“Graves into Gardens”

On Resurrection Sunday singing the song “Graves into Gardens” reminded me about the power of the Gospel to transform the most broken places, such as a grave, into a place of beauty, a garden.

Resurrection Day is the believers victory day!  All our sin, pain, and brokenness was buried with Christ in His death and on the 3rd day when the Father raised up His beloved Son, the curse of sin and death was broken forever. Faith is the gift given by Jesus to bring us back into fellowship with our Father into a “New Garden” where there is restoration.

As we were singing the chorus….

“You turn graves into gardens, You turn bones into armies, You turn seas into highways, You’re the only One who can…”

a picture of a township Oceans has recently been involved in flashed into my mind. This relatively unknown space just outside of Cape Town, (in the picture above) is a place of extreme poverty and brokenness and basically a dump. Yet, these are the places where Jesus loves to unleash His Resurrection Power and turn graves into gardens.

On Good Friday that dump turned into a place of worship as hundreds from the community were fed both physical and spiritual food. The gospel message that Christ Jesus can take His children out of death and bring them true life was heard. It has been amazing to watch God use our friend Pastor Raymond his wife Pamela, and their team  “Love in Action” beautify this place with the love of the King.

Because of the Resurrection and the Spirit of Jesus living in His children our brokenness and weakness can be transformed into something beautiful.  Our sin and filth is a spiritual dumping ground, and yet because of Jesus, all of this is forever buried in a grave just outside Jerusalem and transformed into a new garden producing fruit that brings glory to our Father. Fruit that will spill over into the world with His love in action. The Holy Spirit can bring life into the darkest places.

Jimshebosh Township is being transformed by the Power of the Resurrection through the gospel of love. May you find hope today in the power of the Resurrection and a Father God who loves to turn graves into gardens.

**The pictures that follow are the building just erected on a cleared dump. Preparations are being made to make this into a  ministry center for feeding the community as well as a much needed pre-school for the children. Thank you to those in the Ocean family for your part in turning graves (and dumps) into a garden for God’s glory!






Where True Joy Comes From!

Written by Mike Verkaik

An amazing team from Haven church in Zeeland and Holland Christian just returned from Oceans Retreat Center.  Working through jet lag, my heart is still overjoyed for such an amazing time, and I  praise Abba for assembling a group with such a hunger to hear from Him during Oceans’ Kingdom Encounter in South Africa.

Beforehand this simple question was asked, “What is your greatest fear concerning this trip?” I was astonished by the deep honesty as they responded with words like, “ I am longing to encounter God in such a new and special way, and am afraid that I will be disappointed.”

Be blessed as you hear from the deep souls of teenagers which have encountered our Father’s Kingdom exploding in their hearts.  Today’s entry is from Sabrina as she spent 2 hours in Groot Constantia, the oldest vineyard in South Africa, followed by a prayer time at Fullies church. 

Monday was a busy but yet such a peaceful day. Mondays are always hard days at Oceanview Care Center because these children have rough family lives and can experience lots of hard things over the weekend. We stayed at the Care Center for a couple of hours and then went to a vineyard for some quiet time and alone time with God.

Anyone who knows me knows that I hate being alone and am always talking to or with people, so this felt like a challenge for me. Once we got to this massive vineyard we all grabbed our lunch, and were told to let the Holy Spirit lead us wherever He wanted us to dwell. I was led down a path near an old pool and sat in the warm sun by some beautiful flowers of all different colors. I began my time by eating my lunch and reading God’s word. I got distracted so easily so during this time every time I heard or thought of something not related to God I would verbally speak “No more distractions” or “It’s all about God right now”.

 As I read I saw some stickers on my sisters water bottle. One said, The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. (Psalm 138:8)  I really started to think about my identity and what God thinks about me. So I continued to read some passages from Ephesians, Philippians, and John. I kinda just let the words sink in and hoped God would put all the pieces together. After that I started to pray and looked at the sky. I could start to feel what God wanted me to write in His letter to me from Him. I started to realize that a lot of times I go to other people, my phone, etc. for attention, which is something I crave. I heard God telling me that I am enough and that he will give me all the attention I need. I heard him saying that he has chosen me to travel the world and to enjoy His creation and that he will fulfill me more than anything else.

