Entries by Tim Spykstra

Our Great Need for Spiritual Fathers

By way of a miracle Patty and I were able to get back to the US for a few weeks. It has been a whirlwind of a time trying to pack in a wedding, family visits, some ministry appointments and a little biking. One of the gifts was to spend time with our fathers.  As […]

The Quiet Peace of the Holy Spirit

The blog below is by Dawn Verkaik and her experience at a Spiritual Retreat called the Quest. Oceans Retreat Center is hoping to host a Quest South Africa retreat for men in February 2022. As I headed out the doors of a ranch with 14 other women in silence, I was fully equipped to spend […]

7 Years of the Father’s Faithfulness!

In the Bible the # 7 points to God’s perfection & completeness.  The best picture of this is Jesus Himself. The perfect Savior, He is  King of Kings. Yes, Jesus is the gift of the Father that shouts out for the world to see His faithfulness. We give thanks to our Good Father and His […]

Please Don’t Forget Thursday!

Why is Thursday so important you ask? No, it is not a public holiday, and I don’t know of anyone famous who has a birthday on the 13th. And for most people it will be just another ordinary Thursday at work, school or home.  So what’s the big deal? Here is the reason why; on […]