Learning to Live in the Cloud – Hope


A big hand came down into the room and lifted me up with a secure loving grip and I heard a voice say, “It is going to happen.”


Several years ago I had this vision/dream above that brought me an incredible amount of hope and peace in the midst of an overwhelming season of life. I remember shortly after this encounter I went to my Bible and looked up all the texts that highlighted the hand of God in the Bible. One passage in particular which sunk deep into my soul was Isaiah 41:10:


“So do not fear, for I am with you do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


I shared these events with my sister Cindy, who sent me the picture above, which has been a focal point in my office for several years now. The mystical hand coming out of the cloud serves to continually remind me of the promised HOPE found in the verse of Isaiah 41:10.


As I learn to live in the cloud by FAITH, I hold on to the HOPE that my Father holds on to me with a secure grip that will never let me go. The Hand of the Father is best seen in the physical hands of Jesus stretched out on the cross to rescue us from our sin and secure a forever relationship of love (John 10:28-29).


Looking back over the years since that dream/vision of “the hand” and the confirmation found in the promises of Isaiah 41:10 I can testify to how my Father has strengthened me and upheld me by His righteous right hand. As I live into the mystery of the cloud and move forward in FAITH, I do so with a SECURE HOPE that His Hand of love is bringing me into His perfect purposes, “It will happen!”


Today as you live in your own cloud, hold on IN HOPE that your Good Father upholds you and is carrying you forward to His perfect plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).


“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love,” 1 Corinthians 13:13.


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