Day 39 of 40 – An Open Door

Sometimes it feels like our prayers are going unanswered. What are some of the things God may be teaching you during those times?

Day 38 of 40 – The Revelation One Jesus

Take some time today to read Revelation 1:12-18. How does the description of Jesus strengthen you as you seek to follow Him?

Day 37 of 40 – Finding Prayer Mountain Anywhere

Where do you find yourself as you read this? Do you believe you can turn that place or the situation you in into a “Prayer Mountain?”

Day 36 of 40 – The Throwing Prayer

As you journey up Prayer Mountain, why is it important to “travel light?” What does it look like to “throw” your “anxiety” on God?

Hidden Behind the Cross

“Hide this young man behind the cross!” The Spirit brought these words back to my mind this past week. These were the words that were prayed over me at a church alter 39 years ago. I have know idea who the man was who prayed for me that Sunday night as my head was bowed down and a waterfall of tears soaked my ski jacket. But that prayer has never left me since that life transforming moment when Jesus captured my heart and brought me through the cross hiding me forever in the Father’s love.


Holy week brings me back to the powerful meaning of that prayer as we commemorate the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. It is a daily battle with three powerful enemies: Satan, our Secular Society, and our Sinful Self. This trifecta of evil never stops attacking and on our own we are too weak to overcome the continual onslaught. It seems of late that the intensity of the battle has bumped up a notch throughout our world.


Right now I’m back in Lesotho Africa with a team of high school students from Parker Lutheran High School in Colorado. I love this country but at times the spiritual darkness weighs heavy on my soul as these 3 enemies relentlessly attack this land with poverty, Aids, political injustice, sexual perversion, witchcraft, a blinding religious spirit, and a host of other evils. I often fight feelings of helplessness and despair, as the battle seems impossible.


The truth spoken 39 years ago empowers me to fight back the darkness and reminds me of the power of the cross of Christ. The Apostle Paul states:


Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Col. 3:1-3).


The lies of Satan, the seductive allure of our secular culture, and my own sinful nature is overcome by the death, resurrection, and reign of King Jesus. Yes the battle is intense in Lesotho, the US, and around the world. But praise God we are hidden with Christ in God we are victorious behind the work of the cross!


There is a mountain over looking the capital city of Lesotho where we love to take the teams at sunset. Not only is the scene breathtaking but to me it is also a place that redirects my attention to “things above where Christ is seated.” Overlooking the busy city of Maseru is a white cross that shouts the victory of Jesus over the battle below for all who have followed the Lamb.


During this Holy Week direct your attention to the victory of the cross. If by faith you have walked through the cross to Jesus you are victorious over your enemies through His blood! Your life is now hidden with Christ. Remember a good, good Father who will never let you go loves you!