Day 40 of 40 – The Glory of the Mountain

The goal of the climb up Prayer Mountain is found in Revelation 4 & 5. Why is heartfelt worship the only true response to an encounter with God on Prayer Mountain?

Day 39 of 40 – An Open Door

Sometimes it feels like our prayers are going unanswered. What are some of the things God may be teaching you during those times?

Day 38 of 40 – The Revelation One Jesus

Take some time today to read Revelation 1:12-18. How does the description of Jesus strengthen you as you seek to follow Him?

Day 37 of 40 – Finding Prayer Mountain Anywhere

Where do you find yourself as you read this? Do you believe you can turn that place or the situation you in into a “Prayer Mountain?”

Day 36 of 40 – The Throwing Prayer

As you journey up Prayer Mountain, why is it important to “travel light?” What does it look like to “throw” your “anxiety” on God?