Tag Archive for: Lesotho

What Does God’s Kingdom Look Like?

I recently spoke with a group of men from southern California, parents of students at Ontario Christian High School, who accompanied their kids on a trip to Lesotho, Africa, and experienced God’s Kingdom in a tangible way.

Dads Kevin Hardy, Perry Eichor, Chris Congleton, and Bryan Vander Tuig discuss their experiences of traveling to Lesotho with their kids, seeing and experiencing God moving and working with them and through them during their time in Lesotho. The groups teacher/leader, Jeremy Zuidema of Ontario Christian, also relates how God provided for him to step out of his comfort zone to embark on the trip and was faithful beyond expectations in blessing the group’s time and efforts.

Listen to the entire conversation below:

Jesus on Colfax – Interview with Shawn Sikkema

Every Tuesday night Patty and I join a ministry called Jesus on Colfax lead by Shawn & Diane Sikkema. Jesus on Colfax seeks to bring the love of Jesus Christ to one of the roughest communities in the Denver area. I pray that you will be blessed as you listen to this interview with Shawn and hear about their call to be to join the work of Jesus on Colfax.

To learn more about this ministry go to:  www.jesusoncolfax.org


Following the Father’s Voice, Kirstein Interview

I had the blessing of interviewing Lindiwe & Peter Kirstein back in June, the soon-to-be directors at Beautiful Gate Care Center in Lesotho Africa. Their story of following God’s voice to become directors is amazing. I pray that you will be inspired as well to follow the voice of Abba Father in your life.

The Ripple Effects of Faith

While in Africa I had the blessing of doing a podcast with Bryan & Anita Geurink, directors of Beautiful Gate Care Center in Lesotho. The Geurink’s step of faith has had a ripple effect that God has used to transform lives all over the world. As I listened again to their remarkable “yes” to God’s call and the specific details of their daily journey, I was challenged anew to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and step out of the boat. I pray you will be blessed!

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