Reminders from the River – Living Low

As Patty and I were sitting by the river-our sanctuary for a while in a busy season. I thought about the path of the river, where it would end. I let my imagination wander as I thought to myself, “certainly never seen a river run UP a mountain.” From highest 14,000 feet peaks, the snow makes its way into the river we were enjoying and this small river would converge with others, ultimately contributing to the mighty Colorado River. The Colorado River flows down a 1000 plus miles and empties into the expansive Pacific Ocean all the way down to sea level. From the snow melt high above the mountain, the rushing water breaks forth into a series of streams or rivers, and each tributary, pulled down by gravity, finds the lowest point.

As I pondered the path of the river, the Spirit prompted my thoughts back to the presence of the Father, and what allows us to enter into His presence. Then it all came together. God’s glory resides in the highest heavens, and He is continually looking for a humble heart to flow down into.

“The high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, the Holy One says this: ‘I live in that high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts.” ( Isaiah 57:15).

Not only is this text in Isaiah talk about a contrite and humble heart, but Jesus also lives out a perfect visual of this text. Remember when JesusHe was baptized in the Jordan River? He identified with every sinner on earth. Did you ever think about where that water originated? The water which flowed from snow-capped Mount Hermon, 10,000 feet above, was the same water Jesus’ was baptized in by his cousin John. Jesus’ baptism symbolized the cleansing of a repentant heart, even though Jesus was pure and with out sin this act of lowering Himself below the water prepared Him for the refreshing of the Spirit of Heaven. Snow originating from the highest mountain flows into the Jordan River and when Jesus emerged from the water His Heavenly Father said, “this is my boy, I love Him and I’m so proud of Him!” (Mt. 3:16,17).

From the river’s pathway and the scripture references one can’t help but draw the conclusion that the Father’s heart is drawn to the broken, the weak, to repentant sinners , to those who humble their hearts and cry out for help from Heaven. The Spirit of the Father seeks to uphold the weak, the wounded, those who have wandered in the wilderness, those searching for the solace of the Savior. How can we forget the life of Moses, David, Esther, Isaiah, Mary, Peter and so many others. Each one learned to live low, have a humble heart and allow the streams of living water to fill them for the task set before them.

As Patty and I prayed by the river we asked for a fresh touch from heaven. In our weakness, sinfulness, and brokenness we are in desperate need of “refreshment” and “new courage” for the journey ahead. The river is a constant reminder for us to live low, to live in daily dependance on the Father, and that we need the Spirit of His Son to flow His love into parched lives.

Take heart if you are weak, wounded, or struggling in a barren wilderness. Rest assured that your soul is being prepared for the River to flow over you from Heavens on high. Follow Jesus. Step in. Wait for the refreshing words of your Father declaring His empowering love over you. You are His beloved daughter. You are His beloved son.

Reminders from the River – The Voice

Creation. God’s gift to us. Creation invites us to hear the Father’s Voice and bring solace to the soul. I welcome moments by the ocean, listening to the pattern of the rolling waves crashing on to the sandy shore. I also cherish time spent at the river, taking in the rhythm of the rocky mountain melting snow, now rushing down its designated path. A few weeks ago Patty and I took a few days for some needed rest. After a short walk, we sat on a log and allowed the consuming voice of the river to minister to us.

Even though the well traveled I-70 freeway was less than a mile away and the bustling mountain town of Vail a short walk down stream, all we could hear was the roar of water cascading over well worn rocks. The river, the wild flowers, and the pine trees become a safe sanctuary for us to be still before our Creator and let Him speak to our scattered souls.

Preparing for two weddings, making plans for a move to South Africa, and throwing in surgery for a torn bicep left our minds rushing a thousand different ways. Our enemy specializes in the art of distractions and works tirelessly to prevent us from hearing the One Voice that matters. As Patty and I spent some much needed time in prayer, I heard the gentle voice of the Spirit say, “As the river blocks out all the noise of the busy world around you, let your Father’s voice be the only one you listen to.” Our senses absorbed the sights and sounds, as we took a deep breath and surrendered our fears, frustrations, failures, and the future to the Lord. His voice spoke through the river to bring a stream of shalom from Heaven.

On the river’s edge we had our own personal church service. Together we reflected on a book we had read many times called “Victory over Darkness,” by Neil Anderson. I recently picked it up again to re-read as the voices I was hearing were not from my Father, but the father of lies. In one portion of the book the author has you work through a list of truths from Scripture to remind who you are in Christ. These truths boldly declare that in Christ, the gift of the Father, you are Accepted as His beloved child (John 1:12), Secure through His forever love (Rom. 8:35-39) and Significant because Christ lives in you (Gal. 2:20). If you don’t have this book I strongly suggest ordering it and have it ready when the lies hit.

