The Invitation to Intimacy

My friend Tubal is a high ranking officer in the South African Navy who has trained thousands on the skills of being a good sailor. However what stirs his heart more than anything is opening doors for others to have an intimate encounter with Father God.

One of Tubal’s passions is food, he is an amazing cook and loves to share a good meal with others as a way to love them and lead them to Jesus who he so faithfully serves. This past Sunday 60 men feasted on steak, eggs, chips (or called fries in the US) at Fullies church.  It was amazing, my mouth still waters as I reflect on it.

But before we cut into our steaks we were invited to the Heavenly Father’s banqueting of perfect love. We worshiped, listened to the Father’s Word and spent time on our knees asking the Holy Spirit to open our ears to hear His intimate voice.

The atmosphere became thick with grace as Tubal then led us in partaking of the Lord’s Supper. As we participated in the broken body of Christ and His shed blood I felt the Father whisper;

“My precious Son Jesus is my gift of intimate love let Him bring you deeper into My heart to places beyond comprehension.  My heart is the safest place you can be, My heart holds you, forgives you, heals you, restores you to live as a victorious beloved son of the Father.”

To be honest I did not want to leave that moment, it was a taste of eternal glory to come. As our time came too quickly to a close I found the friend I invited and we started on our walk home. There was a huge smile on his face when I asked him what he thought. Listen to his response:

“Tim, I knew something special was going to happen as we walked into the room. I asked God to show me the truth I need to see. When we were praying on our knees I was overcome with the Father’s love for me. I asked Him for forgiveness for thinking He was like my earthly father and all the pain he brought into my life. But now I know He is not like that He loves me, He forgives me, He will never let me go and I’m His son…”

I can’t tell you about the absolute joy his words brought as this brother has been on a difficult life journey. All glory to the Spirit of the Father who brought him to the truth of His intimate love for him. This is the message the Father has for all His children, He wants intimacy with us, an intimacy that will heal us and set us free from the grips of satanic lies and the bondage to sin.

Jesus is our invitation from the Father. He invites us to Abba’s banquet of love through His life, death, and resurrection power. During this precious season as we prepare to celebrate the saving work of Christ remember the Father is inviting you to His banqueting table to “taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him,” Psalm 34:6.

“Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that He has lavished on us! He has called us and made us His very own beloved children.” 1 John 3:1








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