminds me about the importance of vision as we face so many giants today in the culture we live in.
Yes, David had skills he learned as a shepherd in the wilderness protecting sheep, but the greatest gift he received was an encounter with the glory of God. Somewhere out on the lonely hills of Bethlehem the Holy Spirit opened David’s eyes to the King of the Universe and that encounter would forever change him.
On top of the hill of Azekah we read Psalm 27 and notice what David’s greatest passion:
“Here is the one thing I crave from Yahweh, the one thing I seek above all else: I want to live with Him every moment in His house, beholding the marvelous beauty Yahweh filled with awe, delighting in His glory and grace.” Vs. 4
David’s passion was to see and live under the glory of Yahweh the promise keeping, saving God. He knew when His vision was on the glorious saving God-no giant could keep him from living in victorious love of His Father God.
If David found victory in a glorious vision of Almighty God, how much more should we-who have seen Him in the coming of the Son of David, Jesus Christ?
Looking over the place where Goliath was slain by David’s faith in God brought to mind Revelation chapter 1. The apostle John had a glorious vision about the resurrected King Jesus-causing him to fall down as dead at the feet of the Savior. I challenge you to read this powerful chapter and let this vision of Jesus be the all consuming passion in your life. If this vision becomes your “One Thing” you will witness the giants you face fall before His glory and you will live in His victory!
“Don’t yield to fear. I am the Beginning and I am the End, the Living One! I was dead, but now look – I am alive forever and ever. And I hold the keys that unlock death and the unseen world.” Rev. 1:17-18.