In creation, sitting alongside the river we were reminded how powerful the Voice of the Father is. Reminded that when He speaks and we quiet our souls to listen, the noise and lies around us begin to fade and His peace, like a river attends to our needy souls. September tends to be a hectic season for many, I encourage you to find your “river” and hear the Voice of your Father!

Ripped Off and the Roar of Heaven

What a great picture of a precious daughter of the King who resides at a hotel in Holland, Michigan. The events of this day, as well as a host of other miracles, would not have happened, if Steve Grassmid’s tools weren’t ripped off by someone living at the hotel. Tools are everything for a contractor, but as Steve worked through the loss he was nudged by the Holy Spirit to respond not in anger, but to reach out in love. The Father’s Kingdom is truly upside down.

In God’s good providence Steve ran into Mike Verkaik, Oceans Ministries US ambassador, at Haven church and told Mike what the Holy Spirit was prompting. This divine appointment birthed a ministry at the Wooden Shoe motel that has continued for the last few years. Mike and Steve gathered people from various churches and this team has reached out with the love of the Father bringing meals each Tuesday night as well a providing prayer, counseling, tutoring, and a variety of other support.

Recently the team of volunteers led a Vacation Bible School for the kids living at the Wooden Shoe. Amber, one of the team members, shared this post:

Amber and a few of the kids at Vacation Bible School.

I have some great news to share! We had the pleasure of leading 7 of these precious children to accept Jesus into their hearts this week!  We put on a VBS and came each night to sing songs, play games, do crafts, read the Bible, and learn about how awesome God is. Life is really hard for these kids, but they now have the hope of Jesus and a relationship with Him for the rest of their lives! They can trust that He will never fail them or leave them. 

A few months ago I prayed that God would give me a BURDEN for something He cares about and that He wanted me to be a part of. Well , He instantly highlighted the kids at the motel we have been serving food at on Tuesday nights. Some of our friends started this ministry and asked us if we wanted to help them. So we have been working along side them serving food to these people that call the motel their home. There are whole families that live in a single motel room. As you can imagine, there is a lot of hardship for these people and these kids. The kids have told us Tuesday is the best day of the week because they know they will always get a meal. Food is scarce and a simple meal is a luxury for these people. 

The other interesting thing is the manager of the motel is Hindu. We had to get his permission to do the VBS in the first place. We thought it was pretty amazing that he gave us the okay. Then his daughter’s were two of the seven that excepted Jesus into their hearts! We had hoped and prayed for this, but honestly didn’t believe this would happen. Once again God exceeded our expectations! Something I have realized lately is people are more eager for the hope we have in Jesus than we realize. In the past, I was more hesitant in talking to people about Jesus. I feared It was imposing and that I wasn’t qualified, along with many other excuses. On the flip side, what if we don’t?!?! I just won’t be silent anymore! A life with Jesus is the best life. I want others to experience this!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Can you hear the roar of Heaven? (Luke 15:10). I would call this a divine set up, planned before the foundation of the earth (Ephesians 1:4). The Father used stolen tools, a forgiving spirit, and Amber’s burdened heart. We are joining with all the angels in heaven giving praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for these 7 precious children of God that have been adopted into the Father’s Family.

May Amber’s words encourage each of us to keep walking in faith, to plant seeds of love, believing that in the Father’s perfect timing He will bring a glorious harvest in unexpected places.

“Let the little children come to me for such is the Kingdom of God”

*permission was granted by parents or guardians for pictures

The Need for the Father!

Blog Written by Ray Haakonsen, Oceans Ministries South African Ambassador:

This being the third post highlighting the country of South Africa and the role Oceans Ministries could have as we set up our Oceans Ministries International office at Oceans Retreat Center in Cape Town, I thought I would highlight the pressing challenge of Fatherlessness in our country.

Our core calling as Oceans Ministries is 

“To make the love of the Father known to physical and spiritual orphans around the world.

With this mandate, we will no doubt be faced with and minister into the pressing challenges of ‘Fatherlessness’ in this nation and beyond. Our prisons are overflowing, gang warfare and drugs are rife in our burgeoning and vastly unemployed townships, and crime threatens our society as a whole. Many children today admit they grow up not knowing their Father at all.

