Jerusalema Challenge!

I’ve got a challenge for you during this Christmas season! Patty and I were invited to be apart of the Christmas celebration at the Ocean View Care Center. Pastor Raymond, a volunteer at the Center, taught us the Jerusalema dance. This song and dance was birthed in South Africa, swept through Africa and all over the world even making its way to the US.

To be honest I’m a little behind the times on social media so I had to go home and look up this catchy song and dance challenge that went viral during the pandemic. The song is in Zulu and has its roots in a much older gospel hymn, “Jerusalem Ikhaya Lami (Jerusalem My Home.)” The hymn celebrates a longing for a New Jerusalem, a hope for a better place where suffering will end. Jerusalema echoes those same desires. Here is the English translation:

Jerusalem, my home Rescue me, Join me, Don’t leave me here!

My place is not here, My kingdom is not here, Rescue me! Come with me!

Save me, save me, save me, Don’t leave me here….!

As I read these words and listened again to the song I thought about the joy we saw at the Care Center in both the children and the teachers. The whole Gospel was shared in both words and songs and it was a taste of heaven on earth for us. We both really needed it and came home so blessed by the day.

But at the same time pain was very present. Two teachers had recently lost family members one had been killed in a drive by shooting and another stabbed due to gang violence. Many children peered through the fence asking for food to feed their hungry stomachs. It made us both so sad to witness such real life situations for this community.

Yet here was singing, dancing and powerful prayers of hope right in the middle of a community filled with a hot bed of violence, corruption, and overwhelming needs. Quite a polarizing picture, the celebrations of the Christmas season and most of 2020. The gift of hope in Jesus and a brutal battle ground of reality. The gift of God’s only Son in the midst of so much pain is a potent reminder that this world is not our home. There is a New Jerusalem coming for all who have walked through the cross of Jesus Christ. His blood and forgiveness has opened doors both now and forever into an eternal Jerusalem. All who have experienced God’s saving grace are already in spirit apart of a heavenly Zion, a New Jerusalem where we can live out of His forever love.

Our faith response to the gift of our Heavenly Jerusalem needs to be singing and dancing for what has been given to us in Jesus both now and forever. As Pastor Raymond led us in the Jerusalema last Friday, we need to dance & sing in the midst of our battles & brokenness.

Patty and I actually pulled up a tutorial for the Jerusalema dance. We still have some practicing, but it created many laughs and served as a reminder that our hope and our calling to bring His Hope to all He leads us into contact with. We challenge you this Christmas season to sing, dance, and pray the Jerusalema wherever God has placed you and even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

“And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.” (Rev. 21:2)

P.S. If you want to see the dance performed by the local Fish Hoek High School click on the link below…..and if you and your family master this dance! Love to see a video!!!






Depending on the Wind

Summer is here in South Africa and at the Retreat Center it also means the wind is here. I’m not just talking about a summer breeze blowing gently off the ocean, but a sand-blowing, building-shaking kind of wind. In fact, it was blowing so hard the other night I thought Oceans Retreat Center was going to be picked up like Dorthy’s house in the Wizard of Oz.

As the windows were rattling at 3 am I was thinking about the brute power generated by this invisible force. It made me think of the Spirit’s power described in the Creation story as “hovering over the surface” and how out of this Wind life emerged out of nothing. I also pondered the “New Creation story” of Pentecost where the Wind of the Spirit shook a prayer- filled room with Holy Fire and the Kingdom of God broke forth.

As the curtains kept rhythm with the blowing wind, my mind wandered to ALL that has occurred in our world this year. I cried out in prayer to the Lord, “I need the Wind!” Jesus lived this dependency during His life on earth. He relied upon the Holy Spirit. Check out this list:

Birth = Conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35).

Baptism = Filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18)

Sealed = Spirit stamped the Father’s love upon Him (John 6:27)

Led = He went where the Spirit told Him to go (Luke 4:1)

Joy = The Spirit brought Him joy in ministry (Luke 10:21)

Taught = Spirit gave Him the words to teach (Acts 1:2)

Miracles = It was through the Spirit that He performed miracles (Luke 4:14-15)

Resurrected = Spirit raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11)

Obedience = Jesus remained obedient even unto death by the Spirit (Hebrews 9:14)

If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit how much more so do we who are children of Adam.

2020 has been a tough year for the entire world. I know several people who have suffered with enormous pain and loss.  For me It has felt like a deep season of emptying, of God purging my heart of junk it doesn’t need-in order to make room for what is needed the most.

As we have been in Southern Africa for almost a year we have come to realize the demonic strongholds are deeply intrenched in our valley and no amount of human strength will break its bondage. As the prophet Zechariah so correctly declared that “not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty,” (4:6).

The exciting aspect of what I believe is happening around the world and even here in Fish Hoek, is that weak, empty, followers of Christ are starting to realize we can’t do it with out the Wind. Recently Patty and I found a prayer meeting on Monday nights. It is hard to tell with social distancing and online viewers how many people attend the church, but what I can tell you is that pastor knew he needed help and called the people to cry out for supernatural power from the Spirit of God.  At first only a handful of people came, but in a few months it has grown to 70 plus people. What is really amazing is how many high school students attend as well as people of every tribe and nation. The Wind is starting to blow.

