Abba Father’s Play House – A Standing Stone to the Goodness of the Father

What a blessing to share that in October Oceans Ministries celebrated its 4th Birthday! As the board reflected over the past four years we were overwhelmed by the Father’s faithfulness and the countless ministry opportunities provided.

Beautiful Gate Care Center in Lesotho Africa is near and dear to our hearts and Oceans was recently asked to provide funding to erect a new building that would house a space specifically as a playroom for the children. If you have volunteered at Beautiful Gate you likely recall that the soft play room for the babies as well the toddler room in one of the houses is woefully over crowded and challenging for staff.

Oceans Ministries’ board felt the Father strongly calling us to provide the funds as a way to give Him Praise and Thanksgiving for His faithfulness. The building would stand as a testimony to the Goodness of the Father and a way to say thank you to all of you who have prayed for and supported our call to Make the Love of the Father Known to Physical and Spiritual Orphans around the World.

Abba’s Play Room represents a physical picture of the spiritual reality of the Kingdom of God. Paul states in Romans 14:17:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” 

Each of us is an orphan who has been adopted into the family of God by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. And because of that amazing love we have become the Father’s beloved children and brought into His playroom that is filled with perfect peace and joy through the Holy Spirit.

We believe Abba’s Play Room will be a living testimony to what it means to live as joy-filled children in His Kingdom.

This Thanksgiving season we want to give praise and thanks for all of you who have joined Oceans Ministry on the Journey to Make the Love of the Father Known. You have been part of a miracle from the Father’s hand that shouts aloud His praise over our world. We pray Abba’s Play Room will serve as a symbol of our deepest gratitude to both God and to you for partnering with us in the Gospel.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea,” Habakkuk 2:14.

With sincere thanksgiving,

Steve Dykstra, Ken & Danell Czarnecki, Mike Verkaik, Tim Spykstra





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