Another thing I’ve always struggled with is anxiety and I could tell He was starting to free me of my fear of what others think. I felt a sense of peace that I had security in the Lord for all these things. This time in the vineyard was so cool for me, I prayed and watched the clouds and reflected on all of these things, and then went for a walk around and through some of the vineyard. It was a very relaxing and good thing for me.

After we finished our time in the vineyard, we went into town for dinner and then later headed to a prayer night. I tell you these prayer and worship nights are like nothing you’ve ever experienced in the past. They’re the coolest place where you feel free and just get to talk to God. People are impacted in all kinds of ways at these meetings.

Personally what I experienced kinda tied in with the vineyard. These nights begin with worship, and normally I’m the nervous one who doesn’t like to sing because I don’t want others to hear me. But boy did I feel so free from that anxiety. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and I felt so so free. During the prayer time I just felt God blocking out the distractions and again telling me that I am enough, he’ll fulfill me, and he’ll give me the attention I need. After that time I was so happy and had the true Joy of the Lord. This isn’t the kind of happiness you feel at Disney, or with your friends, or even after winning a big sports game. This is happiness that can only come from God. True Joy.

I am finally learning where my true joy and my identity comes from and that’s from God.


Changing the Atmosphere

The spiritual realm is real and powerful. What plays out there will spill over and impact the physical realm we live in in. The student team out with Oceans found this out the first few days serving here in South Africa.

We were asked to bring anointing oil and pray over the children, teachers, buildings and grounds of the Ocean View Care Center. An intense season of spiritual battles has left a cloud of heaviness and discouragement over the work.

This type of spiritual warfare was new to most of the students and yet they flooded the campus with prayers bringing heavens love down as they prayed over each of the children and teachers. It was beautiful to watch and you could sense there was some spiritual break through.

As we had our family time later that night we went around the room discussing the day. Some in the group shared how they felt a heaviness and a spirit of confusion as they prayed in certain rooms. Others shared how they could see a change in the kids attitude after praying over them.

As the team arrived the next day some were again asked to pray over teachers and students who were not present the day before. The spiritual battles intensified as the Holy Spirit began to bring things to light. Strongholds of unforgiveness, control, witchcraft, and other demonic influences from past hurts and pain begin to manifest in physical ways.

The only thing we could do was continue to cry out to God in prayer asking Him to intervene and minister to the deepest darkest places of pain and brokenness only the blood of Jesus could heal. In one particular case the enemy was very present to the point where you wondered if it was time to leave the room. Yet It was such a blessing to look up and see students on their faces before Abba Father doing warfare in the spiritual realm.

The Father heard their prayers and after a huge battle there was a break through and a spirit of shalom filled the classroom and the teacher. One of the students committed “today was like we’re living in the Bible.” The atmosphere had truly changed from heaviness and darkness to a spirit of peace and love that you could tangibly feel.

All of us were being taught about the power of prayer and the gift it is to unleash the Holy Spirit to change the spiritual atmosphere. In Paul’s famous teaching on spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:10-18, he concludes by saying:

“Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit, stay alert and be persistent in your prayers…” (vs. 18).

To honest none of us felt equipped to deal with what we were facing yet as we cried out in prayer the Holy Spirit took charge of the situation and brought the victorious power of Jesus to overcome the enemy.

In the days we are living in we are going to see more spiritual warfare as demonic powers seek to build strong holds to hold the Father’s children in bondage. But Abba has given all His children the gift of prayer, calling out for His presence to work through our weakness to reveal His glory to change the spiritual climate.

Take up Paul’s command to “pray at all times on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit,” and watch Him change the atmosphere.








The “V” in LoVe

What does perfect love look like? Oceans currently has team out from the US. As preparation for the trip they were given the assignment to read and mediate over John 13-17 a month prior to the trip. For me these are some of the most profound and powerful words of Scripture.

Jesus has a few hours with His disciples before He is betrayed and sentenced to death the next day. So what He does and says in these passages highlights intensely everything He has taught them for the past 3 years.