As 2020 comes to a close, I believe that in this new season of 2021- followers of Christ will be crying out for a fresh Wind of Revival; where believers will grasp the need to live in the radical dependence of the Wind of The Spirit just as Jesus and  the early church modeled.

May this “WInd-Prayer” be your prayer as well!



My Friends-the Prophets

Do you have any friends who are prophets? If you don’t I would strongly suggest you find a few. I have been spending a lot of time lately with my prophet friends. They are a unique breed for sure, not always easy to make friends with. Most of them are extreme introverts and struggle with popular culture.  If they were on twitter or facebook they would be constantly red flagged for their blunt honesty and incorrect political statements.

To be honest it can be really hard hanging out with my prophet friends at times. Their words can burn as the they uncover hidden sin and self-centered strongholds. I don’t always appreciate their judgmental tone and their strong rebukes. Sometimes I want to run out of the room as their prophetic rants feel like open heart surgery and I’m wide awake with no anesthesia.

Yet, over the years I have found their loving discipline and instruction has been exactly what I’ve need to turn me around into the arms of my loving Father. Without their constant loving support I’d quickly slide down a slippery slope of trusting self as god instead of placing my faith in the Sovereign of the Universe; as their wise prophetic words have proven true time and time again, self-trust always leads to self-destruction.

During the last several months here in South Africa I have spent many hours reconnecting and listening to my friends. Seeking their advice about my heart, the pandemic, ministry, and the future. Yes, at times the conversation has been difficult, but also filled with a great sense of hope and expectancy for the future.

Let me give an example from one of my prophet friends.  He is called the weeping prophet, and even wrote a book about crying called Lamentations. You’ve probably heard of him, his name is Jeremiah. He wept over the sin of God’s children, over his own pain, and judgement that was coming. Yet, in the midst of his tears, he found hope in the character of God:

“Yet, I still dare hope when I remember this: 

‘The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day.’ I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in Him! The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him and seek Him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the LORD. And it is good for the young to submit to the yoke of His discipline,'” (Lam. 3:21-27).

In fact, all my 16 prophet friends from Isaiah to Malachi point to “my inheritance” found in the gift of my Savior Jesus. They keep telling me “Hope in Him!”  They reveal over and over again not to trust in rulers, governments, armies, money, position, people, but in a Child who has been born, a Son given, He is the one governments of the world rest upon His shoulders:

“The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace. His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David, the passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this!” (Isa. 9:6-7).

I encourage you to invite one of the prophets over this Christmas season. It might not be an easy conversation, but if you listen carefully they will lead you to a place where you will find hope in Sovereign, Loving, Faithful, Forever King, Jesus!





Gratitude & More of God!

Written by Patty Spykstra:

Who would have thought that RT Kendall would join us for dinner? Yes, author of More of God is a regular guest as we listen to his book online.

I was struck by Kendall’s words “if we desire more of God we need a spirit of thankfulness.” With honesty he addresses grumbling and gratitude. Kendall is always quick to mention his own struggles and openly shares how the Holy Spirit convicted him of his lack of thankfulness. He also reminded us, while we ate dinner, about the Israelites grumbling, how only 1of the the10 Lepers was thankful, and the impact of our words. Kendall states: God hates ingratitude, gratitude must be taught, and God loves gratitude. These phrases prompted me to come up with my own list. I encourage you to do the same.

I have Ingratitude to God for:

1. I am not in control.
2. I don’t think something is fair.
3. I simply do not like what is happening. 4. I don’t trust God’s plan.
5. I want immediate results.

My list includes a lot of “I statements.” Am I more focused on me than the Great I AM? I did not expound on my reasons for ingratitude, but perhaps you can talk about your list with someone else or as a family and find scriptures to refute what may be at the root of ungratefulness in certain areas of your life. There will be days which are just difficult and unfair and it is okay to share or vent to others, but learning to “dignify the trial” as RT would say is key to moving toward a living a life of thankfulness and more of God.

How was I taught Gratitude & how do I model Gratitude:

In his book Kendall examines the power of words; words that may be spoken or written or passed along. The book of Proverbs and words of Jesus come to mind when thinking about this topic. Who modeled gratitude to you? Do you and I model gratitude?

I have Gratitude to God for: There is something powerful about speaking words of gratitude. Here is the start of my list reflecting on 2020.

1. Being Here. Oceans Retreat Center started out according to plan, with excitement about the high school mission team and the Haven work team, with celebrating the dedication and sharing that time with family, friends and local ministries, but then things drastically changed. Being here for such a time as this has reminded me that I am not in control and need to accept what each day brings. I need to acknowledge that God may have a different way of working all things together for His good and I need to trust His sovereign plan and who would have guessed that plan would include a coffee shop!

