The Blessing Challenge!

The song birthed out of of the Covid-19 pandemic “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes has been a grace to many around the world. Straight out of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:22-27 and directly from the heart of the Father these words shine forth God’s deep love over His children.

Sunday as we were singing this song the worship leader stopped the singing and shared what the Lord had put on his heart.  He reminded us that it is easy to sing this wonderful song of blessing over our lives and the lives of our families, but he continued, “Can you sing this song over your enemies or over people that have deeply hurt you in your life?”

It was a powerful moment as he challenged people to sing the song again this time beseeching God to bless enemies, family members who have hurt you, a boss you are bitter at, a political party you don’t agree with, a friend who has betrayed you…” As we were singing the words:

May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children…

As we joined together in one accord tears were wiped away and arms reached out to bless. A mighty wind of freedom entered the building. A powerful peace remained long after the service was over.

One of the many things Africa has taught me is the miracle of forgiveness. Recently we talked to a man in his 70’s who lived through the horror of Apartheid. He and his family were forced to give up their home that they lived in for years and be relocated to a township all because of the color of their skin.  Yet, this man openly shared that he had no bitterness nor did he play the victim card toward the government who did this to him. Patty asked him how he could have so much peace after all the terrible things that happened to him and his family?  He said, “Forgiveness has set me free!”

One of the greatest signs of true and total forgiveness is when you can bless your enemies and ask God to bless them as much as He would bless you. This is exactly what Jesus taught and lived out in such a way that a new Kingdom Revolution began, a revolution that will one day will overcome the world. Listen to His powerful command in Matthew 5:43ff:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.”

Sunday as we were singing favor and blessing over our enemies I sensed the Lord saying this is how my Kingdom will grow the most in this hour! I challenge you to play “The Blessing” and sing it over your enemies and those who have hurt you. You may have to sing it several times before the peace comes, but it will come and you will experience the freedom and victory of the Kingdom of Heaven and you will be apart of a revolution that will not be stopped!

Here is the link to The Blessing from South Africa:

Look for the Water Spouts!

June through October is whale season here in South Africa. The Southern Right Whales come near the shore during this season to birth their calves. During the first few months of the visitors passing by local folk would ask me if I saw the whales in the bay. It seemed like everyone was seeing these large creatures of the sea but us.

It was getting a little frustrating to be honest.  Patty and I would make sure to walk near the shore and scan the horizon and just when we thought we spotted one it turned out to be a big brown rock being pounded by the waves.

Until one day we went for a walk and plopped down on a bench with our tuna sandwiches and chips and watched and waited. Mesmerized by the picture perfect scene I thought I saw water spouts shooting up and quickly pointed it out to Patty.  Sure enough we spotted our first group of Southern Rights frolicking in the bay. It was breath taking to watch these behemoths which measure up to 60 feet in length and weigh several tons slide effortlessly with a powerful kick of their gigantic tail.

Since our first sighting I have learned a little about whale watching. I need to stop walking around and just sit and take in the scene. Focusing my eyes on the horizon for a water spout, which doesn’t look like much but indicates something gigantic is about to surface that will take your breathe away.

The whole experience of whale watching has been a good tutorial on how to watch for the ways of God in the midst of the vast unknowns flooding over our world like an endless ocean. We know from Scripture that God is intricately involved in every detail of our lives (see Psalm 139) and that all things work out for our good and His glory to those who know His love (Romans 8:28). But if we are honest it can be really tough to see God in the midst of it all.  Just this morning I talked with a woman who can’t pay the rent because she only works 2 half days a week in a hotel that has been left empty because of the virus. And her story can be multiplied by 1000’s.

What are we to do in the midst of the pandemic, explosive political tensions, and an on slot of spiritual attacks from the father of lies?  Find a spiritual bench, sit your soul down and wait in faith with your eyes focused on the horizon looking for spiritual water spouts.

Remember the well known words of Psalm 46:10:

                                     “Be silent, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation.                                   I will be honored throughout the world.”

We can rest our anxious souls down and focus on a God who is our “refuge and strength always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble and waters surge! …The nations are in uproar and kingdoms crumble! God thunders and the earth melts! The LORD Almighty us is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress,” (Psalm 46:1-7).

Our Father is out there, keep looking and you will soon see the water spouts and know something gigantic is about to surface and His glorious plan will take your breathe away.




Shout It All Out!