And the first thing He does in the upper room is show them a picture of perfect love. He gets on the floor and “shows the full extent of His love” (13:1) This past Sunday at a church service we discussed how perfect love can be described with the “V” in the word love.

Perfect love always first descends. As you write the letter V the first stroke is down. Jesus got down as a humble servant to wash smelly, dirty feet. A lasting picture for His followers of what love looks like. Paul describes what Jesus did that night this way:

“Though He was God He did not demand and cling to His right as God. He made Himself nothing; He took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form He obediently humbled Himself even further by dying a criminals death…” (Phil. 2:6-8).

Love comes down from the Father and the Son through the cross and washes all our sin away. At the bottom of the “V” is us. Will we let Him wash us? Will we say yes to His saving love? You recall Peter protested in pride and told Jesus “You will never wash my feet!” Jesus responded, “If I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.” Peter quickly revered his protest.

For those who receive this descending love of Christ, this gift of the Father, love then ascends. The line of the “V” goes up and represents being raised with Him in the resurrection and His ascending glory.  Listen to Paul again from Philippians 2:

“Because of this, God raised Him up to the heights of heaven and gave Him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” (vs. 9-10).

The descending Servant is now the ascending King and for all who believe in this gift of love the “V” stands for Victory!  Can you shout amen!  The perfect love of Christ makes us victorious and also vessels of blessing. After Jesus gets up from the washing He says, “now it is your turn!  As I have loved you, and washed you now you do what I have done and you will find the path of blessing,” (John 13:15-17).  This is how the world will know we our followers of Jesus by being vessels of His love, pouring it out on the world around us, (John 13:34)

Sunday the team got to practice the “V” of love right after the service. The Pastor called them up and had them pass out food parcels to needy families as well as serve them lunch. It was a joy to watch as the love of Christ flooded hearts and filled the atmosphere with the blessing of heaven.

I pray during this holy season and beyond you will experience the “V” of love!





The Invitation to Intimacy

My friend Tubal is a high ranking officer in the South African Navy who has trained thousands on the skills of being a good sailor. However what stirs his heart more than anything is opening doors for others to have an intimate encounter with Father God.

One of Tubal’s passions is food, he is an amazing cook and loves to share a good meal with others as a way to love them and lead them to Jesus who he so faithfully serves. This past Sunday 60 men feasted on steak, eggs, chips (or called fries in the US) at Fullies church.  It was amazing, my mouth still waters as I reflect on it.

But before we cut into our steaks we were invited to the Heavenly Father’s banqueting of perfect love. We worshiped, listened to the Father’s Word and spent time on our knees asking the Holy Spirit to open our ears to hear His intimate voice.

The atmosphere became thick with grace as Tubal then led us in partaking of the Lord’s Supper. As we participated in the broken body of Christ and His shed blood I felt the Father whisper;

“My precious Son Jesus is my gift of intimate love let Him bring you deeper into My heart to places beyond comprehension.  My heart is the safest place you can be, My heart holds you, forgives you, heals you, restores you to live as a victorious beloved son of the Father.”

To be honest I did not want to leave that moment, it was a taste of eternal glory to come. As our time came too quickly to a close I found the friend I invited and we started on our walk home. There was a huge smile on his face when I asked him what he thought. Listen to his response:

“Tim, I knew something special was going to happen as we walked into the room. I asked God to show me the truth I need to see. When we were praying on our knees I was overcome with the Father’s love for me. I asked Him for forgiveness for thinking He was like my earthly father and all the pain he brought into my life. But now I know He is not like that He loves me, He forgives me, He will never let me go and I’m His son…”

I can’t tell you about the absolute joy his words brought as this brother has been on a difficult life journey. All glory to the Spirit of the Father who brought him to the truth of His intimate love for him. This is the message the Father has for all His children, He wants intimacy with us, an intimacy that will heal us and set us free from the grips of satanic lies and the bondage to sin.

Jesus is our invitation from the Father. He invites us to Abba’s banquet of love through His life, death, and resurrection power. During this precious season as we prepare to celebrate the saving work of Christ remember the Father is inviting you to His banqueting table to “taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him,” Psalm 34:6.

“Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that He has lavished on us! He has called us and made us His very own beloved children.” 1 John 3:1