Township near Cape Town

Much of this situation can be attributed to an apartheid separation policy that ended only in 1994. This policy had literally closed economic and education opportunities for most SA citizens. But 25 years after this legacy ended, we see that Fatherlessness is also a result of Father’s having to leave home to find work, or just “checking out” due to the massive challenges they found before them, in trying to provide for their families. 

A study done in 2017, (Stats SA General Household Survey)shows that 61.8 % of children in South Africa grow up in homes with absent Fathers! In this study, a ‘resident’ in a home is someone who spends more than 4 nights in a week in that home and a child is anyone under 18. This figure would include Fathers who had passed away (10.1%)

Many single Moms, grandparents and even children themselves, are expected to take on the role of providing for and bringing up children in the homes. This puts huge pressure on so many in this beautiful nation. As Oceans, the following scripture would be significant to us in our reaching out;

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. – James 1:7

The widespread ‘Fatherlessness’ in our nation and continent has in many ways ‘clouded’ the reality of what a ‘Father’ should be, and at the same time, made it virtually impossible to see God as a loving Father. Our deep desire to minister into this brokenness, is found in our mandate below:

In a world full of people whose pain, suffering, and loss has made it difficult for them to accept the idea of God as a loving Father, Oceans Ministries exists to help people overcome their brokenness and renew their relationship with their heavenly Father.’

As Jesus was baptised by John in Matthew 3:17 ABBA spoke out his Fatherhood over and identity of His son Jesus;

“And behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.(Have delight)”

In the same way, as we recognise our relationship in the family of God, we do so by acknowledging Jesus and are adopted as sons and daughters of ABBA Father. ABBA speaks the same words over us as His children. All need to hear the joy of this invite into His family so that a renewed understanding of love of “Father God” would be made known to them. 

Please stand with us as we seek His plan and will for us to minister in this vital area.

A Joshua & Caleb Spirit

Oceans Retreat Center, Fishhoek, South Africa

Blog written by Ray Haakonsen, Oceans Ministries South Africa Ambassador:

Continuing on from last week’s blog regarding current events in South Africa and the vision of Oceans Ministries, particularly with regard the newly acquired Retreat Center, my heart feels pulled strongly by the Holy Spirit toward the story of the 12 spies in Numbers 13:1-33. I encourage you to read it for yourself. 

Moses sent out 12 spies, the chieftains, representing the tribes of Israel, with this paraphrased mandate….’go search this land, see what and who is in it and if it would be a good place to live.’ The 12 journeyed off and after 40 days of fulfilling the requirements of Moses came to report what they’d found.

“They” it seems represents 10 of the spies. There is only one reference to anything good about the land and the rest of the report chronicled why they should not try to take it, these words came as a powerful visual stating they were like “Grasshoppers in the sight of the enemy (giants), in the land”…hardly encouraging.

But two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, implored Moses to go ahead and encourage the people of Israel to take the land of Canaan. And Caleb believing and stating they were more than able to conquer the giants.

In South Africa (and all of Africa for that matter) their are many voices, which seem to be in the majority, as with the spies from Moses day, they acknowledge Africa is a land filled with “milk and honey,” but there are “giants” that seem unconquerable! However with the power of prayer, I join Oceans Ministries as together we prophetically move forward in obedience with the Oceans Retreat Center. Humbly we come with a Joshua and Caleb spirit, relying on the strength of our Father and placing our confidence in Him. 

Our Father has called us to be a blessing to the nations, bringing light into the darkness. Africa is referred to as the “Dark continent,” but as with Joshua and Caleb, we desire to be obedient to Abba Father. The book of Joshua is an account of how a leader’s obedience to God resulted in divine help in the face of overwhelming odds. Truly an amazing story! 

In the same way, as negative reports are made about South Africa and Africa, Oceans Ministries will choose to come in the name of Christ with the following mandate;

“To make the love of the Father known to physical and spiritual orphans around the world.”

In a world full of people who’s pain, suffering, and loss has made it difficult for them to accept the idea of God as a loving Father, Oceans Ministries exists to help people overcome their brokenness and renew their relationship with their heavenly Father.

This we believe is needed in South Africa, Africa and beyond and its our calling to be involved in this through Oceans Retreat Center, starting in Cape Town and spreading through the continent and around the world.

So we come, not as grasshoppers who fear giants. But with the hearts of Joshua’s and Caleb’s, with a mantel of courage and strength in Jesus Christ, the One who has conquered the grave. 

We thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support on this journey of trust.