Every Day is Father’s Day!
I’m sure you know by now this coming Sunday is Father’s Day. There will be get togethers, barbecues, special outings, and cards sent in the mail to celebrate fathers. It is a good time to honor earthly fathers who play such an important role in the family.
At the heart of Oceans Ministries is to make the Father’s love known to spiritual and physical orphans around the world. In essence to make every day Father’s Day! I would emphatically say the greatest thing you can do in life is make every day a day where you honor and acknowledge your Father in Heaven.
This is exactly what Jesus did. In fact the first time Jesus’ words are recorded in the Gospels was at the age of 12. You remember how His parents were frantically looking for Him for 3 days after the Passover Feast and finally found Him in the temple, His response was:
“Why were you searching for me…didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house!” Lk.2:49
Already Jesus knew that the most important relationship in His life was the Father-both spending time with Him and following His will. He would later say:
“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing..For the Father loves the Son and shows Him in all He does.” Jn 5:19-20
If Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, every day is a day we are unconditionally loved by the Father. Everyday He offers us forgiveness through the gift of Jesus. Everyday He is speaking His love to us through His Word, creation, and others He puts in our lives. Everyday He is providing for daily needs and watches us over us with Fatherly protection. Every moment of the day we can speak to Him and we can be assured that He hears us and responds to each request we make with perfect love. The list of loving gifts we receive daily from the Father goes on and on.
Jesus continues to teach me that Father’s Day is Every Day. And just as Jesus did I’m to daily seek the Father in His heavenly temple and daily bathe in rivers of His unconditional love. I’m also called to respond to that love with my life as an offering of praise every day.
Father’s Day is always a good reminder to me that every day I’m to write my Heavenly Father a card of thanks for giving me the gift of Him. A Perfect Father with an unlimited supply of love that will carry me forever in His arms.
Today write your Father in heaven a card, thank Him for all the amazing gifts He daily gives to you as His beloved son or daughter.