Day 35 of 40 – The Power of a Praying Church
Why did the early church need to be prayer dependent? Are there situations in your church, culture, and world that highlight the need to be prayer dependent?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that oceansministries contributed 39 entries already.
Why did the early church need to be prayer dependent? Are there situations in your church, culture, and world that highlight the need to be prayer dependent?
Have you encountered a divine appointment recently? Do you think the church should depend on the divine appointments birthed in prayer for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Why or why not?
As you think about the tough reality of spiritual attacks, how can focusing on the complete sovereign control of the Lord give you hope in the midst of your battle? Stay the course and keep climbing Prayer Mountain!
In Acts 2:42-47, we get the “four pillars” of the early church – teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. How is prayer the “glue” that holds all the pillars together?
How does praying with others in unity and perseverance bring honor and glory to God the Father?
I was excited to talk with Roger about a small soccer academy for teenage boys from the township of Jim se Bos which was just started. The academy includes classes, soccer instruction and discussions about Biblical themes. With Valentines’ Day approaching the boys were asked to define love. Their reply was uncontrollable giggling. These teens […]