Entries by Tim Spykstra

Attracting the Dove – A Longing Soul

I so appreciated the “dove” sightings that were shared with me after the last blog. One of the pictures and stories, which blessed me, was from Karen, whose husband Rick passed away in March. Rick, was and I believe still is, a prayer warrior for many of us as he sits with Christ in the […]

Attracting the Dove

  I recently read about a missionary couple sent to Israel. They were given a home to live in near Jerusalem. After a few weeks, they noticed that a dove moved in the eave of the roof of their home. They took this as a sign of God’s favor over them in Israel. But they […]

A Mother’s Heart

  I asked Danell Czarnecki, a Board Member of Oceans Ministries, to share this post and invitation to Africa. As we celebrated Mother’s Day this past weekend it was such a blessing to have all three of my children and their families together. My son has recently moved his family to another state, so having […]

Randy’s Church

Part 2 from the Wooden Shoe! For the past few weeks I have found myself in Randy’s* room, one of the residents of the Wooden Shoe Motel. Randy struggles with addictions, but I found his room to be a place of peace. During my first visit to his room I heard all about his childhood […]

Jesus at the Wooden Shoe

I asked Mike Verkaik to share about an Oceans Ministries work going on right in Holland Michigan. Be blessed as you read how our Good Father is at work.  How did he get here? This was the question I contemplated after talking and praying with Sam* in his hotel room while volunteering for Jesus on […]