Finding Your Song – Becoming a Sanctuary
I could have cried the entire service as the glory of Resurrection day filled the sanctuary. After a simple gospel message several stood up to surrender their lives to Jesus to shouts of joy from the body of Christ.
We then heard heart grabbing testimonies from some of those being baptized. Prison, battles with addiction, sickness, and times of deep brokenness helped usher those who shared into a life altering encounter with the mercy of Christ. Their hearts sang glorious songs of praise for what their Savior had done. As they came up out of the water more shouts of joy shook the room.
The goal of Finding Your Song is for your life to become a Sanctuary of Praise. If you look back on King David’s life God used it all to turn his life into a temple of worship. Loneliness, loss, rejection, betrayal, wilderness, waiting, compromise, lies, adultery, murder, family failures, pride, and a whole lot more prepared David to be a man who had a heart that hungered after One Thing- the glorious beauty of a loving and forgiving God who alone deserves to be radically worshipped (Ps. 27:4).
One of David’s greatest sins led to an outpouring of amazing grace and this ultimately birthed a physical sanctuary, the temple, where God’s glory reigned down for centuries on His people (1 Chronicles 21ff.) David’s son Solomon built the temple in location where David received grace for the sin of pride-counting his military men.
Our Good Father is in the business of building sanctuaries out of our failures, wounds, sins, weaknesses, and wilderness wonderings through an encounter from the Son of David, Jesus. When we are at our weakest He is at His best and reaches down from Heaven with His nail scared hands and offers to come into our lives and build a sanctuary of praise.
On Resurrection Sunday we witnessed the King reaching down to sinners with mercy and grace and transforming them into Sons and Daughters of the King. This encounter happens when we reach up to Jesus and He starts building a sanctuary in our hearts-for His glory. Yes! Heaven’s joy invaded hearts! Praise erupted! And the beauty of Jesus flooded the room!
Abba Father has created you and I for a song and He is scribing it at this very moment in your heart. Raise your hands, give Him all your sins, weaknesses, addictions, failures, loneliness, rejection, disappointments, etc. Receive from His glorified nail-scarred hands His forgiveness, love, and every good gift granted from your Father above! Let Him do the work in your heart and turn your life into a Sanctuary of Praise!
“Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving I will be a living sanctuary for you,” (Vineyard Worship).