Do you ever feel like shouting from the deepest place in your soul? I mean like so loud that you shake the neighborhood. It appears a lot of people today are having the urge.  We’ve been having our fair share of shouting in South Africa, the United States and around the world.

I believe much of the shouting is based on anger and fear of the unpredictable future from an unsettled soul.  People are shouting in the streets and using their fingers to shout on all forms of social media.  I know in my life time I’ve never seen so much shouting going on.

A good shout during times of pain and uncertainty can actually be cathartic. I admit to a few shouting matches with God over the years especially when I couldn’t understand what He was doing. Perhaps you have had some shouting moments as well. But we are in good company. In the Psalms David freely shouts out to God and cries out with questions and such passages reflect that God is ok with such honesty of the soul.

The other morning in my Bible reading the word “SHOUT” caused me to put down my coffee cup and reread the paragraph. This was not a shout of anger or despair, but rather one of VICTORY.  The kind of shout that has you leaping in the air after your team wins the championship-remember those pre-COVID days.

Perhaps this is the shouting the world needs to hear today:

“A voice said, ‘shout!’  …Shout that people are like the grass that dies away. Their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of flowers in a field. The grass withers, and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the LORD…but the Word of our God stands forever.” (Isa. 40:6-8).

All the politics, power plays, and the plans of people will fade away but the promises of the Word will endure forever. Notice how the shouting continues in the next verses:

“Messenger of good news, shout to Zion from the mountain tops! Shout louder to Jerusalem – do not be afraid…Your God is coming! Yes, the Sovereign LORD is coming in all His glorious power. He will rule with awesome strength…He will feed His flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart,” (Isa. 40:9-11).

If Isaiah was told by heaven to shout 700 years before the “Word” came to earth, how much more should those who have encountered the “Word” the Sovereign LORD Jesus Christ. Jesus came as as the perfect Lamb of God to die for lost sheep and was raised to be the Shepherd King who rules now and for all eternity carrying His beloved lambs safely to Father’s House of forever love.

It’s time for all who follow this Shepherd King to shout and keep shouting from the mountain tops the real news, the good news about a real King who has brought a kingdom of love into the hearts of those who will follow in His steps. Go ahead today, give it a try, and Shout it all out!

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Out of times of our greatest brokenness God births beautiful works for His glory!

I was thinking about that while I set up the movie “Pilgrim’s Progress” for a group of high school girls at Oceans Retreat Center.  None of them had ever heard of John Bunyan nor his famous allegory first published in 1678; an amazing book that has never been out of print and translated into more than 200 languages.

These young ladies were about to encounter one of the greatest stories outside of Scripture about the narrow path of salvation and the journey of a true disciple of Jesus.  Bunyan wrote this timeless story during a lengthy imprisonment from 1660 to 1672. Much like the Apostle Paul who wrote many of his powerful letters from prison, Bunyan was in prison for preaching the Gospel outside the established rules of the church of England.

The church in Bunyan’s day was spiritually dead and directly linked with political forces of the day. He was so moved by the Holy Spirit to speak the truth of the Gospel that he preached outside of the church buildings and in streets and homes.  Even though the enemy hoped to silence Bunyan with jail time, God used this seemly unfortunate situation for a story to unfold that would capture minds and hearts with the truth of the Gospel and what means to follow Christ for almost 350 years.

Out of John Bunyan’s season of isolation and separation from loved ones and friends The Spirit birthed a literary masterpiece teaching Biblical truths which would transform millions over the years, including some teen age girls in South Africa. If you haven’t read it or seen a movie on it, I believe it would bless you, especially in light of the days we are living in. In fact the 2019 computer animated film we watched is well done and good for all ages. It will encourage you in your walk of faith and remind you that this world is not our home. We are pilgrims on our way to a celestial city to live forever with our loving Father and Savior God.

Bunyan’s life and the book Pilgrim’s Progress is an inspiration during this pandemic, the political craziness, and a cultural spinning out of control and believe it or not  this is when our Sovereign God does great works. I can’t wait to see what our Father is going to birth out of all the brokenness of 2020. Just like John Bunyan, the Apostle Paul, and you & me God uses times of brokenness to birth beautiful works for His glory!

“My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness,” (2 Cor. 12:8).






I want to share with you my favorite summary on the Why, How, and the What to pray for from LORD’S DAY 45 in a short video clip.