2. God’s Word. When Covid restrictions came into place our Oceans’ team realized how little control we possessed and as a result scheduled a weekly time of study and prayer with Mike & Dawn in the states. Reading through Climbing Prayer Mountain, the book of Ephesians and now John has been a time of spiritual growth for each of us and we can always count on Thobeka’s prayer including “Lord we thank you for your Word.”

3. Gift of Song. Africans sing and dance! When we are worshipping with those who exude such JOY, it is truly contagious, even when it is a 6-hour service. The Blessing by Kari Jobe and Waymaker by Leeland are also powerful songs that testify who our God is!

4. Fellow Believers. It has been such a gift to connect with others seeking to make the Father known and spend time in prayer and fellowship. “Encouraging the encouragers” has always been a mantra of mine and with all the cancellations Oceans Retreat Center has been able to offer a few days away to those ministering on the frontlines. Also thankful to bless the Oceanview preschool teachers, Bernie and Marion with gift cards as well as local pastors in the townships. Thanks to many of you Oceans Ministries has also provided food and other provision for many others during this season.

5. Each of You. The number of phone calls, prayers, texts, emails, pictures and songs sent, tangible gifts, and support particularly this year has been a huge hug from our Father. The trust you place in us to be good a steward of your gifts humbles us. We offer our sincere thanks from Fish Hoek SA and in Michigan. We miss the love, laughter and meals shared during those busy months that now seem ages ago and yet the slower pace of life forced us to listen and encourage those God has called us to minister to one at a time.

Now that I’ve gotten started on this list, I could go on and on and Tim may never have me write this blog again.  So I end with this:

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.“ Hebrews 12:28

I pray that each of us can testify that even though our lives have been rattled our foundation has stood firm. In the midst of so much uncertainty, loss, and fear may we find within our souls a spirit of gratitude and worship for our God!

Room 47 – Repentance & the Voice of God!


Written by Mike Verkaik:

This past Sunday we followed a new devotional pattern started by my son, Chad. On the weekends we read from Tim’s new book, Stepping into the Lord’s Prayer. As Chad was leading us through chapter 4, I began to hear the theme of this blog when he read, “ We are created to be in relationship with heaven, to hear and speak to the Father. Sin hinders this (Psalm 66:18), but confession opens our ears to hear the loving language of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (p. 67)

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a week long Quest in Georgia. There were 22 men in attendance from various parts of the country. As we were getting ready to leave our facilitator asked us, “How will you respond if people asked about your week?” The consensus was, “It was an accepted invitation to have an encounter with Jesus.” That encounter began when each of us arrived with a willing spirit to examine our lives, confess our deep seeded sins, to dwell in His word, and to pray for His will and guidance in our lives.

It was out of that repentance, seeking and praying that I share the following encounter of discerning the voice of God with Brian, a friend who invited me to the Quest.

Working at the motel can be a dark place. I was feeling that darker side Thursday morning as I awoke at the Quest. I can’t explain it, but I definitely felt it around me. As I lay awake, I spent the next hour in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal it to me. During that hour of prayer I was drawn to think about room 47 at the motel.

As Brian and I began our half-mile walk to the morning session, I shared my prayer time and room 47 with him. He suggested that we both press into the motel ministry during our morning devotional/prayer time, and I agreed.

When we returned, God had spoken to me about the darkness, but Brian returned saying, “there is something about the number 47. I don’t know exactly what it is.” As lunchtime approached Brian asked if I would join him in a time of prayer and fasting over lunch, to press in even more on the motel, Oceans Ministries and the number 47.

We began our time alone seeking what the Holy Spirit might speak to us individually. As I sat down, I have to admit that I did not know how to pray over the number 47. My initial thoughts were, “Lord, you put this more on Brian’s heart. So in the stillness, I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the significance of this number. Sitting there on that rock, I began to write:

Holy Spirit what do you want at the motel?

Bigger presence, pursue a larger dream. The number 47 – do we rent the room? Make it a prayer room? Study room? Remove all the curtains, let the light it. Have praise and worship? Establish a place of peace, respite?

When we joined together, I asked Brian what he heard about 47? To my shock he said, “Mike, I heard nothing other than it was really about you, not me, so what did you hear?” I responded, “Rent the room, establish a place of peace, get rid of the bed, (Dawn is not ready to sleep there), and have a bigger presence.

Needless to say Brian and I were excited, and both agreed I should pursue the idea of renting the room when we returned home. The following Monday I went to the hotel to tutor some students and afterwards met with the owner of the motel. As we ended our conversation I asked, “ Are there any rooms available to rent?” He responded that there was none, so I asked, “What about Room 47?” “47, he responded, “that room is vacant, but it doesn’t have a bed in it.” I just smiled and said, “Perfect, because we don’t want a bed, we want a place to meet people.”

After some prayer and price negotiation, we decided to offer a rent price for the room for 12 months. The owner accepted, and December 1 Oceans will begin a new facet of ministry.

We are not sure what God has in store for Room 47, or having our extended presence at the motel, but will continue to prayerfully wait in expectation of what He will do with our radical obedience. We will also never forget the journey that lead us to renting the room and what is needed to continually stay connected and discerning the voice of our Father.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8